
liú gǎn
  • influenza;flu;grippe
流感 [liú gǎn]
  • [influenza;flu] 流行性感冒的简称。由流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病,患者发烧,头疼,畏寒,全身酸痛,咽喉发炎,有时恶心、呕吐

流感[liú gǎn]
  1. 昨天新增十例禽流感病例报告。

    Ten new cases of bird flu were reported yesterday .

  2. 我想我得了流感。

    I think I 'm coming down with flu .

  3. 许多流感药不用处方就可以买到。

    Many flu medications are available without a prescription .

  4. 由于流感,职员短缺的情况更加严重了。

    Staff shortages were worsened by the flu epidemic .

  5. 由于流感爆发已大肆流行,疫苗供应开始消耗殆尽。

    Vaccine supplies started to run dry as the flu outbreak reached epidemic proportions .

  6. 这种疫苗对流感的免疫效力时间较长。

    The vaccine provides longer immunity against flu .

  7. 真不走运——上周我们都得了流感。

    We all had the flu last week ─ it wasn 't very nice .

  8. 他们双双患流感卧病在床。

    They 're both in bed with flu .

  9. 全家都患流感。

    The whole family has the flu .

  10. 突患流感。

    A flu wog struck .

  11. 她患上了流感。

    She 's got flu .

  12. 一位女职员得了流感。

    One of the office girls was down with the flu .

  13. 感冒和流感季节来了,对此我有切身体会。

    I can personally attest that the cold and flu season is here

  14. 他得了西班牙流感,险些丧命。

    He contracted Spanish flu , which almost killed him .

  15. 西班牙流感的大爆发夺去了全球近2,200万人的生命。

    One pandemic of Spanish flu took nearly 22 million lives worldwide .

  16. 这个乐队有3名成员得了流感。

    Three members of the band went down with flu .

  17. 我得了流感,一星期都卧病在床。

    I spent a week in bed with flu .

  18. 你的流感好了,我真高兴。

    I 'm glad that you 're over the flu

  19. 流感病毒有很多不同类型。

    There are many different strains of flu virus .

  20. 他患了严重的流感,尚未痊愈。

    He was recovering from a severe bout of flu

  21. 一场流感正席卷莫斯科。

    A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow .

  22. 每年都有新的流感病毒出现。

    Every year new strains of influenza develop .

  23. 他得了流感病倒了。

    He had come down with the flu .

  24. 这些士兵经诊断患了流感。

    The soldiers were diagnosed as having flu

  25. 疲倦、发烧更有可能是患流感的征兆。

    Tiredness and fever are much more likely to be a sign of flu coming on .

  26. 我得了流感。

    I got flu

  27. 自从我得了流感以来,这段时间一直在下雪,大约每三天一场。

    It has been snowing , roughly every third day , for as long as I 've had the flu .

  28. 由于患了流感,他仍然面色苍白。

    He was still looking grey due to the influenza .

  29. 体育锻炼可以预防流感。

    Physical exercise can protect you against the flu .

  30. 全村的人都得了流感。

    The whole village was attacked with influenza .