
  • His Royal Highness;Your highness
  1. 获奖者:哈里王子殿下

    BEST THROWING TOYS OUT OF PRAM Recipient : His Royal Highness Prince Harry

  2. 这个婴儿将被称为路易斯剑桥王子殿下。

    The baby will be known as His Royal Highness Prince Louis of Cambridge .

  3. 你跟王子殿下还不熟,是吧?

    You 're not well acquainted with Royal Princes , are you ?

  4. 王子殿下,我们对她所知甚少。

    There is little known about her , my lord .

  5. 王子殿下的头脑当然应该知道自己的嘴巴能干什么?

    Surely a Prince 's brain knows what its mouth is doing ?

  6. 我向王子殿下建议,我们立即离开。

    I suggested to HRH that we left immediately .

  7. 除非是王子殿下奇迹般得回来了。

    Unless , by some miracle , Prince returns .

  8. 达基斯亲王刚把王子殿下扔到河里去了。

    Lord Dargis just threw prince in the river .

  9. 阿伦戴尔人民感谢您王子殿下

    Arendelle is indebted to you , Your Highness .

  10. 敬我们无畏的王子殿下

    A toast to our fearless prince .

  11. 孩子将被成为剑桥乔治王子殿下。

    The baby will be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge . '

  12. 王子殿下,这不是剑,只是根棍子罢了。

    It 's not a sword , my prince . It 's only a stick .

  13. 你应该称我王子殿下,而不是大人。我让你把剑捡起来。

    I 'm your prince , not your lord , and I said pick up your sword .

  14. 作为男孩的乔治王子殿下现在正式名称有两个中间名字。

    His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge as the boy 's now officially known has two middle names .

  15. 王子殿下,我怕的不是他。她试图解释,是另外那位。

    It was not him , my sweet prince , she tried to explain . It was the other one .

  16. 足总今天证实威廉王子殿下&足总主席,将出席5月19日在温布利球场举行的足总杯决赛!

    The FA can today confirm that HRH Prince william-fa president will be chief guest at the FA Cup final on19 may at Wembley stadium .

  17. 国防部长和皇家于周二发表联合声明,称尊敬的哈里王子殿下不久将出征伊拉克,声明也显示出了对王子出征可能给她本人以及他的战友带来的危险表示的担心。

    " His Royal Highness Prince Harry will deploy to Iraq later this year ," the Defense Ministry and the prince 's office said Thursday , in a joint statement that clearly reflected worries that his presence could draw fire on himself and those serving with him .