
háo jiào
  • howl;wail;yell;ululate
嚎叫 [háo jiào]
  • [howl;yell] 大声吼叫

  • 狼群在寒夜中嚎叫

  1. 他嚎叫一声跳了起来。

    He sprang up with a howl .

  2. 昨晚,电影节已经正式开始,开幕影片是《嚎叫》(Howl)。这部影片是关于AllenGinsberg的诗歌《嚎叫》(Howl)发表之后接受的审判。

    And the festival did officially last night with the premiere of the movie " Howl . " Now , that 's about the trial of Allen Ginsberg after his poem " Howl " was published .

  3. 当血从伤口中喷出时,他像一只受伤的动物一样嚎叫起来。

    He howled like a wounded animal as blood spurted from the gash

  4. 这匹狼用爪子挠着树,嚎叫了整晚。

    The wolf clawed at the tree and howled the whole night .

  5. 远处峡谷的西缘,一只丛林狼嚎叫了两声。

    Far up the west rim of the canyon , a coyote yipped twice .

  6. 那些狼在林边一直嚎叫了几个小时。

    The wolves have been howling away on the edge of the forest for hours .

  7. 他的同胞兄弟们发出亲昵的嚎叫,欢迎他落难归来。

    His brothers welcomed him with most friendly growls1 .

  8. 这时候,只见猫惊恐万状,对着老鼠大声嚎叫。

    At this moment , the cat was panic-stricken and howled loudly at the rat .

  9. 我开始打开门,这时,突然一只很大的狗朝我跑来。它朝我嚎叫、咆哮着,因此我把信件扔在了栅栏上。

    I started to open the gate and all of a sudden a huge dog ran towards me.It growled and barked at me , I threw the letters over the fence .

  10. 恰在这时,阿卡同听到了猎狗的嚎叫,猎狗们向他扑来,他突然惊慌失措,拔腿逃跑。

    Just at that moment he heard the barking of his team of fifty hunting dogs . They were coming up to him . He was suddenly seized with fear , and presently2 ran away .

  11. 大家都知道我们人类最好的朋友——狗的感官远远要比人类灵敏,这就是为什么小狗Duke在你听到警报声之前就开始嚎叫,以及为什么小狗Princess知道你的口袋里藏了食物。

    Everybody knows that our canine best friends ' senses far outstrip our puny human abilities . That 's why Duke will start howling long before you hear a siren pass , and Princess knows if you 've hidden a treat in your pocket .

  12. 这使我想起了掘墓的恶鬼,白痴和狂人的嚎叫。

    It reminded me of ghouls and idiots and insane howlings .

  13. 它们只是嚎叫、哀鸣,但并不吠叫。

    They growl , and they whine , but no barking .

  14. 恐惧嚎叫&这个技能现在是瞬发。

    Howl of terror ? This spell is now instant cast .

  15. 鳄鱼嚎叫着向我冲过来&迅迅速速地。

    The alligator growled and came at me even more swiftly .

  16. 夜晚流浪狗的嚎叫让她心烦意乱。

    She was upset hearing stray dogs howling in the dark .

  17. 他们记录了分开后20分钟内狼的嚎叫状况。

    They recorded the resulting howls for 20 minutes after separation .

  18. 想像只猫一样在月光下嚎叫吗?

    Wanna wail at the moon like a cat in heat ?

  19. 雄性对雌性发出的满意的叫声或嚎叫。

    Whistle or howl approvingly at a female , of males .

  20. 与狼为伴者,将学会嚎叫。

    Who keep company with the wolf will learn to howl !

  21. 我打赌其中一个就是要嚎叫了。

    Bet you a nickel one of them 's gonna howl .

  22. 我们的嚎叫预示着敌人巨大不幸的到来。

    Our cries herald the coming of great pain for our enemies .

  23. 狼的嚎叫划破了黑夜的寂静。

    A wolf 's howl pierced the silence of the dark night .

  24. 我们新近养的狗嚎叫了一夜了。

    A : Our new dog has been howling all night long .

  25. 一个是在高原上嚎叫,一个是在毛发里游弋。

    One howls on the prairie and one prowls on the hairy .

  26. 每作出一次拼死的努力,它就凄厉的嚎叫着退缩一下。

    After each desperate effort it shrank with a yell of pain .

  27. 整夜嚎叫的东西是什么

    What was all that howling ? It 's wolfstime .

  28. 他们呼吸很重发出嚎叫摇摆尾巴

    While breathing heavily , wagging their tales and howling .

  29. 他的歌声像狼在夜晚嚎叫。

    His song sounds like a wolf howling at night .

  30. 孩子的嚎叫像刀子一样扎在他心里。

    The squall of the child went through him like a knife .