
  • 网络Chinese Modern Architecture
  1. 现代艺术框架中的中国现代建筑艺术性问题研究

    Research on the Artistic Issues of Chinese Modern Architecture

  2. 数字梁亭&对于中国现代建筑民族形式的新思考

    The Digital Liang Pavilion & An Experiment for the Chinese Modern Architecture Form

  3. 20世纪中国现代建筑史研究发凡

    Research on Chinese Modern Architectural History in the Twenty Century

  4. 对中国现代建筑艺术情结的质疑

    A Query of the Artistic Complex of Modern Chinese Architectural

  5. 中国现代建筑文化的本土语言

    Local Language of Modern Architectural Culture in China

  6. 中国现代建筑如何吸取传统精华

    On assimilating traditional elite for Chinese modern architecture

  7. 中国现代建筑教育技术的探索大型钢结构制造中若干新技术

    Several Items of Modern Technology for the Construction of Large Sized Heavy Steel Structures

  8. 十问中国现代建筑史

    Ten Questions about Chinese Modern Architectural History

  9. 中国现代建筑美意识问题一端

    Aesthetic Consciousness in China Morden Architecture

  10. 中国现代建筑的中国表达

    Chinese Expression of Chinese Modern Architecture

  11. 中国现代建筑的传统继承

    Traditional inheritance of Chinese modern architecture

  12. 中国现代建筑理论体系是直接建立在西方建筑理论的基础之上的。

    Architectural theory in the West has formed the fundamental basis of architectural theoretical system of modem China .

  13. 接下来,全面研究和分析了中国现代建筑艺术发展的全过程和各种艺术现象。

    Secondly , the author analyses and revalues the whole history and the artistic trends of the Chinese modern architecture .

  14. 新馆是中国现代建筑民族性表达的典型例证,其成功设计,为更大范围和更多领域内进行中国现代建筑民族性表达提供了参考。

    Its successful design provides a reference for the nationalization of Chinese modern architecture on a larger scope and more areas .

  15. 1952年之后,极端意识形态和政治思想影响控制下的教育理念、以及相关统一实施的教学模式对中国现代建筑教育发展产生了极大的冲击和阻碍。

    After 1952 , the extreme political ideology began to dominate China 's education scene . Architectural education was attacked ; progress was severed .

  16. 第三部分为第六章,是论文的总结,分三个重大历史阶段对20世纪中国现代建筑的整个历史脉络进行回顾和总结

    Part III ( Chapter ) - Overviews and summaries on all Chinese modern architectural thoughts in twenties century which is divided into three important periods

  17. 作为中国现代建筑产业化的试点城市,沈阳一直致力于建设一个现代化建筑的“首府”。

    As a pilot city of modern architecture industrialization in China , Shenyang has been focusing on building a " capital " of modern architectures .

  18. 构图与要素学院派来源与梁思成文法词汇表述及中国现代建筑

    Composition and Element : the Beaux-Arts origin and Liang Sicheng 's " grammar and vocabularies " study of Chinese architecture and its influence on modern Chinese architecture

  19. 中国现代建筑的发展一波三折,它的发展方向一直是建筑界关注的焦点。

    The Chinese modern architecture is having a development full of twists and turns ; its development has always been the concern of the international architecture field .

  20. 本文通过对中国现代建筑理论的奠基人梁思成先生一生的建筑理论和实践建树的广泛学习与考证,着重研究梁思成先生的建筑创作思想。

    Liang 's architectural design ideology through an extensive study of his theory and practice . Mr. Liang Ssu-ch'eng is the founder of the Chinese modern architectural theory .

  21. 继而论述了中国现代建筑中窗的发展、变化,揭示了蕴于其中的建筑技术的发展和社会审美风尚的变迁。

    Then , by investigating the development of the window in Chinese modern architecture , the paper further discloses respective technology advancement and social aesthetic ethos relevant to the window .

  22. 建筑大师张开济,亲身经历了20世纪中国现代建筑史上的许多重大事件,见证了新中国建筑事业的曲折历程。

    Master architect Zhang Kaiji , who experienced many significant events in the history of modern Chinese architecture , is a witness of the spiral that shaped the build course of PRC .

  23. 怎样才能设计出兼具民族性和现代性的建筑作品?本文对苏州博物馆新馆从中国现代建筑民族性表达的角度进行剖析,试图探究出一条具有普遍意义的途径。

    How can we design the construction works that both have national and modern character ? The thesis analyzed the New Suzhou Museum from the view of expression in traditional style of the modern architecture .

  24. 至今,我国建筑创作的总体水平有了长足的进步,但在世界建筑舞台上仍扮演着配角,中国现代建筑特色的形成还有待时日。

    Up to now , our country 's overall level of architectural creation has considerable progressed , but in world stage we still act as " the minor role ", the formation of Chinese modern architecture characteristic still waits for the date and time .

  25. 第四部分把对民间砖雕的装饰性与中国现代建筑的装饰发展相联系,以讨论中国现代建筑装饰中民间风格的营造现状以及砖雕这一艺术形式对现代中国建筑装饰设计的启发作用。

    Part IV relates the decorative brick with Chinese modern decorative architecture and focus on two aspects : First , current application of folk-style decoration in modern China ; Second , implication of brick art to the development of modern Chinese architecture decoration design .

  26. 中国近现代建筑艺术是中华民族的宝贵遗产。

    Chinese modern architecture is our nation 's valuable cultural heritage .

  27. 中国现代医院建筑设计新趋势

    The New Trend of Architectural Design for Chinese Modern Hospital

  28. 总的来说,我认为中国的现代建筑是相当让人难忘的。

    I think overall Chinese modern architecture is quite impressive .

  29. 走出中国现代木建筑的禁区

    Out of the Forbidden Zone of the Wooden Structure of Chinese Modern Architecture

  30. 基于传统符号的中国现代地域建筑研究

    Study of the Contemporary Regional Architecture on the Basis of the Traditional Symbol