
  • 网络Royal Wedding
  1. 这封信在Touch杂志上公开,:“随着你的王室婚礼临近,很显然,这将会成为王室婚礼史上最大的错误。”

    The letter , shared with In Touch magazine reads : ' As more time passes to your royal wedding , it became very clear that this is the biggest mistake in royal wedding history . '

  2. 不像上一季布莱尔的王室婚礼,这件事看起来并不像一件大事-唯一的见证人是Chuck的叔叔杰克,布莱尔的继父赛勒斯,瑟瑞娜、丹、内特……奇怪的是,布莱尔憎恨的乔治娜也在场。

    And unlike Blair 's royal wedding last season , this affair doesn 't seem to be a big event - the only witnesses are Chuck 's uncle Jack , Blair 's stepfather Cyrus , Serena , Dan , Nate ... and , oddly enough , Georgina , who Blair hates .

  3. 简言之,这不是一般的王室婚礼。

    In short , it was not your average royal wedding .

  4. 他没有宣布王室婚礼的确切日期。

    He do not announce the definite date of the royal wedding .

  5. 因此他想借一场盛大的王室婚礼

    therefore , he wanted a spectacular royal wedding

  6. 参加王室婚礼的头面人物。

    The nobs attending the Royal wedding .

  7. 这些王室婚礼礼服是纯粹的巧合还是刻意模仿童话故事?

    Are the royal wedding outfits just pure coincidence or calculated allusion to the fairytale ?

  8. 日前,官方公布了参加威廉王子和凯特•米德尔顿王室婚礼的宾客名单及座位安排。

    The guest list and seating plan for Prince William 's wedding to Kate Middleton have been revealed .

  9. 当上美国总统不一定就能受邀参加王室婚礼。

    Of course , being the president of the United States is no guarantee of a royal wedding invitation .

  10. 这个名为《王室婚礼:苏塞克斯公爵和公爵夫人》的展览从即日起一直持续到一月。

    A Royal Wedding : The Duke and Duchess of Sussex opens at Windsor Castle today and runs until January .

  11. 而此次威廉王子的婚礼将会是1000年以来在威斯敏斯特圣彼得学院教堂举行的第15场王室婚礼。

    This will be the 15th royal wedding conducted during the 1,000-year history of the Collegiate Church of St Peter , Westminster .

  12. 随着你的王室婚礼临近,很显然,这将会成为王室婚礼史上最大的错误

    As more time passes to your royal wedding , it became very clear that this is the biggest mistake in royal wedding history .

  13. 梅根和哈里王子、尤金妮公主和杰克·布鲁克斯班克这两对新人的婚礼让“王室婚礼”成为热搜榜第三。

    Her marriage to Prince Harry , together with the wedding of Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank , helped ' Royal Wedding ' reach third on the overall list .

  14. 2018年,当你听到“王室婚礼”这个词时,你的脑海里会立刻想到哈里王子和梅根·马克尔在英国温莎举行的婚礼。

    In 2018 , when you hear the phrase " the royal wedding , " your mind immediately goes to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 's May wedding in Windsor , England .

  15. 这是哈里王子和梅格汉·马克尔今天发布的三张不同寻常的官方照片,照片中,这对幸福的夫妇很大胆地陷入爱河、并且这是有史以来最亲密的王室婚礼肖像。

    These are the three extraordinary official photographs released by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle today showing the happy couple madly in love in the most bold and intimate royal wedding portraits ever seen .

  16. 一位与苏塞克斯公爵夫人关系密切的消息人士称,73岁的马克尔未曾生病,还伪造了一次紧急手术作为不参加王室婚礼并获得同情的借口。

    a source has claimed that Thomas Markle Sr. 's heart attack and surgery were all a sham . A source close to the Duchess of Sussex says that Markle Sr. , 73 , was never ill and faked an emergency operation as an excuse to not attend the royal wedding and garner sympathy .

  17. 年满25岁的威廉王子现在要是结婚,也不用经过祖母伊丽莎白女王二世的同意了,但王室的婚礼似乎是件没“影子”的事。

    Now that he is25 , William also can marry without the consent of his grandmother , Queen Elizabeth II-but no royal nuptials are on the horizon .

  18. 把参加者限于亲密朋友和家人符合了这对夫妇一贯的低调作风,他们也打破了邀请世界领导人和政界人士参加英国王室盛大婚礼的悠久传统。

    In deciding to limit the attendees to close friends and family , the couple were characteristically keeping things low key and breaking with a long tradition of grand British royal weddings attended by world leaders and politicians .

  19. 王室成员举行婚礼的这一周排满了喜庆活动和豪华盛典。

    The week of the royal wedding is crammed with festivities and pageantry .

  20. 为庆祝王室哈里王子婚礼,官方新出了茶巾纪念品。

    The official commemorative tea towel is the latest souvenir item to go on sale celebrating the royal wedding .

  21. 哈里王子和梅根请了一位加利福尼亚蛋糕师来做结婚蛋糕,打破了以往王室的传统——婚礼当天吃水果蛋糕和非传统果冻。

    Harry and Meghan ? have chosen a Californian baker for their wedding cake , it has been announced - breaking with the royal tradition of serving a fruit cake on the big day by opting for a non-traditional sponge .

  22. 英国王室的Flickr帐户中上传了最新的王室婚礼照片和王室珍藏的一些老照片。

    The British Monarchy Website Flickr account streams both images of royal engagements and archive photographs from the royal collection .