
  • 网络amine oxide
  1. 电位滴定法测定烷基氧化胺及其游离烷基胺

    Determination of the Alkyl Amine Oxide and Free Alkyl amine by Electric Potentiometry

  2. 氧化胺的开发现状及应用

    Exploitation actuality and applications of amine oxide

  3. 它是将木质浆粕溶解于氧化胺(NMMO,N-甲基吗啉-N-氧化物)溶剂中,经除杂直接仿丝而成。

    It is produced by dissolving wood pulp in NMMO solvent , then spinning directly .

  4. 十二烷基二甲基氧化胺的合成及应用研究

    Study on the synthesis and application of dodecyl dimethyl tertiary amine oxide

  5. 含磺基氧化胺表面活性剂的合成和性能

    Synthesis and Properties of a Series of Amine Oxides Containing Sulfonic Group

  6. 十二烷基二甲基氧化胺含量的化学法测定

    Determination of Dimethyl Dodecyl AmineOxide Content by Chemical Method

  7. 过氧化胺为牙齿美白粉中的活性成分,在口腔中会分解为过氧化氢。

    The active ingredient in tooth-whitening bleaches is carbamide peroxide , which breaks down into hydrogen peroxide in your mouth .

  8. 采用正交试验法对十二烷基二甲基氧化胺的合成工艺条件进行了研究,获得了在催化剂存在下的最优合成条件。

    The synthetic technological conditions of dodecyl dimethyl tertiary amine oxide were studied by orthogonal experiments . The optimum synthesis conditions were obtained in the presence of catalyst .

  9. 得到一浅黄色胶状固体,用乙醇分离精制后得到一种浅黄色固体,该固体的红外光谱在968cm~(-1)处有弱吸收,符合氧化胺的特征吸收。

    A pale yellow solid is obtained after defined with ethanol . There is a weak absorption in 968cm ~ ( - 1 ) in IR spectrum of this solid and it according with amineoxide .

  10. 氧化叔胺的合成及其在超细CaCO3制备中的应用

    Study on Synthesis of Tri-alkyl-amine-oxide and Application in Preparation of Ultra-fine CaCO_3

  11. 生化方面,SSAO催化伯胺的氧化脱胺生成相应的醛、氨和过氧化氢(RCH2NH2+O2+H2O→RCHO+NH3+H2O2)。

    Biochemically , SSAO catalyzes the oxidative deamination of primary amines to produce aldehydes , ammonia , and hydrogen peroxide ( RCH2NH2 + O2 + H2O → RCHO + NH3 + H2O2 ) .

  12. 氧化三甲胺和甜菜碱含量分别为80~100mg/1009和300~320mg/100g之间,TCA、PCA、SSA三法比较接近,而AL法明显偏低。

    The contents of trimethylamine oxide and betaine are between 80 100mg / 100g and 300 320mg / 100g . The . TCA , PCA , and SSA methods produced a very similar result , but the AL method gave a very low content of trimethylamine and betaine .

  13. 新型泡沫稳定剂氧化叔胺的合成研究

    Study on Synthesis of a new foam stabilizer - tertiary amine oxide

  14. 鱿鱼丝氧化三甲胺热分解模拟体系的研究。

    Thermal decomposition of TMAO model systems of shreded squid .

  15. 氧化三甲胺对生长猪生产性能和胴体性状的影响

    Effect of trimethylamine oxide on growth performance and carcass traits in growing pigs

  16. 十二烷基二甲基氧化叔胺合成方法的探索

    Study of the Synthetic Method of Alkyl Dimethylamine Oxide

  17. 泡沫稳定实验显示氧化叔胺是一种较好的新型泡沫稳定剂。

    The foam stability experiments showed that the tertiary amine oxide is a good new foam stabilizer .

  18. 大孔型聚合物氧化三甲胺的制备及其氧化卤代烃成醛的研究

    Preparation of a macroporous polymer-bound N-oxide and Study on using it as an oxidizing agent in oxidizing primary halides to aldehydes

  19. 鱿鱼丝在贮藏过程中会产生甲醛,它是鱿鱼丝中氧化三甲胺经一定途径降解的产物。

    Formaldehyde is produced during the storage of shredded squid , which is one of the degradation products of trimethylamine N-oxide .

  20. 呼气分别在0、7、15、30、45、60、90分钟直接收集于1mmol氢氧化海胺中。

    Breath samples were collected in 1 mmol hyamine hydroxide at 0 . 7 . 15 . 30 , 45 . 60 and 90 min.

  21. 研究鱿鱼丝在贮存过程中甲醛含量的变化时发现,贮存过程中甲醛含量的变化与氧化三甲胺有关。为了探讨水发水产品中甲醛残留、变化规律,在实验室进行了鱿鱼干涨发实验。

    The formaldehyde content is closely related with trimethylamine-N-oxide ( TMAO ) through studying the change of squid thread in the course of storing .

  22. 介绍了用十二胺合成氧化叔胺的方法,研究了叔胺及氧化叔胺的合成工艺条件和影响反应的因素。

    A synthetic method of amine oxide from dodecyl amine was introduced . The factors which influence the reaction and synthetic conditions of tertiary amine oxide were studied .

  23. 同时,柠檬酸和茶多酚具有降低氧化三甲胺热分解产生甲醛的作用,可作为鱿鱼丝理想的甲醛抑制剂。

    At the same time , citric acid and tea polyphenols could decrease the content of FA , which can be used as an ideal inhibitor in squid . 6 .

  24. 研究了在酸性介质中铬(Ⅳ)催化溴酸钾氧化二甲苯胺蓝褪色的最佳条件。

    The trace of Cr in water was determined by spectrophotometry based on the catalysis of Cr (ⅵ) to the oxidation of xylidene blue by potassium bromate in acid medium .

  25. 提取物中含氮化合物的分布为:游离和结合氨基酸氮占71~78%,核苷酸类氮占9~11%,甜菜碱氮占3~5%,氧化三甲胺占1~2%。

    The distribution of nitrogen compounds are as follows : free and combined amino acids 71 78 % , nucleotides 9 11 % , betaine 3-5 % , and trimethylamine oxide 1 3 % .

  26. 在硫代硫酸钠存在下的硫酸介质中,碘对溴酸钾氧化间胺黄褪色具有抑制作用,建立了测定微量碘的新方法。

    A new kinetic spectrophotometric method for the determination of micro amounts of iodine was developed based on the principle that I - inhibits the discoloration of metanil yellow oxidized by potassium bromate in sulfuric acid medium in the presence of sodium thiosulfate .

  27. 研究了以TS为载体的催化剂催化氧化脱除三甲胺的臭味。

    Thecatalyst using TS as supporter was studied in deodorizing trimethylamine by catalytic oxidation .

  28. 溴酸钾氧化酸性间胺黄动力学光度法测定食品中微量碘

    Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Determination of Micro Iodine in Food With Metanil Yellow Oxidation by Potassium Bromate

  29. 以巯基氧化剂联胺引发培养人内皮细胞脂质过氧化损伤,从形态和功能两方面,研究了硒对内皮细胞损伤的保护作用。

    Lipid peroxidation was initiated in cultured human endothelial cells ( ECs ) with diamide and the protective effect of selenium on ECs were investigated .

  30. 因此在根管填充针方面,聚酯型聚胺酯做为基材之氧化锌聚胺酯复合材料于根管治疗临床应用上之可能性极高。

    It is found that no matter in mechanical properties or thermal properties ; ZnO / TPU composite has great potential in the root canal filling material .