
  • 网络moso;mosuo people;the mosuo
  1. 研究摩梭人的专家、佛罗里达大学(UniversityofFlorida)人类学教授施传刚(Chuan-KangShih)表示,这套体系的基础在于一种基本信条,即女性在心智乃至身体上都强于男性。

    According to Chuan-Kang Shih , an expert on the Mosuo and an anthropology professor at the University of Florida , the system is underpinned by a fundamental belief that women are more capable than men , mentally and even physically .

  2. 愿更多的摩梭人能加入上帝的家庭。

    Pray for many Mosuo to join Gods family .

  3. 论泸沽湖摩梭人文化保护区的建立

    On the Establishment of the Lugu Lake Moso Cultural Preservation Zone

  4. 摩梭人的传统医药知识掌握在年长妇女手里;

    The traditional medical knowledge is rested with older women .

  5. 不管怎么说,摩梭人的独特世界正在改变。

    For better or worse , the unique world of the Mosuo people is changing .

  6. 雾是魂,是摩梭人祖先的灵魂。

    The fog is the soul , belonging to the ancestors of the moling people .

  7. 泸沽湖不仅有美丽的自然风景,更有第一流的垄断性的人文资源&摩梭人文化。

    Lugu Lake boasts not only beautiful natural scenery , but also its specific humane resources & Moso culture .

  8. 但专家表示,日益加强的关注致使很多摩梭人对走婚持有矛盾的态度。

    But experts say the increased scrutiny left many members of the group with a conflicted attitude toward tiesese .

  9. 摩梭人基础教育不仅有外部移植的正规学校教育,同时还有日常生活教育和宗教教育。

    Elementary education of the Mosuo people consists of regular school education , daily life education and religious education .

  10. 虽然他们与实行婚姻制度的其他几个少数民族比邻而居,但几乎所有摩梭人都延续走婚传统。

    While they lived alongside several other ethnic groups who practiced marriage , almost all Mosuo continued to practice tiesese .

  11. 摩梭人还认为,世界上人类所珍视的一切均源于一名女性,而不是男性。

    The Mosuo also believe that everything people value in the world came from a woman , not a man .

  12. 摩梭人实行母系家长制。儿童由母亲或母亲的兄弟抚养,通常他们都不知道生父是谁。

    Among the matriarchal Mosuo minority , children are raised by their mothers and maternal uncles and usually don t know their fathers .

  13. 这种情况在1956年发生了改变。当时土司制度走向终结,摩梭人纳入了确立不久的共产主义制度。

    That changed in 1956 , when the chieftain system came to an end and the Mosuo were incorporated into the recently established Communist system .

  14. 随着与外界互动的增加,当地居民及外部专家都担心,摩梭人独特的文化习俗面临严重的威胁。

    As its interaction with the wider society increases , residents and outside experts fear that the group 's unique cultural practices are facing a grave threat .

  15. 摩梭人从元朝(1271年至1368年)开始实行土司制度,遵从严格的社会等级。

    Starting in the Yuan dynasty , which ruled China from 1271 to 1368 , the Mosuo were governed by a native chieftain system with a rigid social hierarchy .

  16. 摩梭人从不结婚,摩梭妇女一生中会找许多情人,通过“走婚”而生育的孩子跟随母亲生活,所有母亲都要接受女族长的监管。

    Instead , womenfolk take a series of lovers throughout their lives , and the children of these " walking marriages " remain in their mothers'homes under a matriarch 's supervision .

  17. 愿圣灵在西昌的彜族人和摩梭人中获得丰收。西昌位于四川西南部,是凉山彜族自治州的首府。

    Pray for the Holy Spirit to bear much fruit among the Yi and Mosuo people in XICHANG , the capital of the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in arid southwest Sichuan .

  18. 可是,我澎湃的思绪并没有停止,我想起了一封最近刚收到的电子邮件,是堂弟发过来的,他说他刚刚发现了摩梭人。

    However , my train of thought didn 't end there , and I got to thinking about an email I had recently received from my cousin who has just discovered the Mosu .

  19. 研究发现(1)摩梭人成年礼仪式蕴含着深刻的教育意义,它包含了教育内容、教育方法和教育主体等多种因素;

    What the research has found are that 1 , there are rich educational implications in the Moso 's rite of puberty , which contain educational contents , methods and receivers of education , etc. ;

  20. 摩梭人文化保护区质疑&论少数民族文化旅游资源的保护与开发*我们怎样可以在各类健康医护服务之间妥善分配资源,以保障市民健康而又同时控制医疗开支?

    Questions about the Establishment of the Lugu Lake Moso Cultural Preservation Zone ; How can we allocate resources wisely among different health care services in order to keep people healthy and contain expenditure on curative treatment ?

  21. 他们的任务是展示摩梭人的传统。这个少数民族据称是中国的最后一个母系社会,孩子跟母亲姓,女儿比儿子更受欢迎。

    Their task is to showcase the traditions of the Mosuo , a minority ethnic group said to be the country 's last matrilineal society , where children take their mothers ' surnames and daughters are preferred to sons .

  22. 摩梭人给兰博这位来自加拿大的跨文化研究专业的毕业生留下如此深刻的印象,促使他发起了一个教育项目,来为摩梭儿童提供更好的受教育机会,以保护他们珍贵的文化遗产。

    The Moso left such an impression on John Lombard , a Canadian who majored in cross-cultural studies , that he is setting up an educational project to give the Moso children better educational opportunities and to preserve their unique and fascinating cultural heritage .

  23. 可悲的是,我没有时间和口才把这些解释给那位司机朋友,而且我也不确信他会被说服,可是至少对于我来说,摩梭人拥有的理念十分正确。

    Sadly , I didn 't have the time or the fluency to explain all this to my taxi driver friend , and I am not sure he would have been convinced anyway , but for me at least , the Mosu have got the right idea .

  24. 旅游发展对摩梭老年人休闲活动的影响&以泸沽湖地区落水村和开基村为例

    The Influence of Tourism Development on the Leisure Activities of the Old Mosuos : A Case Study of Luoshui Village and Kaiji Village in the Lugu Lake Area

  25. 游客们可以观看当地居民身穿色彩斑斓的服装表演传统舞蹈,可以乘船游湖,欣赏摩梭青年男子用摩梭人的语言纳汝演唱情歌。

    Visitors can watch residents perform traditional dances in colorful costumes and can take boat rides on the lake as young Mosuo men serenade them with love songs in Naru , the Mosuo language .