
  • 网络movie;movie movie
  1. 而MGM也将不会在作为电影电影发行公司,而仅仅是一个制作公司。这使得第二十三部《007詹姆斯-邦德》电影问世日期更加具体化。

    MGM will no longer be a distributor , but a working studio , which now puts James Bond 23 on the auction block and closer to an actual start date .

  2. 下周我开始拍摄一部叫DeathataFuneral的电影,电影由喜剧导演FrankOz。执导,我认为这是一部滑稽疯狂的电影。

    Matthew Macfadyen : I start shooting , next week , a film called Death at a Funeral which is a farce directed by Frank Oz.I think it 's hysterical .

  3. 上市产品的范围来判断,包括像电影杂志电影纪念品封面,DVD光盘,海报,新闻小册子,大堂卡,电影和书籍。

    The range of products listed to judge included movie memorabilia like film magazine covers , DVDs , posters , press booklets , lobby cards , movies and books .

  4. 他们让我想起了有关戏剧界的电影,电影里颤抖的合唱女孩们等待着从通风的舞台两侧上台,就像德加(degas)舞者。

    They make me think of films about the theatrical world in which trembling chorus girls wait to make their entrances in draughty wings , captured like Degas dancers .

  5. 1994年,迪士尼重回顶峰:《狮子王》(TheLionKing)成为票房排行第一的电影,电影原声带也极为畅销,共售出2500万张专辑,世嘉公司(Sega)根据电影开发的视频游戏也风靡一时。

    Come 1994 , Walt Disney Studios was back on top : " The Lion King " was the No. 1 movie , the top-selling soundtrack with 25 million albums sold , and a blockbuster video game developed by Sega .

  6. 人们写书和电影,电影是有情节的。

    People wrote books and movies , movies that had stories .

  7. 他们想这个星期六去看电影'>电影。

    They want to see the film this Saturday .

  8. 谨以此片献给广大电影及电影台词爱好者。

    I would like this film dedicated to the movie and film lovers lines .

  9. 但是意外只是意外,电影只是电影。

    But an accident is an accident , and a film is a film .

  10. 过了好几个月才敢一个人看电影什么电影

    Took me months before I went to see a movie alone . What did you see .

  11. 从新时期中国电影看电影符号的文化内蕴

    Thoughts on Cultural Connotation of Film Symbols from the Perspective of Chinese Film in the New Era

  12. 魔幻电影在电影市场强势传播,使它成为一种别具一格的文化现象。

    Mighty spreading of magic movies in the film market makes it become a unique cultural phenomenon .

  13. 将生态电影作为电影类型的研究对象是电影类型研究上的一次具有意义的工作。本论文共分为四章。

    Taking ecological film as the subject of film genre studies is of significance in genre film studies .

  14. 曾经看过一部电影,电影和演员的名字都不记得了。里面女主人公说的一段话令我感触颇深。

    I remembered once I saw a film , in which there was a conversation that impressed me much .

  15. 喜剧电影在电影史上的地位和对于电影工业发展的现实意义不容忽视。

    The standing in the film history and practical significance for the film industry development of comedy films cannot be ignored .

  16. 拯救大兵瑞恩是一部上映于1998年的美国战争史诗电影,电影发生在二战的诺曼底登陆期间。

    Saving Private Ryan is a 1998 American epic war film set during the invasion of Normandy in World War II .

  17. 首先从宏大叙事方式到环型结构叙事,再到电影解构电影的方式,最后是叙事视角。

    The narrative features are analyzed from grand narrative , circle-structured narrative , movie deconstructing movie method , and the narrative perspectives .

  18. 她跟着这部电影,电影演到哪里,她就跟到哪里,甚至是第二轮在郊区和露天汽车影院上演。

    12-12 She followed the film to every booking in town , second run , in the suburbs , in the drive-ins .

  19. 《史蒂夫·乔布斯:灵光乍现》是一部上映于2013年的自传情景电影,电影是根据过世的美国商人,全球知名人士-史蒂夫·乔布斯的故事改编的。

    jOBS is a 2013 biographical drama film based on the career of the late American businessman and global icon Steve Jobs .

  20. 在创作观念上,逐渐摆脱了戏剧电影和电影精英化视角的束缚,电影创作走向商业化和类型化。

    Film-making has gradually got rid of the shackles of theatrical films and film elite perspective , and became commercial and specialized .

  21. 他对电影及电影教育的实质有着深刻的认识,对早期电影教育理论与实践发展作出了卓越的贡献。

    He has a deep understanding for the essence of film and Film-education , and made outstanding contribution to the theory and practice about early film-education .

  22. 同时,类型电影对电影的市场化运作具有积极意义,因而成为电影发展的一个趋势。

    At the same time , genre film is significant to the marketization of film industry , which makes genre film a tendency of film developing .

  23. 当你打电话给你的母亲并告诉她‘你的电影入围电影节啦’,当你说出‘戛纳’时,她知道你的意思。

    When you ring your mum and say your film 's got into a film festival , when you say ' Cannes ' , she knows what you mean .

  24. 书是书,电影是电影,姜戎说,2007年,他曾因此书的英译本获得英仕曼亚洲文学奖。

    The book is the book and the film is the film , said Mr. Jiang , who won the inaugural Man Asian Literary Prize in 2007 for the English translation of the book .

  25. 辛德勒的名单是一部上映于1993年的电影,电影讲述的是奥斯卡·辛德勒,一位德国商人,他在波兰的大屠杀期间拯救了上千名犹太难民,辛德勒通过安排他们在自己的工厂工作而得救。

    Schindler 's List is a 1993 film about Oskar Schindler , a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand Jewish refugees in Poland during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories .

  26. 那时有一部叫《泰坦尼克号》的电影,电影里杰克眼巴巴地望着露丝的情景,跟我望着你的状态是多么的相像啊!

    In those days , there was a film called " Titanic " . In that film , the episode that Jack was watching at Rose hopeless , was so close to my expression when I was watching you !

  27. 第一章对电影及电影片名作了总体上的介绍,包括电影的类型,电影片名的命名方法、特色、功能、地位等。

    Chapter 1 gives a general introduction to the film and film titles , including film genres , naming approaches of English film title , features of English film title , functions of film title and positions of film title .

  28. 第五章阐述新生代电影的电影史意义,认为新生代电影背离了第五代电影的主题,在中国电影史上具有开拓性的贡献。

    Chapter 5 expounds the historical significance of the films produced by directors born in the 1960s and 1970s , and believes that those films have deviated from the themes of the fifth-generation films and have therefore made pioneering contribution in film history .

  29. 根据计划,我们会谈到电影和电影业,但是我敢肯定最后会变成一次随意的交谈,谈谈个人体验并分享一些共同的兴趣爱好,因为我和我的很多粉丝都差不多大嘛。

    According to plan , we will talk about films and cinema , but I am sure it will end up being a casual chat about personal experiences and a sharing of common interests as I am in the same age ranges as many of my fans .

  30. 一部捷克斯洛伐克新电影在卡罗维发利电影节上首映。

    A new Czechoslovak film has had its premiere at the Karlovy Vary film festival .