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cēn cī
  • Stagger;differ;uneven;irregular;error;similar;uneven in length;casual;untrimmed;unsorted, mixed together;careless;unharmonious
参差 [cēn cī]
  • [similar] 差不多;近似

  • (1) [uneven;irregular]∶不齐

  • 参差荇菜。--《诗.周南.关睢》

  • 青树翠蔓,蒙络摇缀,参差披拂。--唐. 柳宗元《至小丘西小石潭记》

  • 瓦缝参差,多于周身之帛缕。--唐. 杜牧《阿房宫赋》

  • (2) [differ]∶早晚相差

  • 参差了三两年

  • (3) [error]∶差池;失误

  • 没半点儿参差

  • 译意参差

  • (4) [careless;casual]∶马虎

  • 不敢参差

  • (5) [unharmonious]∶关系不融洽

  • 人人不睦,个个参差

参差[cēn cī]
  1. 我相信参差百态,乃是幸福的本源。

    I believe that the irregular phenomena is origin of happiness .

  2. 此陆离非参差之意,而是屈原留下来的夏言史和汉语史上的第一个外来语&琉璃的音译。

    The word liuli does not mean irregular , but was the first loan word in the history of Chinese - a transliteration of liuli , coloured glaze .

  3. 步调参差。

    Marching orders are confused .

  4. 佳期参差。

    The date ( or wedding ) was missed .

  5. 他的航行沿智利参差曲折的海岸线行进。

    His voyage was down Chile 's indented coastline .

  6. 四时更代谢,日月递参差。

    So the four seasons turn , and turn around , the Sun and the Moon rise and fall in succession .

  7. 结论:屈光参差性弱视眼的P和M通道可能都受到了视觉发育敏感期异常视觉经验的影响;

    Conclusions : It was infered that abnormal visual experiences during early development may affect either P pathway or M pathway in anisometropic amblyopia .

  8. 成人近视性屈光参差LASIK术后双眼单视功能的建立

    Research on binocular single vision after LASIK treating adult myopic anisometropia

  9. 基于PLD的参差脉冲周期电路的竞争冒险

    Competitive Risk of the Stagger Impulse Period Circuit Based on PLD

  10. LASIK矫治儿童高度复性近视散光性屈光参差

    LASIK for anisometropia of high myopia and high myopic astigmatism in children

  11. 基于Z域的时变加权参差MTI滤波器设计方法的研究

    Research on the Method to Design Time Varying Weighting Stagger MTI Filter Based on Z-domain

  12. 通常限制最大参差比在15与20,码核在N到3N之间。

    Usually the maximum non-uniform ratio is limited between 1.5 and 2.0 , and the code kernel between N and 3N .

  13. 参差延时技术在QAM系统中的应用

    Application of the Staggered Technique in the QAM System

  14. 基于fMRI的屈光参差性弱视静息视觉网络的研究

    Study on the " resting-state visual network " in patients with anisometropic amblyopia based on fMRI

  15. 一种基于优化参差比的改进MTI滤波器

    An Improved MTI Filter Based on the Optimal Stagger - code Ratio

  16. 但由于缺乏统一的标准和规范,目前市场上基于SSL协议的VPN产品技术参差不起,功能差异较大。

    However , the lack of uniform standards and norms , currently the SSL VPN product are technology varies functions quite different .

  17. 结论LASIK是安全有效的治疗屈光参差的手术方法。

    Conclusion LASIK appears to be safe , effective and preferred treatment for correction of myopic anisometropia .

  18. 屈光参差性弱视眼的对侧眼MLS也较正常组低(0.01<P<0.05)。

    The MLS of the fellow eyes of the amblyopic eyes in anisometropic subjects was also depressed as compared with that of the normal group .

  19. 大扩展比参差MTI滤波器设计

    Design of Non-Uniform-PRF MTI Filter With Large Extension Ratio

  20. 编码信号脉冲压缩和参差MTI的研究

    Research of Coded Signal Pulse Compression and Stagger MTI

  21. 一种高阶参差MTI滤波器设计方法

    A Method of Designing Higher-Graded Staggered MTI Filter

  22. 结论LASIK矫治儿童高度近视性屈光参差是安全、有效的,且可预测性及稳定性均较好。

    Conclusion The technology of LASIK for anisometropia of children with high myopia is safe , effective , predictable , and stable .

  23. 这种改进方法不仅保留了PRI谱方法的优点,对参差雷达也得到了很好的估计结果。

    The new method not only preserves the merits of PRI transform , but also performs well for staggered radars .

  24. 结论在严格的医疗化管理下,利用CL矫正少儿眼外伤术后无晶状体眼的高度屈光不正、屈光参差,恢复双眼视觉是安全、有效的。

    Conclusion It is safe and effective to use CLs in youngsters ' traumatic aphakia with high refractive error and anisometropia after surgery when there is strict medical administration .

  25. 本文采用了结合梯度的混合遗传算法(HGA)选择最优参差码,与标准遗传算法(SGA)相比,该算法只需要很小的种群规模。

    The paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm ( HGA ) based on gradient to select the optimal stagger-code .

  26. 如果超出这个范围则称对应的参差MTI滤波器为大扩展比参差滤波器。

    If the value is out of range , we call the corresponding filter a targe extensio ration non-uniform MTI filter .

  27. 参差时变动目标显示(MTI)滤波器是在强运动杂波背景下检测弱目标和缓解盲速问题的一种有效方法。

    The optimal stagger time-variant MTI filter is an effective method to detect weak target in strong moving clutters and alleviate the blind speed problem .

  28. 选择适当参差码使参差时变MTI滤波器的第一零点尽可能浅,可在有效抑制杂波的同时避免陷入其中的弱目标丢失。

    Selecting the suitable stagger-code to make the nadir as low as possible can efficiently suppress clutters while avoiding the loss of the weak target in it .

  29. 采用滑动脉冲的方式进行MTI滤波器设计,并利用遗传算法搜索最优参差码,有利于检测陷在滤波器第一零点里的弱目标。

    The filter is designed by slipping pulses and the optimal stagger code is selected by GA , so the weak target in first notch can be detected .

  30. 结果不同年龄组患儿疗效差异有显著性(P0.05),斜视性弱视与屈光不正性弱视及屈光参差性弱视相比,疗效差异有显著性(P0.05),轻度弱视的治疗效果明显优于中度和重度弱视。

    Results There was a significant difference in the therapeutic effect among children of different ages ( P0.05 ) . The effect in patients with strabismus amblyopia was significantly different from that in patients with refractive error amblyopia or anisometropia amblyopia ( P0.05 ) .