
ɡònɡ zhèn nénɡ
  • resonance energy
  1. 分析6种判断化合物是否具有芳香性的规则即Dewar共振能、休克尔规则、汉斯的REPE指标、PMO判据、推广的休克尔规则及物理方法,并对各种判据的局限性和优点作了比较。

    Six major criteria of aromaticity , namely Dewar resonance energy , Huckel rule and Hess 's REPE index , PMO criterion , extended Huckel , rule and physical method , were introduced . The limitations and advantages of them were discussed in this paper .

  2. 用键共振能和拓扑共振能方法对富勒烯C36CH2开环结构中的所有可能异构体及其阳离子和阴离子芳香性进行了研究。

    Topological resonance energy ( TRE ) and bond resonance energy ( BRE ) methods were applied to all the open structure isomers ( both cations and anions ) of C36CH2 to investigate their aromaticity .

  3. SRT计算环丁二烯系的共振能

    I Calculation of Resonance Energies of Cyclobutadienes by SRT

  4. SRT计算多环苯型烃共振能的研究

    A Study of the Calculation of Resonance Energies of Polycyclic Benzenoid Hydrocarbons by SRT

  5. BRC共振能应用于定量探讨Diels&Alder反应

    A Quantitative Probe for BRC Resonance Energies into Diels - Alder Reacton

  6. 计算多环苯型芳烃共振能的新方法&苯环计数(BRC)法

    A New Method for Calculation RE of Polycyclic Benzenoid Hydrocarbon s : BRC Method

  7. 固体高分辨核磁共振能提供丰富而独特的信息,特别是由于NMR具有原子专一性、高分辨和定量能力,固体核磁已经成为研究多相催化反应的有力工具。

    Owning to the wealth of structural and dynamical information available via NMR , particularly NMR atomic specificity , high resolution , and quantitative capabilities , solid state NMR method has played an crucial role in the study of the heterogeneous catalysis .

  8. 你又不知道核磁共振能不能杀了他。

    You don 't know that an MRI will kill him .

  9. 测定苯分子共振能的化学虚拟仪器

    Chemical Virtual Instrument of Measuring Resonance Energy of Benzene Molecule

  10. 计算共振能的一个新的经验方法

    A new empirical method for calculation of resonance energy

  11. 二苯并七员杂环化合物的稳定性及共振能

    Stability and Resonance Energy of Dibenzo Seven-membered Heterocyclic Compounds

  12. 结论:低场磁共振能准确诊断进展期胃癌,为临床治疗提供科学依据。

    Conclusion : Advanced gastric carcinoma can be correctly diagnosed by low field MRI .

  13. 用燃烧热法测苯的共振能

    Measuring the Resonance Energy of Benzene by the Way of Measuring the Heat of Combustion

  14. 磁共振能检查什么?

    What can magnetism resonance check ?

  15. 卟啉化合物的共振能

    Resonance energy of porphyrins

  16. 而且,如果,运动员有心肌病,心脏磁共振能描述纤维症和局限性肥厚。

    Furthermore , cardiac magnetic resonance imaging can demonstrate features such as fibrosis and subtle localised hypertrophy if the athlete has a cardiomyopathy .

  17. 其抗磨减摩机理与杂环化合物的化学键长及共振能大小有关。

    The mechanism discussed in this paper is connected with the different bond length and resonance energy of those N containing heterocyclic compounds .

  18. 用共振能和张力能的计算数据,说明了环丁二烯和环辛四烯的不稳定性与共振论并不矛盾。

    The data calculated by the use of resonance energy and tension energy show that the unstability of cyclobutadiene and cyclooctatetraene are not contradictory with resonance theory .

  19. 计算多环共轭烃的共振能的新方法及其应用&(Ⅲ)复杂的多环苯型烃

    A New Method for the Calculation of Resonance Energies of Polycyclic Conjugated Hydrocarbons and Its Applications ( II ) Complicated Polycyclic Benzenoid Hydrocarbons ( IV ) Cyclobutadienes

  20. 分析结果表明,当尺寸减小时,仿生飞行更容易实现:通过共振能实现高频运动,微静电、电磁和压电驱动器都能满足扑翼系统功率需求。

    Results show that the bionic flying can be more easily realized when the scaling sizes are decreased , thus making high flapping frequency motion by the resonance , and meeting the power needs of the flapping wing for the electrostatic , the electromagnetic and piezoelectric actuators .

  21. 1H磁共振波谱能客观定量化反映脑缺血恢复期脑内代谢物的异常。

    1H MRS can reflect the metabolite abnormality during the cerebral ischemic recovery phase objectively .

  22. X线是最早应用于胆石分型诊断的影像学方法,目前最常用的方法为超声及CT,对于磁共振是否能用于结石的分型诊断尚在研究当中。

    Now , the most common methods are Super Sound and CT , The question of MRI about its usage in the grouping diagnosis of stone is under research .

  23. 介绍了18O(p,α)15N示踪技术的基本原理,尤其是18O(p,α)15N核共振反应能谱的测定和标定。

    Principles of the 18 O tracing technology were introduced , especially the measurement and the spectrum explanation of the 18 O ( p , α) 15 N nuclear reaction .

  24. 因此,核磁共振处理能促进水稻种子胚细胞内的能量代谢、物质转化与物质运输。

    The results indicated that the treatment of NMR can promote the energy metabolism , material conversion and transfer in embryo cells of rice seeds .

  25. 作为一种药物分析技术,核磁共振技术能提供最为丰富的结构信息,在药物结构确证和定量测定中扮演着重要角色。

    As an important tool of analytical techniques , NMR plays an important role in structure elucidation , qualitative and quantitative measurements of pharmaceuticals and impurities .

  26. 磁共振检查能清晰的显示软组织结构,且无创无辐射,因而是诊断腕关节韧带损伤首选的手段。

    MRI can clearly show the soft tissue structures , non-invasive and non-radiation , which is the best diagnosis method for the ligaments of the wrist .

  27. 结论:磁共振成像能直观地显示颞下颌关节内组织结构的形态和位置,对颞下颌关节紊乱的诊断和治疗提供更直观全面的影像学依据。

    Conclusion : MRI can displace the position and morphology of the temporomandibular joint directly and thus can provide more image evidences for the diagnosis and therapy of the disease .

  28. 结果表明:结构优化后,车架的最低阶固有频率为122.4Hz,高于电动自行车正常服役动态激励频率,表明电动自行车正常服役状态下镁质车架不会出现共振,能保证驾乘舒适性。

    The results have suggested that the optimized framework will not occur resonance , for the lowest natural frequency of the optimized framework is 122.4 Hz , higher than the excited frequency activated by normal driving .

  29. 分析结果表明:车架的最低阶固有频率为168赫兹,低于摩托车正常服役动态激励频率,表明摩托车正常服役不会引起镁合金车架共振,能保证摩托车驾驶的舒适性。

    The results have shown that the minimum natural frequency of Mg alloy framework is 168 HZ , and it is lower than the dynamic excitation frequency of the normal service motorcycle . This will not cause the mechanical resonance of the Mg alloy framework in motorcycle service conditions .

  30. 通过红外光谱仪、质谱仪、核磁共振仪、能谱仪及MM-200摩擦磨损试验机、四球机等技术手段,分析了二烷基二硫代磷酸锌热分解产物组成及其抗磨机理。

    The thermal degradation and antiwear mechanism of ZDDP are detailed by means of IR , MS , NMR , EDAX , friction and wear testers of MM-200 and MQ-800 four ball .