
  • 网络REFERENCE LINE;guide
  1. 这些参考线用于划分页面,有助于您定位对象。

    Use these guides to divide up your page . They can help you position objects .

  2. 调整横向屏幕方向设置下的笔记容器的阴影和书写参考线的明暗度:单行纸:有着横线的书写用纸。

    Adjust the darkness of note container shading and writing guides for landscape screen orientation : Ruled-paper : paper with horizontal lines for writing .

  3. neisen方程或其他物态方程的重要参考线,改进对偏离Hugoniot状态(off-Hugoniot)的认识。

    Isentropes can be used as the reference of Gruneisen EOS and other EOS forms , whose knowledge is very important for understanding the off - Hugoniot states .

  4. 红细胞、淋巴细胞、中间细胞计数鉴别S1-2与S3-4的ROC曲线下面积分别为0.414、0.436、0.502,相似于诊断参考线下面积(P>0.05)。

    And the areas under ROC curve of red blood cell , lymphocyte and mid cell count for differentiating S 3-4 from S 1-2 were 0.414, 0.436 and 0.502 , which were similar to that under the diagnostic reference line ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 在中等压力范围内(对于金属铝大约为50~200GPa),选择线性关系表示的冲击绝热线为参考线和Appy物态方程所计算得到的等熵压缩线与实际情况更加接近;

    In the intermediate pressure range ( about 50GPa ~ 200GPa ), the compression isentropes calculated from the linear Hugoniot as the reference of Gruneisen EOS and the Appy EOS are much more approach to the experimental data or reference data .

  6. 目的探讨颅外体表参考线与大脑前、后联合(AC-PC线)之间的关系,为脑功能性立体定向手术颅内靶点定位提供可靠、准确的体表参考线。

    Objective Search to the relationship between intracranial anterior commissure and posterior commissure ( AC-PC ) line and extracranial reference line . To find out an accurate extracranial basic scanning line and make use of this basic scanning line as MRI-guided target localization before stereotactic functional neurosurgery .

  7. 照射剂量参考线为90%等剂量曲线。

    The reference dose curve was the isodose curve of 90 % .

  8. 参考线放样在横断面测量中的应用

    Application of Reference Line Lofting in Surveying Cross Sections

  9. 建议用两路直流放大器的零补偿线作为参考线。

    Using zero compensating line of two direct-current amplifiers as a reference line was suggested .

  10. 当拓扑边发生分裂或曲面相交产生多条交线时,提出利用参考线进行区分的方法。

    References are used to distinguish the split edges and the multi-edges that produced by surfaces intersection .

  11. 一个坐标系中的固定的参考线。地固地心直角坐标系

    One of the fixed reference lines of a coordinate system . ECEF - Earth Centered Earth Fixed

  12. 存储与将安装门的墙壁的参考线之间的偏移。

    Store the offset from the reference line of the wall over which the door will be placed .

  13. 调整人台&人台上的各种线条作为立裁用的参考线,必须正确归位,否则会影响服装整体的平衡性。

    They are used as reference points in draping and must be properly aligned to result in well-balanced patterns .

  14. 不过,您只能在创建标尺参考线的母版页上移动母版页标尺参考线。

    However , you can only move a master page ruler guide on the master page where it was created .

  15. 此参考线指示打印页的右边距,这取决于计算机的默认打印机。

    This guide indicates the right margin of the printed page , based on the default printer for your computer .

  16. 输入与要安装窗式墙的墙壁的内侧之间的参考线偏移。

    Type the reference line offset from the inside of the wall over which the window wall will be placed .

  17. 在书写到屏幕的边缘之前就显示段落下一行的书写参考线

    Display the writing guide for the next line of the paragraph well before I have written to the edge of the screen

  18. 方法采用鼻尖圆弧弦为参考线,并重新定义了鼻尖角、鼻小柱角、鼻唇角的概念。

    Methods We defined again the concepts of the angles of lateral nasal tip via adopting the reference line and infralobular chord .

  19. 拖动后可为焊接形状添加参考线、尾部和引线,然后将其他焊接形状附加到其上。

    Drag to add a reference line , tail , and leader for a welding shape , then attach other weld shapes to it .

  20. 讨论在用双接收器方法测量同位素比时,量度补偿峰参考线的选择问题。

    The problem of selecting the reference line for measuring compensating peak was discussed , when the isotope ratio was measured with a double detector .

  21. 这种倾向使油箱为接近主轴参考线提供了一种持续的平衡直升机在整个飞行过程。

    This orientation allows the fuel tank to be closer to the main shaft reference line – providing a consistently balanced helicopter throughout the entire flight .

  22. 用数学分析证明本底补偿峰作参考线来校正测量时的本底是欠妥的。

    It has been proved by mathematical analysis that using the method of compensating peak of background as a reference line for background correction is unproper .

  23. 可以从标尺“拖出”这些线,作为在工作区上放置组件时的垂直或水平参考线。

    These can be " dragged out " of rulers , providing a vertical or horizontal line to reference as you place components on the workspace .

  24. 本文利用一条等熵参考线和两个等焓偏导数建立了火箭发动机性能参数的外推公式。

    In this paper , the extrapolation formulas of rocket engine performance parameters are established utilizing one isentropic reference line and two partial derivatives for fixed enthalpy .

  25. 字符识别中的一种情形,其中同一行上两个连续打印字符的字符间隔参考线的间距小于指定的距离。

    In character recognition , a condition in which the characters spacing reference lines of two consecutively-printed characters printed on the same line are separated by less than a specified distance .

  26. 一直延续到页面边缘(直到您书写到屏幕的边缘时,才会显示段落下一行的书写参考线)

    Extend across the page to the edge ( The writing guide for the next line of the paragraph will not appear until you have written to the edge of the screen )

  27. 第一种方法首先在图像中计算一系列的参考线来检测肺部区域在整个图像中的大致位置。

    The first method calculates a set of reference lines to determine the relative position of the lungs in the image . Mediastinal and costal edge points are detected on the image which is the results of the application of a 1-D first derivative Gaussian filter to image rows .

  28. 提出了几种独立测定激光等离子体X射线波长的方法,这些方法无需任何参考谱线或谱仪参数。

    Several methods of wavelength determination without reference wavelengths are proposed .

  29. 本文提出并讨论了实验植物对Sr、137Cs的截获因子(R)、90易位因子(TLFa)和叶面积指数(LAI)参考趋势线,同时提供了实验条件、土壤性质等背景资料。

    Experimental data of interception factor ( R ), translocation factor ( TLFa ) and leaf area index ( LAI ) are reported and discussed in this paper . The background data of deposition experiments including experimental conditions , soil properties etc. are provided too .

  30. 走向是倾斜平面与水平参考成交线的迹线。

    Strike is the trace of the intersection of an obliquely inclined plane with a horizontal reference plane .