
  1. 这一距离大约是地日平均距离的82倍,并且,发现该行星的天文学家称,HD131399Ab星球的绕行轨道在三星星系中是最宽的。

    That 's roughly 82 times the average distance from the Earth to the sun ― and , according to the astronomers behind the discovery , the widest orbit ever seen for a planet in a triple-star system .

  2. 这一星系中另外两颗行星,HD131399B行星和HD131399C行星在绕行HD131399A行星的同时互绕旋转,它们绕行的距离则是地日距离的300至400倍。

    The other two stars in the system , HD 131399B and HD 131399C , twirl around each other as they orbit HD 131399A at a distance that 's 300 to 400 times greater than the distance from the Earth to the sun .

  3. 谁是在殖民地日接近罗斯林的暗杀者?

    Who is the assassin who appears to be stalking Roslin in " Colonial Day "?

  4. 一年一度的该项赛事是为了纪念国际沼泽地日,比赛要求穿着脚蹼的潜水者不使用常规的游泳姿势游过一条360英尺(111米)的路程。

    The annual event , held in honor of International Bog Day , requires that flipper-outfitted snorkelers swim along a360-foot ( 111-meter ) stretch of bog without using conventional swimming strokes .

  5. 当有什么东西在地日之间的时候,比如说月亮,这时就像没有光从太阳到地球一样。

    AZUZ : When there 's something in the way , like the Moon , it appears as if there isn 't any light making its way from the Sun to Earth .

  6. 在第五次反围剿中,则谓我退一步,敌之堡垒推进一步,根据地日蹙而无法恢复。

    During our fifth counter-campaign , they argued that every time we retreated a step the enemy would push his blockhouses forward a step , so that our base areas would continuously shrink and we would have no way of recovering lost ground .

  7. FFF回归能较好地确定日内周期因子。

    Furthermore , FFF regression works well in determining the intra-day periodicity .

  8. 实测结果表明,由于离开铁路300m以远的环境磁场受地磁场日变化的影响已经无法直接准确获得,因此用理论方法计算显得十分重要。

    The result indicates that , due to the diurnal variation of the geomagnetic field , the environmental magnetic field is hard to be measured directly at the distance of more than 300m away from the railway .

  9. 地磁场日变数据处理方法的探讨

    Investigation of method of processing daily change data in geomagnetic field

  10. 中国地区地磁场日变形态的分析

    Analysis of daily shape of geomagnetic field in China

  11. 不去细致地安排日粮,也不太要紧。

    Failure to ration carefully becomes correspondingly less important .

  12. 由于今天是礼拜天,他地沐日。

    Because today is Sunday , his holiday !

  13. 它可以比较容易地实现日盲式紫外探测和可见光盲式紫外探测。

    With the CMOS UVFPA , the solar-blind UV detection and visible light-blind detection can be implemented easily .

  14. 该报称,产自这里的豆芽销往北京各大批发市场及河北、山东等地,日销量高达20吨左右。

    Up to 20 tons of sprouts a day were sold to wholesale dealers in Beijing and in Hebei and Shandong Provinces , the newspaper said .

  15. 是周,访华府会布什未久,旋即马不停蹄奔赴中东-此一地供日原油三分有四强。

    This week , shortly after visiting Washington for talks with George Bush , he toured the Middle East , the fount of more than three-quarters of Japan 's oil .

  16. 主要研究了太阳引力摄动的影响,并基于地-日限制性三体问题和地-日-月四体引力模型分别对太阳引力摄动影响进行了仿真。

    The effects of solar gravity perturbation are evaluated as a crucial error of all , which based on the Earth-Sun restricted three-body problem and the Sun-Earth-Moon four-body gravitational model .

  17. 马哈地二十二日在巫统年度大会结束时含泪宣布辞去巫统和执政联盟&国民阵线联盟主席职务,而令马来西亚举国震愕。

    On the22nd , at the conclusion of the UMNO annual congress , Mahathir announced in tears his resignation from UMNO and his presidency of the ruling Nasional coalition to a stunned malaysia .

  18. 至于那些想从外部进攻这个国家的人,就必须非常谨慎,因为当君主驻节其地之日,想把它从君主手里夺取过来是极困难的。

    He who would attack that state from the outside must have the utmost caution ; as long as the prince resides there it can only be wrested from him with the greatest difficulty .

  19. 基于地磁场日变规律的基本特性,介绍利用最小二乘法对其日变规律进行具体的讨论,并对其拟合精度进行评定;

    Based on the fundamental properties of the law of daily change in geomagnetic field , the law of daily change in geomagnetic field is discussed concretely by use of least squares method , and its interpolated accuracy is evaluated .

  20. 中国古人很早就会制造这种仪器,它可以用来直观、形象地了解日、月、星辰的相互位置和运动规律,可以说天体仪是现代天球仪的直接祖先。

    The ancient Chinese people learned to make this instrument a long time ago , and used it to pinpoint the position of the sun , the moon , and the stars with respect to each other and to know their movement . The celestial globe is seen as the ancestor of the modern celestial globe .

  21. 结果表明,Kalman滤波算法和二阶差分算法均能较好地实现对日观测卫星三轴姿态角和姿态角速度的估计。

    The results indicate that both Kalman filtering algorithm and second difference algorithm can be used to well estimate the attitude angle and attitude angular velocity of the satellite .

  22. 结果表明:地磁低点位移异常与地磁z分量的季节性变化有关,与地磁场的日变幅度有关。

    The result shows that the abnormity displacement of the low points of geomagnetic record is related to the seasonal changes of geomagnetic Z component and the daily changes of the geomagnetic field .

  23. AR-GARCH模型很好地拟合了日市场换手率时间系列,估计出来的参数十分显著;

    The AR-GARCH model accurately fits the daily market turnover time series with very significant estimated parameters .

  24. 太阳活动密切地影响着日地空间环境和地球高空大气结构,太阳耀斑爆发产生的日冕物质抛射(CME)是空间灾害的主要原因之一。

    Solar activity , especially , Coronal Mass Ejection ( CME ) during a large solar activity affected the space environment of human being and could be one of main reasons of the space disaster .

  25. 注铁后22日龄与32日龄仔猪的血清r-Ig水平差异不显著(P>0.05),但32日龄时的淋巴细胞转化能力明显地高于22日龄的(P<0.05)。

    The difference of the levels of serum r-Ig between 22 days old and 32 days old piglets were not significant ( P > 0.05 ), but lymphocyte transformation ability in 32 days old piglets was significantly higher than that of 22 days old ( P < 0.05 ) .

  26. 科学合理地选择相似日是提高预测效果的有效途径。

    Similar days selecting is the primary and effective way .

  27. 那些已经找到工作的人会开心地庆祝毕业日。

    Those who have already nabbed job offers will greet graduation day with joy .

  28. 这些人不得不不情愿地在酷日下站几个小时。

    Against their will , the people had to stand for hours in the hot sun .

  29. 重测的目的在于记录地磁场的日变。

    The purpose of reoccupations is to keep track of diurnal variations in the earth 's field .

  30. 我暗自庆幸,能够躲过电视播音员的华丽说词安安静静地度过哥伦比亚日。

    I smiled to think that I had quietly spent the day unscathed by the heroics of newscasters .