
  1. 在我国城市商贸业得到显著发展的今天,构建我国农村现代流通网,大力发展农村商贸业有着极其重要的战略意义。

    It 's of strategic importance to build rural modern circulative net and develop rural commerce in China when China has made great progress on developing urban commerce .

  2. 文章从不同视角着重分析了构建我国农村现代流通网的路径选择,并在此基础上结合当前我国农村实际提出了构建我国农村现代流通网的战略举措。

    This paper mainly makes an analysis of choices of ways to build China 's rural modern circulative net , based on which strategic measures to build it are proposed with reference to the reality of China 's country .

  3. 和平流通被铁丝网及混凝土障碍所截断。

    Peaceful circulation has been interrupted by barbed wire and concrete blocks .