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  • conjugate point
  1. 本文建立了团队生产动态(微分)博弈模型,用Pontryagin最大值原理和共轭点理论研究了该微分博弈的Nash均衡存在的充分必要条件。

    In this paper , We establish dynamic ( differential ) game model about team production . We use Pontryagin maximum principle ( MP ) and conjugate point theory to study the sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of Nash equilibrium of this game .

  2. 极光亚暴期间的南极中山站地磁共轭点位置研究

    A study on the Zhongshan conjugate point location during auroral substorms

  3. 具非负Ricci曲率流形上的无共轭点测地线

    The Geodesics without Conjugate Points on the Manifold with Nonnegative Ricci Curvature

  4. 它告诉我们黎曼流形中的测地C的Morse指标等于C上的共轭点的个数(个数按重数计算)。

    It tells us in Riemannian manifold , the Morse index of geodesic C equals to the numbers of the conjugate points of C ( 0 ), each counted with its multiplicity .

  5. 共轭点源位置与非稳腔的热稳定性

    The conjugate source position and thermal stability of unstable resonator

  6. 具非负曲率的没有共轭点之流形

    The Manifold with Nonnegative Curvature and without Conjugate Points

  7. 用共轭点法解释折射时距曲线及其计算程序

    The utilization of conjugate point method to interpret the refraction hodograph and its calculation procedure

  8. 折射波出射线在地形起伏情况下共轭点的确定及其应用

    The determination and application of conjugate point of refraction wave-outgoing ray in the case of undulating terrain

  9. 二次曲面的反射系统只有一对理想共轭点,在傍轴条件下,有一对准共轭区。

    Quadric reflectors have only one pair ideal conjugate pointses , and axial mirror have a pair of approximately conjugate area .

  10. 给出调和共轭点(线)偶纯综合射影定义,并证明射影定义与代数定义的等价性。

    Give the definition by purely synthesis projection of harmonically conjugate point ( line ) pair , and prove equivalence of projective definition with algebra definition .

  11. 此外还提出将点光源和检验点分别置于被测镜面的近轴共轭点上,通过寻求适当的近轴共轭点位置减少测量过程中的系统像差。

    In addition , the light point and test point are proposed to be placed at paraxial conjugate positions properly selected to reduce system aberrations in the test .

  12. 介绍了媒介共轭点啮合的由来和具体实施方法,它是将点啮合问题转化为两个线啮合问题来解决,从而利用成熟的线啮合理论来研究点啮合。

    The history and actual methods of the medium conjugate point engagement were introduced . This method transferred the point engagement into two line engagement problems so that point engagement problems were studied by perfect line engagement theories .

  13. 应用媒介共轭曲面的点啮合理论提出了滚动式回转面包络点啮合环面蜗杆副的廓面构形和点啮合原理;建立了滚动式回转面包络点啮合环面蜗杆传动媒介共轭点啮合的基本方程;

    Based on the point meshing theory of medium conjugation , we have derived the fundamental equations of synchronous medium point meshing for a new type of revolving surface enveloping globoidal worm gearing with point meshing and rolling friction .

  14. 本文在讨论地形起伏情况下,折射波出射线共轭点的确定方法,并介绍它的应用情况,扩展了哈莱斯法和共轭点法在地形及基岩面同时起伏情况下的应用。

    This essay is concerned with the method for determining the conjugate point of refraction wave & outgoing ray and its application . It extends the utilization of Hales'method and conjugate points method in the case of undulating terrain and rock surface .

  15. 第二部分,对具有共轭点的类光测地线进行变分,由此得到类时曲线在逼近此类光测地线时,其固有加速度趋于无穷大;

    We study the variation of a null geodesic with conjugate points on it , and make the conclusion that the proper acceleration of the time-like curves generally approach infinity as they approach the null geodesic in the second part of the thesis ;

  16. 提出一整套曲面微分几何新理论和新公式,概念浅显,计算方便,便于工程应用。用其分析了非共轭点啮合齿轮传动的运动误差&瞬时加速度。

    A series of new differential geometry of surface theories and formulas are presented , which is convenient to apply to engineering due to its simple conceptions and easy calculations , and used to analyze the kinematical error of non-conjugate point contacting gear drive-transient acceleration .