
  • 网络oxidation stability;oxidation resistance;Tost
  1. 对PUFA甘油酯进行氧化稳定性研究。三种抗氧化剂中,抗氧化效果的强弱为TBHQVE柠檬酸。

    The effect for the oxidation stability of PUFA glycerides was TBHQ VE citric acid .

  2. 苜蓿连作土壤剖面Kos的变化显示:随土层深度的增加,氧化稳定性也逐渐增加。

    The soil oxidation stability in profile increased with the depth of soil layers on continuous alfalfa cropping .

  3. 冷榨制取与超临界CO2萃取核桃油的氧化稳定性比较研究

    Study on Oxidative Stability of Cold Pressed and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extract of Walnut Oil

  4. 维生素E、硒对熟化及贮存过程中牛肉氧化稳定性的影响

    Influence of Vitamin E and Selenium on the Oxidative Stability of Beef during the Maturation and Storage

  5. 含铬碳化物的氧化稳定性SiC质耐火材料的氧化机理

    Oxidizing Mechanism of Silicon Carbide Refractory Material

  6. β-胡萝卜素和VE对饲喂鱼油日粮鸡肉中脂肪酸组成及其氧化稳定性的影响

    The effect of B-carotene and V_E on the composition of fatty acids and their peroxidation stability in chicken meat

  7. 喷涂维生素A、维生素E对冷藏期间延边黄牛肉色和氧化稳定性的影响

    Influence of spraying vitamin A and vitamin E on the color and antioxidative stability of cooled beef from Yanbian cattle

  8. 含有0.03%GTP的鲤鱼鱼块表现出最好的品质特性(p<0.05),包括氧化稳定性、蛋白变性、微生物生长和感官评价。

    Carp minced fillet containing 0.03 % GTP showed the best characteristics ( p0.05 ) in relation to oxidative stability , protein denaturation , microbial growth and sensory evaluation .

  9. 研究了日粮维生素E、硒水平对熟化过程中牛肉氧化稳定性的影响。

    The experiment studied the influence of the levels of vitamin E and selenium on the oxidative stability of beef during the maturation .

  10. 碱式氯化铜对肉仔鸡的生物学有效率、饲料中维生素E的氧化稳定性和生物安全性研究

    Effect of Dietary Supplementation with Copper Sulfate or Tribasic Copper Chloride on Broiler Performance , Relative Copper Bioavailability , and Oxidation Stability of Vitamin E in Feed

  11. 在饮料中,斥水微胶囊DHA的氧化稳定性显著高于水溶微胶囊DHA和乳化DHA油;

    Hydrophobic microencapsulated DHA was more stable to oxygen than hydrophilic microencapsulated DHA and emulsified DHA oil in beverage .

  12. 同一煤种对LDPE和LLDPE的稳定性影响一致,即热及热氧化稳定性均增加,而对于高密度聚乙烯却是增加了聚合物热稳定性而降低了聚合物的热氧稳定性。

    The coal have same effect on thermal and thermal oxidation stability of LDPE and LLDPE , but contrary on the HDPE .

  13. 对由红花籽油制取的共轭亚油酸(CLA)和红花籽油组成脂肪酸(SFA)进行氧化稳定性比较。

    The oxidative stability of conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) prepared from safflower oil was compared with that of safflower fatty acids ( SFA ) .

  14. OSI法测定其氧化稳定性,结果显示苍耳籽带壳烘烤后提取的油脂氧化稳定性显著升高。

    The result by OSI method showed that the oxidative stability of xanthium oil was obviously raised when unshelled seed had been baked .

  15. 由于t(wc)小,PPR-4和TPC-5是氧化稳定性差的材料。

    The poor thermal oxidation stability of PPR-4 and TPC-5 is attributed to their short t wc .

  16. ATA液压油还具备极出色的防锈、防腐蚀、抗泡和氧化稳定性,适合所有液压系统使用,包括一般喷注机及高速、高负载及高温操作的液压传动系统。

    This product is suitable for all hydraulic system including the ordinary injection moulding machines and any hydraulic transmission system operated at high speed , heavy load and extreme temperatures .

  17. LP-15聚酰亚胺复合材料热氧化稳定性研究

    Thermo oxidative Stability of LP 15 Polyimide Composites

  18. 随PMDE含量的增大,树脂粘度和冲击强度降低,热氧化稳定性提高。

    With increasing of PMDE content , the resin viscosity and impact strength decrease , while the thermooxidative stability increases .

  19. 初步认为用有机质氧化稳定性(Kos值)比用有机质含量或活性有机质含量能够更好地作为渍害土壤判断渍害程度的标准。

    It is concluded preliminarily that the oxidability of organic matter can be used as a better index in judging waterlogged degree of paddy soils than OM or LOM .

  20. 金属磁记录粉表面包覆硅烷偶联剂(KH550)可以明显改善其氧化稳定性。

    The magnetic and chemical stability of α - Fe metal magnetic recording particles can be modified by chemical surface coating with silane coupling agents .

  21. 碳纤维增强的树脂基复合材料在250、288和320℃具有良好的热氧化稳定性,在320℃,经过500h后热氧化失重≤3%;

    The continuous carbon fiber reinforced composites exhibit high thermo-oxidation stability at 250,288 and 320 ℃, and the weight loss is lower than 3 % after 500 hours thermal oxidation at 320 ℃ .

  22. DE42的玉米糖浆替代30%变性淀粉微胶囊化海藻油,能提高其氧化稳定性;

    Oxidative stability of microencapsulated algal oil was improved by using corn syrup of DE42 in place of30 % of modified starch .

  23. 结合环境友好润滑油产品的开发工作,用加压差热扫描示量法(PDSC)研究了菜籽油、双酯、多元醇酯等几种基础油的氧化稳定性,并与旋转氧弹的结果进行了比较;

    The oxidative stability of several base oils of biodegradable lubricants , such as rapeseed oil and three kinds of synthetic esters was evaluated using pressure differential scanning calorimetry ( PDSC ) and the results was compared with that of rotory bomb oxidation .

  24. 蚕蛹油的性质及氧化稳定性研究

    Study on the properties and oxidative stability of silk cocoon oil

  25. 蔗糖酯对精炼大豆油氧化稳定性的影响

    Effect of sucrose esters on oxidation stability of refined soybean oil

  26. 本文研究了LP-15复合材料的耐热氧化稳定性。

    The thermo oxidative stability of LP 15 composite is investigated .

  27. 微波加热对花生油氧化稳定性的影响

    Influence of microwave heating on the oxidative stability of peanut oil

  28. 猕猴桃籽油的提取及其氧化稳定性的研究

    Study on Extraction and the Oxidative Stability of Kiwi-fruit Seed Oil

  29. 提高大豆油水乳状液氧化稳定性的研究

    Study on Oxidative Stability of Soybean Oil - in-water Emulsion Containing Iron

  30. 结果表明所有复合膜都展现出优良的氧化稳定性和热稳定性。

    All of the membranes are thermal and oxidative stable .