
  • 网络export agent
  1. 本公司机械处承担机械出口代理业务,以赚取佣金为主。

    Our machinery division mainly act as an export agent on a commission basis .

  2. 我司为机动车零部件及附件制造厂的出口代理,对任何需求,均可满足供应。

    We are export agent for automotive parts and accessories manufacturer who can supply nearly all of your needs .

  3. 我希望做你们的出口代理。

    I 'm willing to handle your exports as an agent .

  4. 你记得那个出口代理公司的名字吗?

    Do you happen to remember the name of the export agency ?

  5. 香港晖埔贸易有限公司是一家集出口代理,销售,服务等业务为一体的贸易公司。

    Enlighten Trading Hongkong Co , Ltd is a professional trading company that engages in exportation , sales and agent service .

  6. 所以我方价格,比其它几家工厂的一般出口代理的要低,且服务又好。

    Therefore , you get lower price and better service than possible through general export agent with only a few factory line .

  7. 深圳通达发贸易有限公司(原名深圳通达商务行)是一家专业从事产品出口代理,英、日、德公文函件写作与翻译的外贸公司。

    Shenzhen Tongda Far Trading is an export agency specializing in the business correspondence and documents to write and translate in English , Japanese and German ;

  8. 经营方式:直接出口,代理出口,合作出口,来料加工,生产加工及购销业务。

    Business Style : direct and indirect exportation , agency , cooperative business , processing on the imported materials , processing and buying and selling business .

  9. 洁净煤技术的主要融资机构包括世界银行、欧洲投资银行、欧洲改革和发展银行、出口信用代理机构和商业银行。

    Main financiers of CCTs development projects include the World Bank group , the European Investment Bank , the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development , Export Credit Agencies , and Commercial Banks .

  10. 图书馆网络双出口方案探讨&代理方式

    Discussing the Agent Mode of the Dual - Export Method of Library Network

  11. 随形势发展,我公司在发展本生的自营的产品出口外,也代理或合作出口和进口的业务。

    With the development of the situation , I Bunsen companies in the development of the self-products exports , but also agents or cooperation export and import business .

  12. 但不得收购非保税区企业生产的货物出口,亦不得代理非保税区企业进口货物。

    However , it may not purchase goods manufactured by enterprises in the non-bonded area ; nor may it act as an agent for enterprises in the non-bonded area to import goods .