
  • 网络voltage amplitude;voltage swing
  1. 样品,重建PAM信号解码成电压振幅。

    Decode the samples into voltage amplitudes , rebuilding the PAM signal .

  2. 通过分析和计算微波波谱图中波谱的相对频率移动和电压振幅,得到测试样品的微波吸收性能。

    By analyzing of the changing behavior and calculating the amplitude of voltage and the shift of frequency of the microwave spectrums , the microwave absorbing properties of samples were obtained .

  3. 继续移动探测线圈使其位于另一波腹下(约为两桥臂间距的四分之一),观察示波器上电压振幅的变化。

    Continue to slide the detector coil until it is beneath another antinode ( at approximately one-fourth the distance between bridges ) . Watch the amplitude of voltage on the Scope display .

  4. 在反馈控制方面,搭接系统各部分使之形成电压振幅反馈型控制回路,并为适合这一反馈特征改进了已有控制程序。

    In closed-loop control system , all the components of the SPM system are assembled to form a voltage-amplitude feedback loop , and then improve the control program to fit the characteristic of this feedback .

  5. 双方的能量产生的电压变动振幅就可以在放大器的输入引脚产生噪音信号。

    Both sources produce voltage-amplitude variations reproduced as noise signals at the amplifier 's input pins .

  6. 根据能量法建立了磁流变阻尼器等效线性阻尼系数与电压和振幅的函数表达式;

    In order to study the semi-active control of landing gear shimmy based on MR damper , firstly function expression of the MR damper equivalent damping coefficient with voltage and amplitude was set up .

  7. 利用这种方法研究了接触预压力和定子激励电压(定子振幅)对定子和转子接触状态的影响。

    The effects of preload and exciting voltage ( amplitude ) of stator on contact state between stator and rotor are studied with this method .

  8. 本文对采用简单正弦波脉冲电流的低压硬质氧化工艺过程中冷却要求进行了讨论,这种低压脉冲电流是由一个60赫兹正弦波交流电压叠加一个数值上等于交流电压振幅的直流电压而形成的。

    Requirements for Cooling and energy consumption in the low - voltage hard anodizing for aluminium using pulse current with simple sine wave were discussed .