
jí xiǎo huà
  • minimization
极小化[jí xiǎo huà]
  1. 关于线性等式约束极小化中的ABS下降方向

    On ABS descent directions for constrained minimization with linear equality constraints

  2. 具有Lipschitz连续G-导数函数的极小化方法

    Minimization of functions having Lipschitz continuous gateaux-derivatives

  3. 研究3台机器调整时间可分离的无等待FlowShop排序问题,目标函数为极小化折扣加权总完工时间。

    Discounted total weighted completion time in three-machine no-wait flow shop scheduling problem with separated setup times was studied .

  4. 定理3.1无约束极小化问题(Pε)至少有一个解。

    In this paper , the following results are approached , Theorem 3.1 The problem ( P ) has at least one solution .

  5. 目标是极小化最大的机器完工时间(C(max))和极大化最小的机器完工时间(C(min))。

    The goal is to minimize the maximum machine completion time and to maximize the minimum machine completion time .

  6. 基-2、基-4、基-8型FFT算法计算量的极小化及其证明

    The minimal time complexity of FFT algorithms for radix-2 , radix-4 and Radix-8

  7. 实对称矩阵最大特征值极小化问题的一个BT型ε-次梯度算法

    A BT type ε - subgradient algorithm for minimizing the greatest eigenvalue of a real symmetric matrix

  8. 极小化误差常数的4阶Runge-Kutta方法

    Fourth Order Runge-Kutta Method with Minimized Error Constant

  9. 具极小化局部截断误差的Runge-Kutta方法

    Runge-Kutta methods with minimizing the local truncation error

  10. 在此基础上,通过极小化试验的风险确定最优试验数n,并讨论了决策中犯两类错误的概率,给出了验前信息的表示。

    And then , the best testing number , the probability of the two types of mistakes in the decision and the expression of the prior information are specified , too .

  11. Snake模型的提出改变了图像处理方法的传统模式,它通过使能量方程极小化过程,以曲线演化的方式完成了图像分割任务。

    It accomplishes the image processing task using the curve evolution model , which is described as the minimization of an energy function .

  12. 采用前馈神经网络求解N-皇后问题,并用变学习因子的快速学习算法解决局部极小化问题,给出了几组搜索结果。

    Applies feed forward neural network to the N QUEENs question , and sdves the local minimization question using a rapid learning algorithm with variable learning factors . Gives several research results .

  13. 本文给出了一个解Lipschitz约束极小化问题的算法,它是Bundle方法的改进。

    This paper gives an algorithm for Lipschitz constrained minimization problem , and it is a modification of Bundle method .

  14. 第二章,我们集中讨论了原始的非线性互补问题在经过merit函数的极小化变形之后的解决方法。

    In chapter 2 , we discuss the method for solving nonlinear complementarity problems with the equivalent formulation of minimization based on merit function .

  15. 极小化极大熵估计量BRT优先控制交叉口的机动车相位固定最小绿灯时间计算方法

    Absolute minimum green calculation for vehicle phase at signalized intersections with bus rapid transit signal priority

  16. 数值结果表明,采用对模型进行精度检验的标准应与估计GM(1,1)模型中参数a、u的极小化准则相一致,这样估计出的参数效果较好。

    Calculation results show that using model test standard is uniform with minimization criterion of estimation GM ( 1,1 ) model parameter , so the result is satisfied .

  17. 对矩阵带宽极小化的Rosen算法作了一些改进。

    The Rosen 's algorithm is improved for minimizing the matrix bandwidth .

  18. 主要做的工作是将Hilbert空间中极小化问题的粘性解方法推广到一类特殊的Banach空间中。

    My major work is to generalize the method of viscosity solutions for minimization problem in Hilbert space to a special Banach space .

  19. 到本文提出一个求解L1范数极小化问题的神经网络新模型,并予以严格证明,对比文〔1〕中的模型,新模型具有较小的规模;

    A neural network for solving L1-norm minimization problem is presented and is shown to be globally convergent to exact solutions .

  20. 本文提出一种基于复杂问题分解的布尔函数极小化方法SWT3。

    This paper presents a complicated problem decomposition-based approach called SWT , to the Boolean function minimization .

  21. 利用极小l1模剩余向量,将l1范数极小化问题转化为先求一个约束不可微最优化问题,再解一个相容的线性方程组。

    Using the minimum l1-norm residue vector , we can translate l1-norm minimization problem into solving a non-differentiable optimization and consistency equations .

  22. 一个超定线性方程组的L1范数极小化算法

    A new algorithm for minimizing l_ 1-norm to overdetermined linear equations

  23. 非线性参数估计的极小化L∞模方法

    The Minimum L_ ∞ - norm Method of the Nonlinear Parameter Estimation

  24. 本文首先给出求解可分函数极小化问题的Jacobi松弛法及其收敛性定理。

    At first this paper , gives the Jacobi relaxation method , to solve minimization of separable function and its convergence theorems .

  25. 应用变分方法,综合利用先验估计,含测度的方程,该文通过求解一个具有非凸约束的局部极小化问题,得到所考虑的Plateau问题的有界解之存在性。

    This paper proved the existence of bounded solutions for this kind Plateau problem by solving a local minimizing problem with nonconvex constraint via the calculus of variation , equation with measures and prior estimates .

  26. 分析了碱基最大配对、极小化自由能、螺旋区组合和基于多序列比较的RNA二级结构预测等典型算法的优劣;

    The advantages and weakness of typical algorithms including maximum base pair , minimum free energy , combination of helical regions , prediction of RNA secondary structure based on multiple sequences alignment , and etc.

  27. +~n上的约束极小化问题,并构造相应的derivative-free下降算法。

    We constitute the corresponding derivative - free descent algorithm .

  28. 非线性非凸L1-极小化的最优性充分条件

    Sufficient optimality conditions for nonlinear nonconvex l_1-minimization

  29. 在建立该问题极大熵函数及其区间扩张,证明极大熵函数及其区间扩张对原问题的收敛性质基础上,构造了l1模极小化问题的区间极大熵算法。

    On the basis of discussing maximum-entropy function , interval extension . and convergence , the interval maximum-entropy method for l_1 norm minimization problem is set up .

  30. 用改进的SPEA求解轨道转移的时间-能量极小化问题

    Solving Minimizing Time-Energy Problem of Orbital Transformation via the Improved SPEA