
jūn yún fú shè
  • Uniform radiation;homogeneous radiation
  1. 含非均匀辐射气体空腔辐射特性计算研究

    Numerical Investigation on Radiation of Enclosure Containing Non-Uniform Radiative Gas

  2. 旋转场天线既有水平面上的均匀辐射性,又有垂面水平极化场的强方向性,所以把它作为电视、广播天线,不能不认为是一种较为理想的选择。

    It is an ideal choice to select this type of antenna as the broadcast and television antenna .

  3. 并从聚焦的基本概念入手,推导了均匀辐射圆口径的菲涅尔区辐射场。

    From the basic concept of focusing , this paper calculates Fennel zone radiation field of uniform radiation round caliber .

  4. 文章发展了求解积分辐射传输方程组的方法来计算充满非均匀辐射性气体封闭腔的辐射特性的方法,讨论了辐射空间分布及光谱分布的计算方法,并编制了相应的计算机程序。

    To calculate the infrared radiation characteristics of an enclosure containing inhomogeneous radiative gas , a method was developed by resolving the integral equations of radiative transfer . Attention was also focused on how to calculate the spatial distribution and the spectral distribution of radiation by computer .

  5. 均匀导体辐射场的可视化仿真程序设计

    Program Design For Visual Simulation Of Radiated Electromagnetic Fields

  6. 盘状轴对称非均匀同步辐射源的射电谱型

    Radio Spectral Type of Dish - Shaped Synchrotron Radiation Source with Axial Symmetric Non-Homogeneity

  7. 本文讨论了具有球对称的非均匀同步辐射源的射电谱形。

    This paper deals with the radio spectra of the synchrotron sources with spherical symmetric nonhomogeneity .

  8. 气候模式中云的水平不均匀性对辐射场的影响研究

    Effect of Inhomogeneous Clouds on Radiation Fields in Cloud Models

  9. 在均匀频率下辐射光谱的一个孤立成分。

    An isolated component of a spectrum formed by radiation at a uniform frequency .

  10. 考虑非均匀涂层自身辐射,以及对衬底辐射的透射和对外来辐射的反射,建立了热辐射传输方程;

    The radiative transfer equations for inhomogeneous coating are derived considering self-radiation of coating , transmitted radiation of substrate and reflected radiation of incidence .

  11. 本文研究了包含着高斯形初始扰动的非均匀强电磁辐射在等离子体中的细丝不稳定性。

    The filamentation instability of nonuniform intense electromagnetic radiation , which contains large-amplitude Gaussian intensity variations ( i.e. , hot spots ), has been studied .

  12. 在电磁辐射生物医学研究中,被试动物需要放到近场中进行实验。近场是非均匀场,辐射电平很高,特别是脉冲调制的峰值电平极高。

    In biomedical researches by electromagnetic radiation experiments , the animals should be placed in the near field ( non - uniform field ) environment , where in the radiation level is very high and the pulse-modulated peak level extremely high in particular .

  13. 非均匀散射层矢量辐射传输(VRT)方程高阶散射解的迭代法

    Iterative approach of high-order scattering solution for vector radiative transfer of inhomogeneous media layer

  14. 非均匀电离层中VLF辐射源在海面上产生的场

    The VLF Field on the Sea Surface Generated by the Transmitter Antenna in the Inhomogeneous Ionosphere

  15. 以微波辐射遥感为背景,发展非均匀自然介质矢量辐射传输(VRT)理论。

    Microwave passive remote sensing promotes the study of Vector ( polarized ) Radiative Transfer ( VRT ) theory of complex natural media .

  16. 光线在梯度折射率介质内沿Fermat原理决定的曲线路径传播,因而梯度折射率介质内的辐射传递相对均匀介质内的辐射传递要复杂得多。

    In graded index medium , the ray goes along a curved path determined by the Fermat principle . The solution of radiative transfer in graded index medium is more difficult than that in uniform index medium .

  17. 方法在标准辐射质下,使用二级标准剂量学实验室(SSDL)的参考级剂量仪器对辐射场的均匀性、散射辐射线的影响,以及装置的长期稳定性等特性进行测定。

    Methods Under the standard radiation quality conditions , the radiation field homogeneity , the scatter radiation contributions and long term stability of the reference instrument were measured using the reference_class ionization chamber at the SSDL .

  18. 均匀磁场中的辐射带电粒子的经典运动

    The classical motion of radiantly charged particle in equally magnetic field

  19. 非均匀气体系统红外辐射谱带模型计算方法

    The Band Model Calculation Method on Infrared Radiation For Inhomogeneous Gase System

  20. 非均匀流动空泡核辐射测量的动态误差

    Dynamic error in nuclear radiation measurements of inhomogeneous fluctuating voids

  21. 均匀介质参与体系辐射换热的直接矩阵解法

    Matrices Expression of Radiation Heat Transfer in an Enclosure with Homogeneous Participating Media

  22. 在非均匀水云中太阳辐射的传输

    Transfer of Solar Radiation in Nonhomogeneous Water Clouds

  23. 非均匀涂层的热辐射

    Thermal radiation of inhomogeneous coating

  24. 在此基础上,对放置在刚性反射面上的均匀脉动球的辐射声场进行了计算,与相应的解析解进行了比较并对计算误差作了分析。

    Further , the result is compared with the analytical one and the calculation error is analyzed .

  25. 三维辐射传输模式分析非均匀云对天空辐射场影响

    Simulations of Inhomogeneous Cloud and Its Effects on Radiative Distribution of Atmosphere with a 3D Radiative Transfer Model

  26. 将温度概念推广到均匀各向同性的辐射场,导出了辐射场温度与辐射能密度的关系,并对宇宙背景温度给出解释。

    Extends the concept of temperature to the uniform and isotropic radiative field , deduces the relation between radiative field temperature and radiation energy density , and interprets the cosmic background temperature .

  27. 另外,为获得辐射微波能在生物组织中尽量均匀的分布和辐射效能,对现有的矩形波导辐射器的优化通过设计低驻波比的圆喇叭天线进行了仿真讨论。

    Meanwhile , in order to obtain uniform microwave energy distribution in biologic tissue and improve the effectiveness of the radiator , a circle horn antenna with low voltage-stand-wave-ratio is simulative studied to replace current rectangle waveguide radiator .

  28. 回顾了每种方法中所作的假设,并强调指出了处理在植被冠层这样的非均匀介质中的辐射传输问题的内在困难。

    Some of the assumptions made in each approach , as well as their implications are reviewed , and the intrinsic difficulty of dealing with radiation transfer in a medium as inhomogeneous as a plant canopy is underscored .