
  1. 中关村在线:中国有着世界上潜在力量最大的市场,您有没有思量设计一下针对中国市场的产品,毕竟中国的人均收入并不高。

    ZOL : China has the largest market potential of the world , Have you ever thought about designing products for the Chinese market ? After all , China 's per capita income is not high .

  2. 比如说新浪,搜房,中关村在线等大型门户网站。

    For example , Sina , search room , Zhongguancun and other large online portals .

  3. 据中关村在线的陈主编分析,国内的竞争者们也为苹果新产品的销售带来了压力,比如本土品牌小米和华为现在正致力于研发符合本土消费者口味的高质量产品。

    Cheng of zol.com.cn said domestic competitors are also putting pressure on iPhone 6S and 6S Plus sales , with local players such as Xiaomi and Huawei developing quality devices that cater to local consumer patterns .

  4. 然而,走私活动依然猖獗,主要原因是港陆之间存在的产品仍然有价格差,北京IT信息服务供应商中关村在线的主编陈剑如此分析道。

    However , smuggling is still an issue , mainly because of the enduring price difference between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland , according to Cheng Jian , editor-in-chief of Beijing-based IT information service provider zol.com.cn .