
  1. 铝及铝合金阳极氧化膜着色技术研究进展

    Research Advances on the Coloring Technology of Aluminum and Its Alloy

  2. 铝合金阳极氧化膜着色封闭的透射电镜分析

    TEM Analysis of Anodic Oxide Film Colored and Sealed on Aluminium Alloy

  3. 杂质离子对铝阳极氧化膜电解着色的影响

    Influence of Ionic Contamination on the Electrolytic Coloring of Anodized Aluminium

  4. 铝合金阳极氧化膜电解着色及功能膜应用

    Electrolysis Coloration and Applicatons of Aluminum Alloy Anodic Oxidation Film

  5. 镍&锌双盐铝阳极氧化膜电解着色工艺研究

    Electrolytic Colouring of Anodized Al and its Alloy in Ni-Zn based Electrolyte

  6. 铝氧化膜电解着色研究

    Study of electrolytic coloring of anodized Al film

  7. 电解着色工艺条件对着色膜颜色的影响铝氧化膜电解着色研究

    Effects of electrolytic colouring conditions on coloured film study of electrolytic coloring of anodized Al film

  8. 本文综述了铝及铝合金阳极氧化膜电解着色技术的发展过程、着色机理及在功能方面的最新研究进展。

    This article summarized the anodic oxidation film of the aluminum and the aluminum alloy electrolysis coloration developing process , coloration mechanism and the newest progress at function film .

  9. 采用二步交流电解着色法,研究了硫酸阳极氧化膜、着色液成分对1235铝合金着色效果的影响,提出了最佳工艺条件。

    The two-step electrolytic colouring method was adopted . The influences of sulphuric acid anodic oxidization film and the composition of a colouring solution on the colouring effects of aluminium alloy No. 1235 were investigated and the excellent process conditions were proposed .

  10. 铝阳极氧化膜交流电解着色机理研究

    An Approach to the Mechanism of AC Electrolytic Coloring of Anodized Aluminium

  11. 铝阳极氧化膜多色彩电解着色工艺

    Electrolytic multi-coloring technique of anodic coating on aluminum

  12. 铝和铝合金氧化膜锡盐电解着色溶液的稳定性及着色工艺的研究(下)

    Study on the stability coloring process of Stannate electrolytic coloring solution for anodized Al and its alloy (ⅱ)

  13. 铝和铝合金传统瓷质阳极氧化工艺首先获得乳白色瓷质氧化膜,然后电解着色得到各种色彩外观。

    In traditional ceramic anodizing process for aluminum and its alloy , ivory ceramic oxide film was initially obtained , and the film was subsequently electro-colored to have various color appearance .