
  • 网络resistive component
  1. 本文提出了一种实用测试方法,可在某一测试信号频率下同时测出湿敏元件简化等效电路中的电阻分量Rp和电容分量Cp,复阻抗模Zp可由计算得到。

    This paper proposed a practical measuring method to determine simultaneously the resistance ( Rp ) and capacitance ( Cp ) of the cell at certain frequency of the testing signal . The modulus of the cell 's complex impedance ( | Zp | ) can be worked out spontaneously .

  2. 总结了一套实用的阻波器阻抗和电阻分量的计算公式。

    A set of practical formulas is summarized for calculating the impedance and resistance components of trapper .

  3. 相对于双线性回归法忽略电阻分量,该文提出的方法能够估计出谐波复阻抗中实部与虚部,更为合理。

    Relative to the presupposition of Double Linear Regression method that ignores the resistant part of harmonic impedance , it is more reasonable that the method can achieve the real and imaginary parts of harmonic impedance .

  4. 由于无碴轨道板中纵横交错的钢筋网络与钢轨产生电磁耦合,使得钢轨的等效阻抗之电阻分量增大、电感分量减少,从而导致无绝缘轨道电路传输长度大大缩短。

    Because of electromagnetic coupling among the steel bar networks in the ballast-less track plate and two rails , which making the rail resistance increase and the inductance reduce , the transmitting length of jointless track circuit is shortened seriously .

  5. 测热电阻电感分量的测量

    Measurement of the Inductive Component of Bolometer

  6. 水树对XLPE电缆绝缘电阻与直流分量的影响

    Effects of water trees on insulation resistance and DC component of XLPE cable

  7. 分析了磁阻抗中电阻、电感分量随频率的变化,表明电阻的变化对维持高的GMI起主要作用。

    The dependence of resistance and inductance in magneto impedance on frequency is also analyzed , and the results show that the movement of resistance contributes more to high GMI value .

  8. 湿度传感器电阻和电容分量测量方法的研究

    Measuring Method of Resistance & Capacitance of Humidity Sensor

  9. 一种同时测定湿敏元件电阻和电容分量的实用方法

    A Practical Method to Determine Simultaneously the Resistance and Capacitance of A Humidity Sensitive Element