
  • 网络fluid system
  1. 管路建模和流动性能分析是流体系统管路设计最关键两步,两者一般分别在CAD软件和CAE软件中进行。

    Pipeline modeling and flow analysis are two most crucial procedures in pipeline design of fluid system , these two steps are performed respectively in CAD software and CAE software .

  2. 结果表明:流体系统压强的两种相对论属性完全一致,都是Lorentz标量。

    The obtained result is that two kinds of relativistic attribute about pressure of fluid system is consistent completely and are totally Lorentz scalar quantity .

  3. 用于SPR生物传感器的微流体系统设计与制作

    The Design and Manufacture of Microfluid System for SPR Biosensors

  4. 而作为微电子机械系统(MEMS)的一个重要分支,微流体系统已得到了很大的发展和广泛的应用。

    As one of the main branches of MEMS , micro flow systems have achieved a great development and wide application .

  5. 紫金山背斜成矿流体系统包裹体类型主要为富液相包裹体(Ⅰa)、富H2O相包裹体(Ⅱa)及少量富气相包裹体(Ⅰc);

    The main types of fluid inclusions for Zijinshan metallogenic fluid system are liquid-rich inclusions ( I a ), H2O-rich inclusions ( II a ) and subordinate vapor-rich inclusions ( I c ) .

  6. 半经验的模式(如状态方程)或计算机模拟(如分子动力学和MonteCarlo模拟)提供了地质流体系统定量研究的主要方法。

    Both semiempirical models ( such as equation of state ) and computer modeling ( such as molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation ) provide important methods in the quantitative study of geological fluid systems .

  7. 对于从事进口流体系统控制产品代理的JC公司来说,主要的营销对象也正从几年前的外企客户转变为国企客户。

    For JC which engages in fluid system control products , the main object of marketing is also changed from foreign customers to SOE customer a few years ago .

  8. 热水流体系统和贱金属成矿作用发育于义敦岛弧碰撞造山带上的弧间裂谷盆地内,并受其内部的一系列局限盆地及SN向基底断裂-裂隙系统控制。

    The hydrothermal fluid system and base metallic mineralization were developed in interarc rift basins of Yidun arc-collision orogenic belt . The emplacement of orebodies was controlled by a series of restricted basins and SN-trending fault-fissure systems .

  9. 根据Newton-Raphson迭代思想,结合雅克比系数矩阵的压缩存储技术,研究了基于高斯-约当消去法的流体系统控制方程组数值求解方法。

    Based on the iterative algorithm of Newton Raphson , the numerical approach of governing equations of fluid system is studied through combined the gauss jordan elimination with compression matrix storage technology .

  10. 作为MEMS技术的一个重要分支,微流体系统已得到了很大的发展和广泛的应用,但其内部的流动和传递过程的理论仍不成熟。

    As one of the main branches of MEMS , micro flow systems have achieved a great development and wide application . However , there are many unsolved academic problems and challenges in the flow and transport processes of the micro fluidic systems .

  11. 分别用狭义和广义相对论解出了爱因斯坦转盘上的热平衡流体系统内固有温度对柱坐标的依赖关系T0(ρ)。

    The dependence of proper temperature on cylindrical coordinates T_0 (ρ) in thermal equilibrium of a fluid system on Einstein turntable is solved by special and general relativity separately .

  12. 地壳表层(5~10km)是一个流体系统形成和活动的特殊带,因此可以称为流体圈或成矿圈。

    The upper shell of the Earth ′ s crust ( 5-10km ) is a specific zone of origin and functioning of fluid systems and may be called as fluid sphere or ore sphere .

  13. 评述了LIGA、DRIE、EDM、微浮雕、折叠法、RPM6种3维成形法,并指出如何组合它们以适应微光学系统、微流体系统、微机构等商品化的配套需要。

    Three dimensional fabrication methods , such as LIGA , DRIE , EDM , micro relief , folding and RPM are described . These methods are related for commercialization need of micro optical systems , micro fluid systems and micro mechanisms .

  14. 通过匹配渐近展开和格林函数的方法,借助保角交换和求解奇异Fredholm积分方程的技巧,获得了两层流体系统中弱非线性内波在台阶直壁处反射和透射的近似解。

    The approximate solution for the transmitted and reflected waves wave at the vertical wall of the step is obtained by using the methods of the matched-asymptotic expansion and the Green function and some mathematical tech technique such as the conformal mapping theory and the singular Fredholm integral equation theory .

  15. 颗粒-流体系统表观粘度和粒子群曳力系数的研究

    Apparent Viscosity of Particle-Fluid Systems and the Drag Coefficient of Multiparticle

  16. 盆地成矿流体系统研究中的几个重要问题

    Some important problems on the study of basin metallogenic fluid systems

  17. 微泵是微流体系统的基本组件之一。

    One of the basic components in microfluidic systems is micropumps .

  18. 地球内部流体系统科学统一理论

    A universal theory of system science for fluids in the earth

  19. 等温不可压流体系统稳态数值计算方法研究

    Numerical Approach Investigation of Isothermal Incompressible Fluid System in Steady State

  20. 储层超压流体系统的成因机制述评

    Review on formation mechanism of the reservoir overpressure fluid system

  21. 双工位数控分度转台设计中的流体系统

    The Fluid System in Design of Duplex Operation Index Unit

  22. 大亚湾核电站18个月换料对流体系统的影响分析和论证

    Fluid Systems Analysis and Verification for GNPS 18-Months Fuel Cycles

  23. 初论紫金山铜金矿床超临界成矿流体系统

    Preliminary discussion on supercritical ore-forming fluid system of Zijinshan copper-gold deposit in

  24. 二流体系统中界面孤立波的分裂

    Fission of interfacial solitary waves in a two-layer fluid system

  25. 旋转磁流体系统的变分原理及稳定性条件

    Variational principles and stability condition for a rotating MHD system

  26. 流体系统模拟中邻区列表算法的优化理论

    Optimization Theory for Neighbor List Algorithm in Fluid System Simulation

  27. 活塞式隔膜泵流体系统的频率响应分析

    The frequency response analysis on the flow system of the piston diaphram pump

  28. 大别造山带的流体系统与成矿作用

    Fluid System and Mineralization of the Dabie Orogenic Belt

  29. 液压流体系统的频域特性分析

    Frequency Domain Characteristics Analysis of a Hydraulic Fluid System

  30. 二流体系统中自由面及界面上的二阶椭圆余弦波

    Second-Order Cnoidal Waves at the Free Surface and Interface of a Two-Fluid System