
  • 网络amplitude value
  1. 以往利用地震波振幅值预测储层厚度,遇到储层厚度横向变化大的情况时,预测精度往往会降低。

    In the past , reservoir thickness prediction is done by seismic wave amplitude value . But whenever the reservoir thickness horizontally changed rather large , the prediction accuracy often reduced .

  2. 并对用相邻振幅值(Ln和Ln+1)求电路临界阻尼电阻的方法进行了实验验证,该方法有较高的准确度。

    On the other hand , the method of calculating circuit critical damp resistance depending on the bordering amplitude value ( L_n and L_ ( n + 1 )) is tested experimentally . The accuracy of such method is much higher .

  3. 在非相对论情况下,计算了过程X→V3+V3的螺旋度振幅值。

    The values of helicity amplitudes for the process X → V_2 + V_3 are calculated in the nonrelativistic case .

  4. 其次,NMO、DMO和反褶积等常规处理流程,都会造成振幅值失真。

    Second , conventional processing flows such as NMO , DMO , and deconvolution will distort amplitudes .

  5. 结果后天性内斜视组术后3个月VEP与术前相比,振幅值增加,二者之间差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。

    Results The postoperation amplitude values were significantly higher than preoperation ′ s acquired esotropia group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 然后采用井旁三道平均振幅值作为井旁模型地震道提取长度为100ms的子波和1ms的采样率进行随机地震反演,在此基础上便可对储层进行预测。

    Finally , use average amplitude of three seismic traces of well site to extract 100 ms wavelet , make random seismic inversion and reservoir prediction .

  7. 结果:造模前两组的ERG-b波的振幅值无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    Results : The amplitude of ERG-b wave had no significant difference in the EPO group compared with that in the model group before anterior chamber perfusion ( P > 0.05 ) .

  8. 基于能量原理和振动理论,通过理论推导得出了月球着陆器上限振幅值计算公式。

    A formula concerning the upper limit amplitude of the lunar lander is obtained from theoretical analysis .

  9. 本文分析了计算机滑漠变结构控制系统采样周期和计算时间的存在所导致的颤振现象,提出了一种削弱其额振幅值的方法&切换函数超前补偿法。

    This paper analyzes the chattering problem in computer sliding mode control system caused by its sampling cycle and calculating time .

  10. 以266.3和268.8nm处峰、谷之间的振幅值作为苯扎溴铵的定量信息。

    The amplitude values between peak and trough at 266.3 and 268.8 nm were used as the quantitative information of bromogeramine .

  11. 同时对超声振子进行了谐响应分析,得出了超声振子的理论振幅值。

    At the same time , the analysis of harmonic response and the theoretical value of amplitude have been carried out .

  12. 探讨数值模拟版之不同横向裂缝长度与深度比值与转换振幅值之关系。

    Using numerical simulation to study the relationship between ratio of different horizontal crack 's length and depth and the spectral amplitude in transfer function .

  13. 算例表明,随着杆件初弯曲的增大,其振幅值随之成比例增大,而其动力稳定性随之降低。

    The calculating sample shows that along with the increase of bars'initial bending , the value of their amplitude increases proportionally and their dynamic behavior decreases .

  14. 根据这一算子重建激发波场,同时依据各时刻波场振幅值提取各节点的成像时间。

    According to that operator , imaging time of each grid is extracted by the amplitude of wave field during the reconstruction of exciting wave field .

  15. 当针尖和样品发生多点接触时,振幅值会增大,且仍可观察到振幅与扫描方向相关的现象。

    When the tip sample is in a multipoint contact , the amplitude at the multipoint contact region increases and the scan-direction-relevant phenomenon is also distinguishable .

  16. 以强弱振幅值作为静力荷载对涵管进行分析,并将结果与相应动力进行比较,得到动力冲击系数。

    Corresponding with the vibratory action , the static analysis is processed , and the impact factor is got through the comparison of the two calculated conclusion .

  17. 只有在恰当的激振频率和振幅值作用下,振动沉桩系统才可能取得应有的效果,表现出其相对于其它工法的独特优势。

    Only when the vibratory piling machine-soil system run in appropriate vibration frequency and amplitude , the result and its special advantage can just reveal all without omission .

