
  1. 参知健脑片有效组分的最佳配伍筛选

    The Best Combination of Effective Screening Component

  2. 生地对广防己减毒作用最佳配伍比例的研究参知健脑片有效组分的最佳配伍筛选

    Study on Best Comparability Ratio of Radix Rehmanniae with Radix Aristolochiae Fangchi for Attenuation of Toxicity The Best Combination of Effective Screening Component

  3. 1060年《新唐书》完成之后,欧阳修很快升任枢密副使,次年任参知政事,以后,又相继任刑部尚书、兵部尚书等职,在社会事务、财务、军事等方面留下了值得注意的记录。

    When the Xin Tang shu was finished in 1060 , Ouyang was rapidly promoted to the highest councils of state , leaving a remarkable record in social , financial , and military affairs .