
  1. Sn-Mo混合氧化物的缺陷结构及催化性能的研究

    Studies on Defect Structure and Catalytic Properties of Sn-Mo Oxides

  2. 通过模拟改进了浇注系统设计方案,有效地防止铝合金阀盖氧化物夹杂缺陷的产生。

    Based on the simulated results , the gating system was optimized to effectively eliminate oxides inclusion in aluminum alloy valve cover .

  3. 氯化氢中的氢元素与铀作用产生氢化铀,后者在氧和氯存在的条件下,反应生成氢气,氢气在金属/氧化物的缺陷区富集,产生气泡,从而极大影响材料的使用寿命。

    Uranium reacts with hydrogen in HCl , producing uranium hydride which in return reacts with oxygen and chlorine to produce hydrogen . This reaction significantly decreases the lifetime of the uranium .

  4. 运用辐射感生氧化物、界面缺陷模型并结合MOS器件寄生二极管等效电路模型解释了实验结果。

    The experimental . results were interpreted by means of the irradiation-induced oxide traps and interface traps in MOS structure , and the equivalent diode circuits of pMOS FETs under transient irradiation .

  5. 几种氧化物晶体的缺陷检测

    The Defects Inspection of Some Oxide Crystals

  6. GB/T9634-1988磁性氧化物零件外形缺陷极限规范的指南

    Guide to the specification of limits for physical imperfections of parts made from magnetic oxides

  7. 锂锰氧化物中氧缺陷对电化学性能的影响对此类材料的合成提供了理论和实践依据。

    The effect of oxygen vacancies in lithium-rich manganese oxides on the electrochemical performance was discussed .

  8. 深入研究高Tc超导氧化物材料中的缺陷化学,对于制备性能良好的高品质材料和从化学上探讨氧化物材料的超导机制可能有着重要的意义。

    To research the defect chemistry in high - Tc oxide superconductor is significant for preparing high-quality materials with good properties and studying superconducting mechanism of oxide materials with chemical view .

  9. 锡和锌复合氧化物的合成及其缺陷结构

    The Preparation and Its Defect Structure of Tin and Zinc Complex Oxide