
  1. 三大教育理念与工程人才培养体系

    Engineering Talent Training System Guided by " Three Comprehensive Education Ideas "

  2. 学生自主观念的产生得益于三大教育心理学流派&人本主义、认知理论和建构主义的发展。

    The spring-up of learner autonomy benefits from the development of the three major Schools of educational psychology & Humanism , Cognitive Theory and Constructivism .

  3. 家庭教育在教育体系中占有十分重要的地位,与学校教育、社会教育并称为三大教育体系。

    Family education in the education system plays a very important position , and school education , social education and called the three education systems .

  4. 本文通过对教育心理学中行为主义学习理论、认知学习理论和人本主义学习理论三大教育心理学流派的总结和概括,探讨教育心理学对英语教学的影响和启示。

    This article is devoted to the brief generalization and summary of behaviorism , cognitive theory and humanistic theory in educational psychology in order to study their effect on and reaction to English teaching .

  5. 然后,结合三大教育理论以及新型的学习理论:非正式学习、情境学习、活动学习等对移动学习的学习模型进行研究。

    Secondly , combined with three education theories and new theories of learning , including informal learning , situational learning , activity learning , etc. , the thesis analyses the learning model of mobile learning .

  6. 近年来,众多的现代教育理论,特别是人本主义、认知主义和建构主义三大教育理论影响着我国教育领域的教学改革。

    Over the recent years , a great number of modern educational theories , especially Humanism , Cognitive psychology , and Constructivism , influence , in variety of forms , the teaching reform in the educational field of our country .

  7. 终身教育·全民教育·全纳教育&对战后三大国际教育思潮的剖析

    Lifelong Education · Education for All · Inclusive Education & Parse of the Three International Educational Thoughts of Post-world War ⅱ

  8. 德育以“学会做人”为核心,从生活小事着手,策划了三大主题教育。

    With the core of learning to be a man , moral education starts with the small affairs in life and plots the three motif education .

  9. 第一部分主要论述了19世纪末美国公共教育面临问题,人们对公共教育持批评和怀疑态度,埃利奥特肯定了公共教育具备三大功能:教育本身是一门艺术;

    The problems of public education in America at the end of 19th century were described in the first part .

  10. 他们列出了中国人储蓄的三大用意:教育需求、留作生病之用以及赡养父母。

    The top three reasons given were : educational needs , security in case of illness , and caring for parents .

  11. 在正规课程内加入高层次思维技巧、创造力和个人及社交能力等三大资优教育元素。

    To immerse the core elements advocated in gifted education i.e.High-order thinking skills , creativity and personal-social competence in the curriculum for ALL students ;

  12. 本文力图从人才培养模式的三大要素(教育目标、教育制度、教育过程)出发来考察北美住院医师培养模式运行的现状、困境和出路,以对我国完善住院医师培养模式提供参考和借鉴。

    E. education aims , education process and education system , for talent cultivation . It will prompt and perfect the training model for residents in China .

  13. 我国三大经济地带教育投入弹性的差异分析试论中国近海两个坳陷带油气地质差异性

    Differences in Educational Input-Output Elasticity in Three Economic Regions of China ; Analysis on differences of petroleum type and geological conditions between two depression belts in China offshore

  14. 第六章将我国经济总体细分为若干省级单位,结合时间序列与截面资料,用面板数据模型分析三大经济区域教育产出结构、资源配置和中国经济增长之间的关系。

    Combining the time series with the cross-section information , we use panel data models to analyze the associations of educational output structure and resource allocation with the economic growth in the three major economic regions in China .

  15. 三大创新与高校教育创新

    " Three Major Innovations " with Innovative Education in College and University

  16. 高校图书馆作为学校的三大支柱之一,教育学生是其根本的职能;

    As one of the three major components in university , the library 's basic function is to teach students .

  17. 作为现代教育科学与研究的三大主题之一,教育评价在语言教学中极为重要。

    Assessment is of great significance in language education and belongs to one of the three major subjects of modern educational science and research .

  18. 重庆三大经济区高等教育结构布局研究发展中的三从一大

    Study on the Structural Layout of the Higher Education in the Three Economic Zones in Chongqing " Train Hardly , Strictly , Practically with Great Quantity " and Its Development

  19. 该机构将重点放在经济社会发展的三大方面健康、教育和物质生活水准,并就联合国各成员国实现这些目标方面的进展情况撰写报告。

    The agency focuses on three broad dimensions of development - health , education , and material standard of living - and reports on progress towards these goals among UN members .

  20. 要把握教师专业发展首先要端正三大认识,即教育专家不等于教育学者,教育技能不能代替教育感受力,教师的生存境界不能代替发展境界;

    Three distinctions must be clear in order to understand the professional development of college teachers : education experts are not necessarily education scholars ; teaching skills can not replace teaching inspirations ;

  21. 从新农村建设提出的背景和新农村建设的基本内涵入手,概括出新农村建设思想政治教育的三大特点,即教育对象的层次性、教育内容的针对性和教育方法的多样性。

    Proceed with from the background and the basic connotation of new rural construction , summed up the three characteristics about ideological and political education in new rural construction , namely the level about object of education , the diversity about education contents and education methods .