
  • 网络three legs;Three-legged
  1. 那只猪很漂亮,可只有三条腿,右后腿还是用木头做的!

    It was a nice pig . But it only had three legs . The right back leg was wooden !

  2. 这个只有三条腿的椅子很漂亮。

    The chair which has only three legs is very beautiful .

  3. 从TAF的金属材质香槟酒桌到NormArchitects的三条腿折叠椅,这些设计如同线条画摇身一变而成了家具。

    From TAF 's metal champagne tray table to Norm Architects " three-legged folding chair , the designs resemble a line drawing turned into furniture .

  4. 当Reuben把信念带回家时,她实际上有三条腿,但是左前腿是严重的畸形,向后倒着生长,并且比正常狗多长了一个趾头。

    When Reuben brought Faith to us she had3 actual legs , but the left front leg was badly deformed , placed backward , upside down , and it had more toes on it than normal dog legs .

  5. 韩梅,那个三条腿的东西是什么?

    Han mei , what 's that thing with three legs ?

  6. 规是中国传统器物,一般有三条腿。

    A gui is an ancient Chinese pitcher with three legs .

  7. 舞台中间放着一张三条腿的椅子。

    A three-legged chair was in the centre of the stage .

  8. 终于克隆出长着三条腿的鸡。

    Before I finally cloned a kind of chickens whit 3 legs .

  9. 三条腿研究方法与教育史研究

    The Three Methods and the Research on History of Education

  10. 网格蛋白就是那些三条腿的分子,它们可以自己组合成足球的形状。

    Clathrin are these three-legged molecules that can self-assemble into soccer-ball-like shapes .

  11. 但我的第三条腿才是真的厉害。

    But it is my third that has true genius .

  12. 多明戈斯的灵魂甚至扮成三条腿的狗出现。

    The soul of Domingos even appears disguised as a three-legged dog .

  13. 那个三条腿的桌子是钢做的。

    The table with three legs is made of steel .

  14. 炉膛里支撑烹饪用具的三条腿的金属架。

    A three-legged metal stand for supporting a cooking vessel in a hearth .

  15. 露西指着一个有三条腿和一个奇怪的顶部的怪怪的东西问。

    She pointed at a strange thing with three legs and a strange top .

  16. 我买了一张有三条腿的桌子。

    I bought a table with three legs .

  17. 奇怪的是,这条狗只有三条腿。

    Peculiarly , the dog has three legs .

  18. 这把椅子只是有三条腿。

    This chair has only three legs .

  19. 突然,她发现了一张三条腿的小桌,桌子是玻璃做的。

    Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table , all made of solid glass ;

  20. 我们迫切需要的是凳子的第三条腿金融稳定使命。

    What is desperately needed is a third leg to the stool a financial stability mandate .

  21. 带有竖琴状结构的琴弦的钢琴;通常由三条腿支撑。

    A piano with the strings on a harp-shaped frame ; usually supported by 3 legs .

  22. 很标准的猫坐姿,尾巴绕的多标准!可是只有三条腿支撑她的身体。

    She is sitting , actually the quite standard posture , but only3legs are supporting her .

  23. 然后他对锅说:你有三条腿而我只有两条腿。

    Then he said to the pot , You have three legs and I have only two .

  24. “三条腿”的方法和特点迎合后现代主义者的口味。

    The three methods in the research on history of education cater to the needs of postmodernists .

  25. 第16单元三条腿的鸡

    Unit 16 Three legged Chicken

  26. 有一天,有个人在乡间小路上开着车,看到一直三条腿的鸡。

    A man was driving along a rural road one day when he saw a three legged chicken .

  27. 清洁卫生、砧木消毒和土壤消毒这是良好的预算计划的三条腿。

    Sanitation , clean stock , and soil sterilization or pasteurization provide three legs of a good preventive program .

  28. 如果亚欧会议的这三条腿都足够结实,每一个大国都可以运用这种三角关系,并使之成为地缘政治中的杠杆。

    If all three legs of ASEM were equally strong , each power could use the triangle for geopolitical leverage .

  29. 为了弄清楚如何机器人可以适应失去肢体,科学家正在研究的三条腿的狗出卓越的适应。

    To figure out how robots could adjust to losing a limb , scientists are examining the remarkable adaptations of three-legged dogs .

  30. 那个人跟着来到农舍前,看到院子里有个人,还有很多只三条腿的鸡。

    The man followed the chicken to the house and saw a man in the yard and dozens of three legged chickens .