
  • 网络in-between;Inbetween
  1. 矢量图形动画的一类中间画生成算法

    An in-between generating algorithm of the vector graphic animation

  2. 研究了动画生成的关键帧技术,基于图形的矢量表示法,提出了一种通过网格化一个三维物体来生成中间画的算法。

    A new method of generating in-between was put forward by meshing a three-dimension object based on the presentation of vector graphics .

  3. 拿出一张纸,在中间画一条线。

    Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle .

  4. 然后他在院子中间画了一条线,"把这条线缩短而不能抹掉它的任何部分,"国王质疑道。

    He then drew a line down the middle of the courtyard Make this line shorter without erasing any part of it , " the king challenged .

  5. talk命令会清屏,并在屏中间画一条点线。

    The talk command clears your screen and draws a dotted line across the middles .

  6. 如果把iPad竖起来放在身前,然后想象着在其屏幕中间画一条水平线,那么7英寸平板电脑的屏幕要比这条中轴线还要靠下。

    If you take an iPad and hold it upright in portrait view and draw an imaginary horizontal line halfway down the screen , the screens on the seven-inch tablets are a bit smaller than the bottom half of the iPad display .

  7. 设置宽度为1px,在文字中间画一些小的形状。

    Set the width of the line to1px and add a small shape between navigation text .

  8. 好,这样电脑产生出来的中间画完全没有价值。

    Well , the inbetweens produced by the computer were completely useless .

  9. 接着他拿出一张纸,在中间画了一条竖线。

    On a sheet of paper he drew a vertical line down the middle .

  10. 那天下午,他们还在他们的树房中间画了一条分界线。

    That afternoon they make a line down the middle of their tree house .

  11. 然后计算机基于样条曲线计算出连接关键帧数值的中间画的数值。

    The computer calculates the inbetweens values based on a spline curve connecting the keyframe values .

  12. 拿出一张纸,在中间画一个圆圈&这就是你主页的主题。

    Take one sheet of paper , draw a circle in the middle & this is the subject of your homepage .

  13. 最佳办法是从中间画起,用一支削尖的铅笔由里向外画,层层叠加,使其复杂化。

    The best method was to start from the center and work outward with a sharpened pencil , creating layers of complication .

  14. 没有人是完美的,但是我们都会在能忍受和不能忍受的事情中间画上界限。

    Nobody 's perfect , but we all draw the line on the things we will and will not put up with .

  15. 我还发现有时用更少的关键帧,电脑为我添加的中间画的值更加有益。

    I also found that I used far fewer keyframes overall and the inbetween values that the computer would interpolate for me were far more useful .

  16. 另外在一页纸中间画一条线,一边写“同意的”,另一边写“反对的”也很有帮助。

    Another helpful exercise is to draw a line down the centre of a page and write " for " on one side and " against " on the other .

  17. 如果你们坚持要在卧室中间画道分界线,那当然也是可以的,但是当他们因为害怕要钻到你们的被窝里时,我希望你们能同意。

    And it 's all right if you have to draw a line down the middle of the room , but when they want to crawl under the covers with you because they 're scared , I hope you let them .

  18. 在纸的中间画一条线,在一边写下这些好处,另一边列出吸烟的缺点,例如,它会如何地影响到你的健康,工作,家庭等。

    Draw a line down the center of a piece of paper and write them on one side ; on the other side make a list of all the things you dislike , such as how it can interfere with your health , work , family .