  18. 左侧喉返神经的振幅值大于右侧喉返神绎,两侧喉返神经的潜伏期及周期基本一致。

    Amplitude values of the left RLN is greater than the right . Both sides of the latency and the duration of RLN is basically the same . 3 .

  19. 根据机械与电的等效理论,用二端口网络等效法分析超声换能器的特性,所获结论是:超声振动系统的谐振幅值可以用电流有效值表达;

    Based on the equivalent theory of mechanics and electricity , amplitude of ultrasonic vibration system can be obtained by measuring the electrical current value in the equivalent circuit .

  20. 经过与国外实验对比,可得出考虑非线性阻尼力的平板振幅值非常接近实验值,振幅峰-峰值误差仅为6%,且优于线性动力学的分析结果。

    Compared with experimental result , the nonlinear numerical value is quite approximate to it . The percentage error of the amplitudes ( peak to peak ) is about 6 % .

  21. 以全混釜中酵母培养系统为对象,固定外加激励振幅值,改变激励频率,运用数值方法研究了强迫激励下乙醇连续发酵系统中存在混沌的可能性。

    The possibility of chaos in S. cerevisiae culture system in CSTR was investigated by means of numerical computation under fixing the amplitude A and changing the frequency w of forced impulse .

  22. 计算其两个方向的响应振幅值,以及其升力、曳力系数随时间的变化情况,证明本文方法能够模拟结构物多向振动的复杂流固耦合问题。本文数值模拟结果与模型实验结果吻和良好。

    Calculate the amplitude response in two directions , as well as its lift , drag coefficient changes with time , and the numerical results with the model experimental results were compared .

  23. 采集系统特性和技术指标决定了所记录的地震波振幅值为近似的相对振幅,用这样的相对振幅作为地震波参数反演的振幅真值依据,必然导致反演参数值的严重失真。

    Technical parameters and characters of sampling system determine that seismic wave amplitude recorded by seismograph is approximate relative amplitude . Using these data necessarily leads to serious distortion of inverse parameters .

  24. 通过理论和实践证明,汽车传动轴不平衡故障的振动频率为轴旋转频率,其振幅值随不平衡加重而变大;

    It shows by theory and practice that the frequency of unbalanced propeller shaft vibration is the same as that of propeller shaft turn , the amplitude in-creases as the unbalance worsens .

  25. 用这6个地磁台出现异常时同一频率所对应的振幅值绘出等值曲线,得到的图形是稳定的四象限分布,震中基本上位于0~3nT的等值线上。

    The space distribution of amplitudes in different observatories is close to steady four-quadrant pattern in those days with abnormal frequency structure , and the epicenter is located at contours of 0 ~ 3nT .

  26. 超声波振动切削是一种新型的复合加工方法,其关键之一是在切削的有载状态下能否保持一定的振幅值。

    Ultrasonic vibration cutting is a new type of composite processing for which a key requirement in the cutting process lies in whether a definite amplitude canm be maintained under the loaded condition of cutting .

  27. 用谐波平衡法得出了产生参数共振的最小激励幅值、共振时瞬态和稳态的振幅值及拉索内力的变化特性,论述了结构阻尼对参数振动的影响。

    The minimum excitation amplitude as well as the transient state and steady state amplitudes and axial force are obtained by using harmonic probing method , and the effect of the inner damping is also discussed .

  28. 反射振幅值太强和太弱的浊积砂体,其储层物性都不好,根据其反射振幅值可定性地判断砂体储层物性;

    The physical property of reservoir is bad for turbidite sand body characterized by very strong and very weak reflection amplitude , so that the physical property of reservoir could be identified qualitatively by reflection amplitude ;

  29. 从衍射强度理论出发,得到了光衍射的强度公式,根据此公式通过计算机程序可以得到不同传播距离时的表面波振幅值。

    From diffraction intensity theory , the strength of the light diffraction formula was got . According to the formula , the surface wave amplitude values were provided under the different propagation distance through the computer program .

  30. 本文论述了将稳定变压器作为校正环节,用以限制该系统自振幅值,使其保持在技术条件允许的范围内,以保证该系统的稳定性。

    This paper discussed the stabilizing transformer as a corrected link , which was used to restrict the range value of the self sustaining oscillation of the system and keep it in the permissible range of technical conditions so as to guarantee the stability of the system .