
diàn cháng dù
  • electrical length
电长度[diàn cháng dù]
  1. 提出了采用电长度计算方法定位校准面和样品反射面的方法,并作了实验比较。

    Then , the electrical length calculation method is put forward so as to locate the calibration plane and the sample reflect plane .

  2. 通过仿真发现,与相同物理长度的普通微带线相比,横向交指结构可以增加电长度从而利于小型化设计。

    A fact is found by simulation that the horizontal interdigital structure has a larger electrical length than the same sized conventional microstrip line .

  3. SIR可以采用等电长度或非等电长度。

    Either equal or non-equal electric length can be used for SIR .

  4. 等电长度SIR滤波电路的第三寄生通带的带宽为零,然而,非等电长度SIR滤波电路却增加了设计的灵活性。

    The bandwidth of the third spurious response of filter with equal length is zero . Taking advantage of the filter based on non-equal length SIR , flexibility in design process can be increased .

  5. 短杆需有确定的几何长度和电长度;

    Short rods have definite geometric and electric length ;

  6. 通过调整过渡段的阻抗和电长度,减小了它对上升沿的影响。

    By adjusting the impedance and electric length of the transition part , the risetime is decreased .

  7. 不同频率的入射波,截面分割单元的电长度影响矩量法的计算精度。

    With the different frequency incidence waves , the electric size of the cell affects the precision of the moment methods .

  8. 第二章运用传输线理论分析了阶梯阻抗谐振器的谐振特性,主要分析了两个截面和三个截面阶梯阻抗谐振器的谐振条件和电长度,为滤波器的设计提供了理论依据。

    Resonance conditions and electrical lengthes of two-section and tri-section stepped-impedance resonators are mainly analyzed , which provide the theory foundation for filter design .

  9. 在天线尺寸受到限制的条件下,运用螺旋结构和平面弯折结构增加天线电长度,有效的降低了天线高度。

    A helix or planar bend structure is used to increase the electric length of antenna when the dimension is limited . The height of antenna is reduced effectively .

  10. 关于风电叶片长度的设计及影响因素

    Blade Length Design and Influence Factors of Wind Turbine

  11. 分析表明,微镜偏转角与压电悬臂长度和工作电压呈线性关系。

    Analyses state that deflection angle of the scanning micromirror varies linearly with the length of piezoelectric beam and applied voltage .

  12. 压电传感器长度增加,输出电压也会有所增加,并且这一变化会随压电片的厚度减少而减小。

    Meanwhile the change of the voltage by the change of the length will decrease when the thickness of the piezoelectric layer decrease .

  13. 压电薄膜长度和厚度的增加将会使换能结构的输出功率先增加后减小;

    The output power of the piezoelectric film reaches maximum and then decreases as the length and thickness of the piezoelectric film increase .

  14. 电极间距一定时电爆长度适中的铜丝,可获得中位径小、粒度分布窄的纳米粉。

    In addition , well-distributed powders could be produced by exploding the wire with appropriate length under definite space length between the electrodes .

  15. 宏达电EVO的长度和宽度都比典型的3.5英寸屏手机大不了多少,但其屏幕竟有4.3英寸大!

    The HTC Evo , with a height and width marginally bigger than a typical 3.5 inch screen phone , somehow fits a 4.3 inch screen on it .

  16. 为延长线,我用罚款衡量,滞留,全双工电,总长度达100英尺。

    For the Extension Wire , I used fine gauge , stranded , duplex wire , having a total length of100 feet .

  17. 以此为基础建立了执行器的动力学模型,用13个设计参数如压电片的长度、宽度、高度,执行器质量和驱动电压等表征了执行器的运动状态;

    On the basis of the results , the actuator dynamic model was established , denoting the actuator locomotive status by 13 design parameters , such as length , width and height of the piezoelectric element , actuator mass and driving voltage .

  18. 用Lagrange插值法构造变电所母线拖放长度的公式

    Structure substation bus display formula with Lagrange interpolate

  19. 压电弯曲元件的长度对其特性影响的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Effect of Length of Piezoelectric Bender on its Characteristics

  20. 给出了它的有效介电常数,单位长度电容和特性阻抗的解析表达式。

    The analytic expressions for its relative effective permittivity , capacitance per unit length and characteristic impedance are given .

  21. LDPE和f-LDPE的电老化实验结果与我们早期完成的击穿强度与温度关系及电树枝长度与时间关系的实验结果有较好的一致性。

    The results of voltage-endurance test of LDPE and f-LDPE accord with electrical strength dependance of temperature and electrical tree length as a function of measuring time .