
  • 网络Ground experiments;ADEX;A GEX
  1. 最后给出圆迹SAR的地面实验方案,阐述了临近空间、星载平台应用的可行性。

    In the end , the experiment schemes for testing the performances of Circular SAR are presented and the applications on near space platform and space platform are discussed .

  2. 100W微波等离子推力器的调试与地面实验

    Regulation and ground test of 100W microwave plasma thruster

  3. 供氧系统爆炸减压动态特性地面实验方法研究利用地面实验数据,以最小二乘法解算该数学模型,求出焦距、CCD平面倾斜和旋转因子及畸变因子等待标定参数。

    Based on the ground experimental data , the mathematical model is solved by least square method , the calibration parameters such as focal length , plane tilt and rotating factors of CCD and distortion factors etc can be obtained .

  4. 本文就是针对这一有效的方法,进行了直连式RBCC发动机地面实验,对实验数据进行了处理。

    This paper aims designs the ground test system of direct-connect RBCC , and disposes of the experimental data .

  5. 分析了不同方案STP的工作原理、结构和性能特点。重点研究了STP中太阳辐射聚能加热工质的基本理论,为STP光热转换机理及地面实验系统的建立奠定了理论基础。

    Analyzing the working principles , structures and characteristics of different STP projects , and especially researching the basic theory of heating propellant which took advantage of the collected solar radiant energy .

  6. 这篇论文的目的是研究小型化CPL及LHP蒸发器和整个系统的运行机理,优化设计整个系统以及对实验系统经行地面实验研究。

    The purpose of this thesis is to investigate operational mechanisms of the evaporator and the whole system , optimize the design and test the operation characteristics of small-scale CPLs and LHPs .

  7. FFSR控制器作为整个地面实验系统的心脏,其功能是根据操作指令以及传感器各路信息综合控制信号以驱动机器人完成设定的动作或作业任务。

    FFSR controller is the heart of a group experimental platform . It is a device that can control FFSR to accomplish pre-defined tasks according to operations or information acquired from sensors .

  8. 对于膝能区的宇宙线测量,现在基本上是靠地面实验。

    Measurement of knee energy region cosmic-ray by ground experiments basically .

  9. 空间机器人协调控制与地面实验研究

    Study on Coordinated Control and Its On-Ground Experiment for Space Robot

  10. 对三种翅片辐射降温器进行地面实验。

    Three finned radiation coolers were studied in the ground laboratory .

  11. 空间机器人地面实验系统的一种鲁棒自适应控制方法

    A Class of Robust Adaptive Control for Space Robot Ground Experimental System

  12. 电子设备抗单粒子翻转地面实验技术研究

    The Reserch about Single Event Upset Experiment of Electronic Device

  13. 地面实验是研制超音速燃烧冲压发动机的重要手段。

    The ground test is very important for the research of scramjet .

  14. 介绍了双臂自由飞行空间机器人地面实验平台系统。

    The ground test system for dual-arm free-flying space robot is introduced .

  15. 遥操作空间机器人地面实验系统的集成与研究

    Integration and Study of the Experiment System on Land of Teleoperation Space-Robot System

  16. 在地面实验中观测到的燃烧现象,包含了浮力的影响。

    In ground experiments , buoyancy influence impedes the understanding on combustion phenomena .

  17. 带反喷管发动机地面实验数据分析

    Analysis of Ground Test Data for the Solid Rocket Motor with Reversal Nozzles

  18. 回路热管性能的地面实验研究

    Ground-experimental study on the performance of Loop Heat Pipes

  19. 并建立了地面实验系统,通过实验验证了降温组件的性能。

    And the ground experimental system was built to test the performance of the cooling instrument .

  20. 基于气浮轴承方法,建立了3自由度空间机械臂反作用优化地面实验系统。

    Based on air bearings , a ground experiment system for optimizing the3-DOF space manipulator reaction is set up .

  21. 主要对遥操作空间机器人地面实验系统的设计及基本结构进行了系统分析。

    In this paper , the teleoperation space Robot experimental system on land for design and fundamental constraction was analyzed .

  22. 其次,分别从基本理论、地面实验平台和空间实验系统三个方面阐述了自由飞行空间机器人的研究现状。

    Secondly , it discusses the status of free flying space robot from basic theory and ground tested and space experiment system .

  23. 为了检验这种破坏,文章作者及其合作者建议进行地面实验和空间实验。

    In order to test this violation we suggest experiments in both a laboratory on the Earth and a satellite in space .

  24. 在地面实验中,研究在竖直向上温度梯度流场中,双液滴的热毛细迁移运动和它们间的相互作用。

    Experiments were performed on the migration and interaction of two drops under the action of an applied temperature gradient on the ground .

  25. 为了对相对位置测量方法进行研究、分析和论证,建立了分布式航天器相对位置测量地面实验平台。

    For analyzing and evaluating autonomous relative position measurement methods , a hybrid simulation platform for relative position measurement between distributed spacecraft was proposed .

  26. 在飞行器地面实验中,测试人员需对遥测系统上的采编存储设备进行控制。

    In the experiment of ground testing to aircraft , the testers will control the device of acquisition and storage in the telemetry system .

  27. 本文在飞行环境地面实验装置上使用多路光纤光谱仪获得了氩气放电的发射光谱。

    The multi-channel grating spectrometry has been used to get the emission spectrum in the argon discharge in the ground experiment facility of flight circumstances .

  28. 并且展示了部分地面实验和试飞实验的结果,旨在验证视觉系统各方面性能,并对实验结果进行了详细的分析。

    Then some ground experiments , flight tests and their results are shown to verify the visual system . Ultimately , detailed experiment analysis is provided .

  29. 地面实验设备必须要模拟高超音速飞行状态下气流的焓、压力、M数和空气中氧气的组分。

    It is necessary to simulate the high enthalpy , high pressure , Mach number and the same concentration of oxygen species as air in hypersonic flight .

  30. 为了在地面实验中监测航空发动机的振动情况和进行故障诊断,研制了高速数据采集系统、信号处理系统以及基于模糊聚类方法上的故障诊断系统。

    The high speed data sampling and signal analysis system is investigated for vibration monitoring and fault diagnosis of aircraft engine in the case of stationary experiments .