
cān jiā
  • participate in;attend;part;work for;join;take part in;engaged in;enter;give (advice,suggestion,etc.);get involved in;partake;go along
参加 [cān jiā]
  • (1) [join;enter;paticipate]∶加入某种组织或活动

  • 参加同盟会

  • 参加音乐会的演出

  • (2) [give (advice,suggestion,etc.)]∶提出;发表(意见)

参加[cān jiā]
  1. 需交20英镑才可参加。

    It costs £ 20 to join .

  2. 安杰拉说她渴望参加业余戏剧班。

    Angela says she longs to join an amateur dramatics class .

  3. 所有候选者都要参加一次小测验。

    All candidates will be required to take a short test .

  4. 有多少国家参加了上届奥运会?

    How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games ?

  5. 参加问卷调查的所有人中有四分之一没有表示明确意见。

    A quarter of all the people surveyed were don 't-knows .

  6. 他已声明打算参加竞选。

    He has already stated his intention to run for election .

  7. 她希望庆祝活动仅限于家人参加。

    She wanted the celebration to be a simple family affair .

  8. 他是打扮成一只大鸡去参加聚会的。

    He went to the party in a giant chicken costume .

  9. 参加本年度马拉松比赛的人数创下最高纪录。

    There 's a record entry for this year 's marathon .

  10. 参加这次会议会对你有利。

    It would be to your advantage to attend this meeting .

  11. 只有五匹马参加第一场比赛。

    There are only five horses running in the first race .

  12. 我不太想去参加这次聚会。

    I wasn 't too keen on going to the party .

  13. 她请了假去参加葬礼。

    She asked for leave of absence to attend a funeral .

  14. 婚礼只邀请了几个至亲好友参加。

    Only a select few have been invited to the wedding .

  15. 明年她将参加高级组别的比赛。

    She 'll be racing for the senior team next year .

  16. 这次受伤可能使他无法参加下周的比赛。

    The injury could mean him missing next week 's game .

  17. 我们所有的亲属都来参加了祖父八十寿宴。

    All our family came to Grandad 's eightieth birthday party .

  18. 他已30多次入选威尔士队参加比赛。

    He has been capped more than 30 times for Wales .

  19. 你若不能参加会议,请通知我们。

    Please let us know if you cannot attend the meeting .

  20. 免费培训有很多人参加。

    There has been a high uptake of the free training .

  21. 我参加不了这次聚会了,真倒霉!

    I shall have to miss the party , worse luck !

  22. 参加一次我们的观察野兽徒步旅行,实地看一看非洲吧。

    See the real Africa on one of our walking safaris .

  23. 参加本课程的大多数人是职业女性。

    Most of the people on the course were professional women .

  24. 所有当地的圣职人员都获邀参加这项仪式。

    All the local clergy were asked to attend the ceremony .

  25. 我们最近15年一直参加反对捕鲸的运动。

    We have campaigned against whaling for the last 15 years .

  26. 有三支队伍参加冠军的角逐。

    Three teams are involved in the chase for the championship .

  27. 这位演员参加任何一项活动,都引起媒体的广泛关注。

    Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage .

  28. 我给参加聚会的人拍了几张精彩的照片。

    I got some good shots of people at the party .

  29. 所有候选者都要参加一个小测验。

    All candidates will be required to take a short test .

  30. 携伴来参加新年迪斯科舞会吧!

    Come to the New Year disco and bring your partner !