
  • Wang Kun;【人名】Kun Wang
  1. 王坤表示,团队每周都会进行一次头脑风暴。

    Wang said the team had a brainstorming session every week .

  2. 后来我们就经常待在一起,王坤回忆道。

    We then spent time together , Wang recalled .

  3. 王坤的同班同学,23岁的毕文婷(音译)称,他们几乎花了一年的时间来开发这本故事书。

    Bi Wenting , 23 , a classmate of Wang , said they spent almost a year creating the storybook .

  4. 中国学生王坤现在正在法国学习,他发现法国人的一些餐桌礼仪与中国的不同。

    A chinese student Shen Wang is studying in France , he realize the some of the French dining etiquette is different from China .

  5. 我们开发该应用程序的过程也证明了团队协作的重要性。22岁的王坤(音译)说。王坤是一名动画专业的大四学生,主要从事配色工作。

    In our process of creating the app , teamwork also proved to be crucial , said Wang Kun , 22 , a senior animation major who did the coloring .