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hóng yàn
  • Hongyan;swan goose;Anser cygnoides
鸿雁 [hóng yàn]
  • [swan goose] 一种鸟( Anser cygnoides ),羽毛紫褐色,腹部白色,嘴扁平,腿短,趾间有蹼。吃植物的种子,也吃鱼和虫。群居在水边,飞时一般排列成行,是一种冬候鸟。也叫大雁

鸿雁[hóng yàn]
  1. 有一天,田饶对鲁哀公说:“我要离开大王,像鸿雁那样远走高飞。”

    One day , Tian Rao said to Ai Gong of Lu : " I am going to leave Your Majesty1 , and fly high and far to distant places like the swan goose . "

  2. 论纳兰词的鸿雁意象

    Study about the imagery of swan goose in Na Lan Lyrics

  3. 鸿雁长飞光不度,鱼龙潜跃水成文。

    Hongyan Chang Fei-ray , fish and dragons written submersible water jump .

  4. 我们每天都要鸿雁传书直到他牺牲….

    We wrote every day until ....

  5. 在开始的一段时间里,我们彼此鸿雁传情,她的信件成了我那段艰苦而又漫长岁月中生命里最精彩的部分。

    For a time we corresponded , and her letters were the highlight of those grinding , endless years .

  6. 这是因为它离大王远啊,所以请允许我也像鸿雁一样远走高飞了吧!”

    Therefore , please permit me to fly high and far to distant places like the swan goose . "

  7. 第四章为唐宋名家鸿雁词比较研究。

    Fourthly , comparative study is made on the Wild Goose Ci of famous authors of Tang and Song Dynasties .

  8. 他的广西鸿雁食品有限公司目前每年生产300吨鹅肝,全部用于当地消费。

    His Guangxi Hong Yan food enterprise now produces 300 tonnes of goose liver a year , all for local consumption .

  9. 利用鸿雁传书几乎我们所有人都有远在异地让我们非常想念的朋友。

    Take advantage of the mails Nearly all of us have pals living far away & friends we miss very much .

  10. 湖面波光粼粼,湿地绿草如茵,或水鸟翔集,或鸿雁南飞,成为该区域一个自然景观。

    Sparkling lake , wetlands grass , waterfowl Elique and Swan goose fly to south , as a natural landscape of the region .

  11. 第二章从两个层面对鸿雁意象进行诠释,以展现其丰厚意蕴及抒情倾向。

    Secondly , there is an annotation on the Wild Goose literary image from two aspects to present its wealthy connotation and lyricism .

  12. 田饶顿了顿,接着说:“至于那鸿雁,一飞就是千里。

    Tian Rao paused and then continued : " As to the swan goose , its one flight covers I , 000 li .

  13. 还有,秋风萧瑟的天空,一行行鸿雁振翅南飞,叫声不绝,我从中听到了思乡的回音。

    There were the echoes of nostalgia I heard in the crying strings of wild geese winging South against a bleak , autumn sky .

  14. 你在网上认识了很多优秀的朋友,一时间鸿雁传书,玉照纷飞,我不该用报纸上的报道打击你。

    You know a lot of good online friends , a time of geese , Yuh-chao , swirling , I should not use newspaper reports against you .

  15. 中国空间技术研究院院长张洪太称,该研究院今年将发射一颗卫星,以展示鸿雁网络使用的技术。

    Zhang Hongtai , president of the academy , said his academy will launch a satellite this year to demonstrate technologies to be used by the Hongyan network .

  16. 再之后,他告别京城鸿雁南飞,音讯渐渺,直到10年后重返北京。

    And then after that , he took leave of capital as wild goose flying southward , tidings gradually became rare , till returned Beijing ten years ago .

  17. 以鸿雁山庄的构思过程为例,探讨源于生活、以生活为材料、以生活为宗旨,型化为建筑的构思法则与其间的意趣。

    Taking the example of the design process of Hongyan villa , this article discusses the architectural design methodology from life , for life , based on life and form into architecture .

  18. 清代一些学者基于鸿雁难以猎获等考虑,认为《仪礼.士昏礼》所记礼物雁是指家鹅。

    Considering the fact that it 's difficult to capture wild geese , some scholars in the Qing dynasty believed the gift geese in Rites : Weddings of the Gentry had to be domestic geese .

  19. 卡莉是在拆开104封信件和电报后做出的决定,从加拿大的温莎来到伦敦的威尔斯登格林,这些信件和电报穿越大西洋,鸿雁来往于在英国的艾琳和加拿大士兵尼克之间。

    Carly was inspired to move from Windsor , Canada , to London 's Willesden Green after uncovering a pile of 104 letters and telegrams sent across the Atlantic between English Irene and Canadian soldier Nick .

  20. 其实,时光就是一幅画,让我在这个秋天里安静下来,独坐于秋水一处,望远山,不见鸿雁,凝眸深处,天高云淡。

    In fact , time is a picture , let me calm down in the autumn , sitting alone in the relaxed and one , long-term perspective , nothing Hongyan , Ningmou deep , The sky was clear .

  21. 鸿雁鹅庄被装修成欧洲阿尔卑斯旅馆的风格,在宣传这家餐厅的闪亮霓虹灯中有4个汉字,炫耀着其“中法合资”的身份。

    Among the bright lights advertising Hong Yan goose heaven , which has been decorated in the style of a European alpine Lodge , are four Chinese characters boasting that the establishment is a zhong-fa Hezuo , or Sino-French co-operative .

  22. 手执一张瑶琴弹奏起悠扬的旋律,送给那一对幸福的鸿雁,歌颂它们不管经历多少的风雨,总是相依相伴,永不分离。

    With one precious zither and perform the melodious melody for one pair of swan goose full of blessedness , eulogizing that no matter how much wind and rain experiences , they always rely on one another and will not separate forever .

  23. 25、思念中我一千次一万次地问鸿雁问明月问春风,愿鸿雁将我的眷恋捎给你;愿明月将我的问候带给你;愿春风将我的关切送给你!

    I pray for the swan goose , the moonlight and the spring breeze for thousands of times , wishing the swan goose can bring my miss to you ; the moonlight can convey my greeting to you ; the spring breeze can send my care to you !

  24. 航天科技集团中国空间技术研究院称,当鸿雁卫星星座建成时,将由超过320颗卫星组成,该星座在近地轨道运行,能为全球用户提供无死角的通话服务和宽带网络连接。

    Upon its completion , the Hongyan constellation will consist of more than 320 satellites operating in low-Earth orbits , capable of providing phone service and broadband internet access to users anywhere on the globe , according to the China Academy of Space Technology , part of CASC .