
  1. 本文以去掉一个环路的900MW三环路核电厂为参考电厂来进行两环路核电厂概率安全分析(PSA)。

    The PSA for the two-loop nuclear power plant was performed on the basis of the Guangdong nuclear power plant simplified by removing one from three loops as a reference NPP .

  2. 清华大学核电厂模拟培训中心模拟机的参考电厂是美国西屋公司设计的,其模型中没有堆芯过冷度显示系统的模拟。

    The reference plant of the simulator in Tsinghua University Nuclear Power Plant Training Center was designed by Westinghouse Company , USA. There was no simulation of Core Subcooling Display System ( CSDS ) .