
  • 网络Impedance difference;impedance contrast
  1. 消除虚反射反滤波器散射波场是入射波场与波阻抗差函数的函数。

    A scattered wave field is a function of the incident wave field and the wave impedance difference function .

  2. 薄碳酸盐岩地层及波阻抗差微弱的储层界面反射成像难;

    Being difficult of imaging by reflection at the interfaces of thin carbonate formations and the reservoir beds with little wave impedance differences ;

  3. 在这样的模式下,由炮集记录提取入射波场,进而通过最小二乘法,求解波阻抗差函数,最终得到散射波场的估计。

    Under such a pattern , one can get the estimation of the scattered wave field by extracting the incident wave field by shot records and calculating the wave impedance difference function by least square algorithm .

  4. 由波动理论建立近地表传播和散射模型,并在平行地表的一个网格面的各个节点上设置波阻抗差函数来近似地表的非均匀性。

    On basis of this , from the wave theory , one can build a surface propagating and scattering model and set a function of wave impedance difference on every node of grid surface paralleling surface to approximate the surface nonhomogeneity .

  5. 对于疏松砂岩及中-高孔隙度固结砂岩,利用纵、横波阻抗差等常规地震属性可较好地判别孔隙含气及饱和水、饱和油状态;

    According to the calculation results of fluid indicator , the conventional attributes , such as response difference of P wave and S wave , are sufficient for discrimination of gas state in middle-high porosity unconsolidated sandstones and cemented sandstones sample saturated with water and oil .

  6. 一例中阻抗母差保护故障处理及原因分析

    Dealing with a Breakdown of a Middle Impedance Bus Current Differential Relay

  7. RADSS/S型中阻抗母差保护调试中应注意的两个问题

    Paying Attention to Two Problems in RADSS / S Type Impedance Bus Current Differential Protection Adjusting

  8. 介绍了多起REB103中阻抗母差保护不正常运行实例,大多是在作者进行母差保护定期校验和带负荷试验中发现的。

    Several abnormal operation instances of REB 103 bus differential relay are introduced . Most of these abnormal operation instances are detected in periodically inspection and commissioning of REB 103 on energized bus .

  9. 采用阻抗分析、差热分析、X射线衍射、透射电镜等方法研究了螯合剂对Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3薄膜结构与性能的影响。

    The influence of chelating agents on the dielectric properties and microstructure of Ba_ ( 0.5 ) Sr_ ( 0.5 ) TiO_ ( 3 ) thin films were studied using an impedance analysis , differential thermal analysis , X-ray diffraction , and transmission electron microscopy .

  10. HMZ系列中阻抗型母差保护误动原因分析

    On the error action of bus bar differential protection of hmz middle impedance type

  11. 利用交流阻抗、示差扫描热分析等测试手段考察了SiO2颗粒度及P(VDF-HFP)含量对(PEO)12LiCIO4电解质体系电导率的影响,并对其进行了分析比较。

    The effects of particle size of SiO2 and content of P ( VDF-HFP ) on the conductivity of ( PEO ) 12LiClO4 electrolytes were studied in terms of AC impedance and DSC , and compared with each other .

  12. 诊断桩基故障的机械阻抗法中频率差参数分析

    Analysis of the parameter of the difference of frequency in mechanical impedance Method for Fault Diagnosis of Pile foundation