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  1. 第五章探讨鸿都门学与曹氏家风对文学的影响。

    The fifth chapter discourses upon the influence hi literature by Hong-Du Men Xue and Cao ' family tradition .

  2. 由于鸿都门学的设立,考试内容以尺牍代替了经学。

    Because of the establishment of Hong Dou Door subject of study , the contents and standard of examination replaced Confucianism .

  3. 灵帝设立鸿都门学的意义,关键不在“文士社会地位的提高”,而在承认文学与政治的分离。

    The significance of the establishment of Hongdumen Academy , was not'the raise of the social status of literati ' , but the recognition that literature may be departed from politics .