
  1. 论《新闻调查》出镜记者的叙事特质

    A Discussion on Narration Characteristics of On-camera Correspondents and Reporters in " News Probe "

  2. 研究电视出镜记者和采访对象的人际交流,有利于出镜记者更好的挖掘、报道新闻事实。

    The study on the interpersonal communication of on-camera journalist and interviewee is beneficial for journalists to cover the truth .

  3. 出镜记者自身的受众意识,成为了突发新闻报道中的重要组成部分。

    The On & camera correspondent and reporter 's audience awareness of their own , became the important components of the sudden news .

  4. 在突发事件的现场,出镜记者直接面对镜头,向受众口述正在发生的新闻。

    At the scene in emergencies , On-camera correspondent and reporter are taking place in the oral news facing the camera to the audience directly .

  5. 出镜记者是指在新闻现场,在镜头中从事信息传达、人物采访、事件评论的电视记者和新闻节目主持人的总称。

    The news reporter refers to the site , in lens is engaged in information communication , characters and events of interview comment TV reporter and news anchor .

  6. 包括调整突发事件电视直播理念、实现突发事件电视直播的常规化、提高出镜记者的现场报道能力以及融合电视媒体与新媒体。

    Including adjustment of unexpected events live television concept , realization of unexpected events televised routine , improve reporter live coverage ability and integration of television and new media .

  7. 当代电视体育传播视阈下的出镜记者素养初探&兼与对2008年奥运会我国体育出镜记者的预测性研究

    A Preliminary Research on the Accomplishments of Journalists under Camera in the View of Modern TV Communication of Sports & A Predictive Research on the Chinese Sports Journalists under Camera in the 2008 Olympic Games