
mó tiān lóu
  • skyscraper
摩天楼 [mó tiān lóu]
  • [skyscraper] 楼层特多的高楼

  1. 摩天楼里有电梯,上下很方便。

    With an elevator in the skyscraper , we can easily go up and down .

  2. 摩天楼为雾所笼罩。

    The skyscraper was wrapped in fog .

  3. 北京设计事务所MAD设计的重庆摩天楼,该设计每层设计有花园。

    Beijing architects MAD have designed a skyscraper for Chongqing , China , with gardens at each level .

  4. 180m的生态&环境摩天楼瑞士再保险公司大厦

    Ecological 180m : Environmental Skyscraper of the Swiss Re

  5. 文章对号称伦敦第一座环境摩天楼的福斯特建筑师事务所新作SwissRe大厦的生态设计和技术做出介绍,并对保证其设计的顾问协作机制进行了一定的探讨。

    This paper intended to explore the ecological design strategy and technical approach of the Swiss Re building as Foster 's first environmental skyscraper in London and introduce the consultancy system in the design working flow .

  6. 《火烧摩天楼》是1974年的老片子了,当年的特效别指望啥了,不过故事还是相当出彩,保罗·纽曼等人的演绎也很出色。

    The1974 effects don 't hold up but the story does .

  7. 欲望之塔&纽约百年摩天楼

    Symbols of Desires : One Hundred Years of New York Skyscrapers

  8. 垂直城市&上海摩天楼的发展历程及现象解读

    Vertical City : Interpretation of Process and Phenomenon of Skyscrapers in Shanghai

  9. 那摩天楼以白云为背景矗立着。

    The skyscraper stood against a background of white cloud .

  10. 世纪曙光&以珠江新城新建摩天楼为例论广州摩天楼的新发展

    Dawn of A New Century : The Development of Skyscrapers in Guangzhou

  11. 深圳新世纪摩天楼设计浅析

    The Design of Skyscrapers in the 21st Century , Shenzhen

  12. 总而言之,摩天楼就是力量。

    All in all , the skyscraper is power .

  13. 迷你曼哈顿&记纽约摩天楼博物馆

    Mini Manhattan : The Skyscraper Museum in New York

  14. 它只有23英尺(约合7米)高,看起来像微缩版的铬合金框架摩天楼。

    Just 23 feet tall , it looks like a miniature chrome-latticed skyscraper .

  15. 摩天楼曾经是美国独有的现象。

    Skyscraper was once a purely American phenomenon .

  16. 新世纪摩天楼的发展趋势

    TRENDS Tendency of Skyscrapers in the 21st Century

  17. 另外还出现要在莫斯科建设70层类似摩天楼的计划。

    There are also plans to build a similar , 70-storey skyscraper in Moscow .

  18. 毫无疑问在上海我们放眼一望,到处都是在建的摩天楼。

    In Shanghai of course we see huge buildings being constructed everywhere we look .

  19. 背景是布鲁克林大桥与华尔街的摩天楼。

    The Brooklyn Bridge and the skyscrapers of Wall Street are in the background .

  20. 视线被新建的一座座摩天楼挡住了。

    The view was blocked by new skyscrapers .

  21. 万科中心:最大化景观之上的水平摩天楼,深圳,中国

    Vanke center : a horizontal skyscraper over maximized landscape , shenzhen , china , 2006

  22. 高层建筑的生态设计手法&解读杨经文生态摩天楼的建筑实践

    Ecological Design Tactics of the Skyscraper & Unscramble Kenneth Yeang Building Practice of Ecological Skyscraper

  23. 到了20世纪80年代中期,只有少部分摩天楼打破北京城和谐的景致。

    Until the mid-1980s , only a few skyscrapers disrupted the harmony of the landscape .

  24. 火星崖并非正在扩展的大都会,没有成千上百万的人口,也没有高耸入云的摩天楼。

    Mars Bluff isn 't a sprawling metropolis with millions of people and giant skyscrapers .

  25. 高达1535英尺的东方明珠是上海第二高的摩天楼。

    Number 22 : The 1535-foot-tall Oriental Pearl Tower is the second-tallest skyscraper in Shanghai .

  26. 这座城市的看点在于它那座14世纪的哥特教堂、以及一系列未来主义风格的摩天楼。

    The city 's keysights include its14th-century Gothic cathedral and a host of futuristic skyscrapers .

  27. 绿色摩天楼的设计与规划

    Designing and Planning the Green Skyscraper

  28. 南京摩天楼印象

    Impression of Skyscrapers in Nanjing

  29. 高度在矛盾中攀升&重庆渝中半岛商务中心区硬核区摩天楼发展与反思

    Height Is Rising in Contradiction : Reflections on Skyscrapers in the CBD Hard Core , Chongqing Yuzhong Peninsula

  30. 摩天楼的存在与发展是形成这种肌理的主要原因,20余年来,上海的巨大变迁与摩天楼的建设有着极为密切的联系。

    For the recent 20 years , the great changes in Shanghai have close relationship with the construction of skyscrapers .