
  • 网络Merge layers;flatten image;Layer Merge;Merge Down;Ctrl E
  1. 合并图层不再需要,可以关闭小眼睛。

    Click back onto the layer and we can see our image .

  2. 在合并图层,选择并复制图层;

    Get to the " Merged Layer " . Select and copy the image into the layer .

  3. 为了快速开发原型,将数据库访问合并到视图层,打破数据与视图严格分离的限制,这是可以接受的。

    For quick prototyping efforts it is acceptable to combine the database access in the view layer , compromising the strict separation of data from view .

  4. 在每两个小行星中间再放置一个小星星,将这些小行星合并为一个图层。

    Fill the gaps with more stars and merge together to create another star layer .

  5. 多复制一些小星星放置在矩形周围,并将这些小行星合并为一个图层。

    Create more duplicates and decorate them along the border of the rectangle . Select and merge all the star layers .