
  • 网络Eat Pray Love;Eat, Pray, Love
  1. 佩妮:我也不敢相信你居然没看过《饭祷爱》(《美食祈祷和恋爱》亦作《一辈子做女孩》)。

    Penny : And I can 't believe you 've never read Pray , Love .

  2. 这样的题材很难拍,而且据墨菲说,他找来罗伯茨想激发出她演《永不妥协》时那种为权利而战的情绪状态。墨菲是2010年罗伯茨主演的《美食、祈祷和恋爱》(EatPrayLove)一片的导演。

    The material is difficult and , according to Murphy , who also directed her in 2010 's Eat Pray Love , calls upon Roberts to evoke the same sort of ' emotional advocacy ' she displayed in Erin Brockovich .

  3. 我没有刻意避免阅读任何体裁的书,但我不大会浏览《美食、祈祷和恋爱》(Eat,Pray,Love)或与宠物生活的回忆录这类书。

    I don 't consciously avoid any genres , but it is unlikely you would find me lingering in the section where they keep books like " Eat , Pray , Love " or memoirs of life with a pet .

  4. 昨晚看了期待已久的“美食、祈祷和恋爱”。

    I watched Eat Pray Love last night .

  5. 电影《美食、祈祷和恋爱》的取景地罗宾德博伊斯就位于布鲁克林的波尔丘地区。

    Scenes from the film Eat , Pray , Love were filmed at Robin des Bois , in the Boerum Hill neighborhood of Brooklyn .

  6. 影片名暗指大热的《美食、祈祷和恋爱》,既是一本书的名称,也被拍成了同名好莱坞电影。不过很多人都说这部镜头以闪电般速度切换的影片要比《美食、祈祷和恋爱》有创意得多。

    The name alludes to the popular book-cum-Hollywood film " Eat , Pray Love , " however many are calling these lightning-fast videos much more inspirational .

  7. 这让我想起伊丽莎白•吉尔伯特在《美食、祈祷和恋爱》一书中所描述到的:冥思就是要到达一个国度,在那里,上帝在你身上的体现就是你自己。周利群说道。

    It reminded me of what Elizabeth Gilbert described in Eat , Pray , Love , that meditation is about reaching a state where God dwells within you , as you , said Zhou .