
  • 网络infrared earth sensor
  1. 简要说明了红外地球敏感器的基本原理和构成。

    The principle and structure of infrared earth sensor are illuminated simply .

  2. 一种实时红外地球敏感器信号源的研制

    Development of a real-time signal source for infrared earth sensor

  3. 该算法利用非线性最小二乘平差原理对CCD地球敏感器成像进行处理,实现了在月球表面CCD地球敏感器的矢量观测功能。结合加速度计的测角原理,实现了航向角确定。

    Non-linear least squares bundle adjustment is used to process the images from CCD earth sensor , consequently , the vector observation function of CCD earth sensor is achieved on lunar environment .

  4. 本文利用小波分析优良的时频特性处理载人飞船测量数据,针对GNC系统红外地球敏感器、陀螺和姿控发动机的几种故障模式,进行了故障诊断的尝试。

    This paper discusses some researches on the application of wavelet analysis in diagnosing several fault types of infrared earth sensors ( IRES ), gyros and jet engines of GNC subsystem in manned spaceship .

  5. 地球敏感器红外带通滤光片膜系设计及其研制

    Design and Development of Infrared Bandpass Filter Film System for Earth Sensors

  6. 一种红外地球敏感器和陀螺的故障隔离方法

    A Fault Isolation Method for Infrared Earth Sensors and Gyroscopes

  7. 摆动扫描地球敏感器数学模型及飞行试验结果

    The Mathematical Model and the Flight Results of the Swing Scanning Earth Sensor

  8. 基于地球敏感器和加速度计的月球车自主定向算法研究

    Earth Sensor and Accelerometer Based Autonomous Heading Detection Algorithm Research of Lunar Rover

  9. 红外地球敏感器用高截止度宽带红外滤光片研制

    Development of wide-passband infrared filter with high rejection rate for infrared earth sensor

  10. 基于伪陀螺/磁强计/地球敏感器的微卫星姿态自适应确定方法

    Adaptive Determination of Micro-satellite Attitude Using Pseudo Gyro , Magnetometer and Earth Sensor

  11. 红外地球敏感器的技术发展趋势

    Development trend of the infrared earth sensor technologies

  12. 本文的软件系统设计包括系统架构设计和地球敏感器姿态定位算法设计。

    Software system designs primarily refers to the architecture and orientation attitude information location algorithm .

  13. 地球敏感器光谱波段对红外带通滤光片的影响

    Effect of Spectral Bandwith in Infrared Earth Sensor on Design of Infrared Bandpass Filter for Satellite

  14. 数字式地球敏感器信号源的研究

    Research About Digital Earth Sensor Source

  15. 坐标敏感光电检测器红外地球敏感器扫描镜摆角光电检测技术研究

    Research of the Photoelectric Detection Technology for Swing Angle of Scanning Mirror of Infrared Earth Sensor

  16. 天体对卫星红外地球敏感器干扰的研究

    The study of interferences from celestial bodies and solutions for the infrared earth sensor applied in satellites

  17. 对地定向三轴稳定卫星的圆锥扫描地球敏感器的数学模型

    The Mathematical Model of the Cone Scanning Earth Sensor for the Earth pointing Three Axis Stabilized Satellite

  18. 分析了卫星姿态控制部件飞轮所引起的红外地球敏感器的扰振响应问题和飞轮扰振机理。

    The problem of micro-vibration disturbance of momentum wheel for satellite Earth sensor is researched in this paper .

  19. 红外带通滤光片已成功地应用于我国自行研制的近三十颗卫星的地球敏感器上。

    Infrared bandpass filters have been successfully used in earth sensors of about 30 satellites developed by our country .

  20. 本文针对地球敏感器的设计原理,提出了一种姿态角定位计算的图像处理算法。

    According to the design principle of earth sensor , this paper proposes an imaging processing algorithm for orientation attitude information .

  21. 地球敏感器作为一种重要的姿态确定传感器,已经被广泛应用于卫星等航天器的姿态控制系统中。

    Earth sensor , as an important attitude determination sensor , has been widely used in attitude determination system of micro-satellites and other aircrafts .

  22. 本文在分析地球敏感器测量模型下,制作了一个地球模拟器用于精度地标定并且介绍了整个实验平台的搭建方法。

    This paper analyzes the earth sensor model , establishs the earth sensor simulator for a precision calibration and introduces the design steps of calibration platform .

  23. 通过静电放电试验找到了红外地球敏感器易受干扰的部位并提出了解决措施。

    By the ESD experiment , the paper finds the sensitive location of infrared earth sensor easy to be disturbed , and also provides its corresponding measures .

  24. 以伪陀螺、磁强计与地球敏感器构成的姿态测量系统为基础,设计了自适应扩展卡尔曼滤波算法。

    An adaptive extended Kalman filtering algorithm is presented in this paper for attitude determination consisting of a pseudo gyro , a magnetometer and an earth sensor .

  25. 摆动扫描式红外地球敏感器是人造地球卫星上的一种姿态测量部件,用于测量卫星本体与地球间的姿态偏差。

    The swing scanning mode infrared earth sensor is a component located on man-made earth satellite for measuring the attitude deviation between the satellite body and the earth .

  26. 该敏感器还采用相同的后端硬件处理电路系统实现整个地球敏感器的姿态定位,从而使系统功耗得到进一步的降低。

    The earth sensor uses the same hardware processing circuitry to achieve the eath attitude position , which can further reduce power consumption and volume of the system .

  27. 利用黑体辐射计算的基本理论,推算出红外地球敏感器接收辐射亮度与黑体温度之间的关系式,以及红外地球敏感器接收辐射亮度与光阑面积的关系。

    It figures out the relationship between the infrared earth sensor received radiance intensity and blackbody temperature , using the basic theory of calculation of the blackbody radiation quantity .

  28. 扫描镜摆幅和频率是摆动扫描式红外地球敏感器地面性能测试的重要技术指标,本文针对摆动扫描式红外地球敏感器扫描轴系的动静态性能的测试技术进行了深入研究。

    Tilt amplitude and frequency of scanning mirror is one of the important qualifications of performance testing on earth surface for the swing scanning mode infrared earth sensing device .

  29. 红外地球敏感器是卫星姿态测量的关键部件之一。

    Infrared earth sensor is one of the key components in satellites for attitude sensing , which is used to measure the attitude deviation between the satellite and the earth .

  30. 当地球敏感器发生故障时,大倾角轨道的卫星滚动与俯仰角精度优于0.5°,航向精度约1°;

    When the earth sensor fails , roll and pitch accuracy of the satellite on the orbit with large inclination is better than 0.5 °, and heading accuracy is about 1 ° .