
jūn yún biàn xínɡ
  • Uniform deformation;homogeneous deformation;affine deformation
  1. 沿参数曲面的均匀变形方法

    Homogeneous Deformation Following the Shape of a Parametric Surface

  2. 结果显示,如果轧制摩擦因数大,当处于均匀变形几何条件1剪切变形,导致产生剪切织构CubeND;

    The results show that the shear texture ND-rotated cube texture ( Cube ND ) is observed even if the homogeneous deformation condition , 1 shear strain in deformation zone due to high friction conditions .

  3. 在B样条条元法中,通过分条计算中性点的位置,更真实地模拟了板带轧制时的三维不均匀变形。

    The locations of neutral points is varied along the lateral direction and calculated according to each strip element , so the three-dimensional asymmetric deformations process of the plate and strip is simulated more factually .

  4. SEM观察结果揭示,在动态压缩下,通孔泡沫铝宏观上均匀变形,微观变形机制以泡孔横向伸展坍塌为主。

    Observed results with SEM reveal a homogeneously macroscopic deforming mode in the dynamic compression of the open-cell aluminum foam . However , the microscopic deformation of the foams is adopted by the transversal stretch of the cells .

  5. 根据Wilson和Chang的粗糙度补偿模型和VONMISES均匀变形模型,在轧制过程中,一种新的混合膜润滑模型被建立。

    An analytical model for metal rolling in the mixed lubrication regime is developed . The model is based on Wilson and Chang 's asperity flattening model and Von Mises homogeneous deformation model .

  6. Nd基大块金属玻璃样品在室温下是脆性断裂,大约在500K时变形模式从非均匀变形转变为均匀变形,在523K以上表现出显著的塑性变形。

    The alloy is extremely brittle at room temperature and no plastic deformation . The deformation mode changes from inhomogeneous deformation to homogeneous deformation around 500 K.

  7. 采用宏观HILL模型和晶体塑性模型对面心立方单晶(FCC)材料的非均匀变形进行了数值模拟,意在比较两种不同尺度的模型对塑性各向异性的描述能力的差异。

    An inhomogenous deformation process is analyzed by application of a macroscopic Hill model and crystal plasticity . The purpose of present work is to give a comparative study of the different description ability of these two different scale models on plastic anisotropy .

  8. 采用ADINA非线性有限元分析软件,对土工格栅处理武黄高速公路武汉市三环线共线段拓宽路堤变形和应力进行仿真计算和分析,对土工格栅处理拓宽路堤不均匀变形的作用效果进行分析。

    Nonlinear finite element software ADINA was used to simulate the uneven settlement treatment of widening roadbed of mutual segment of Wuhan-Huangshi highway and the third annular urban road of Wuhan with geogrids . The effect of treating uneven settlement of widening roadbed with geogrids was studied .

  9. 对于内径、外径分别为32mm、42mm的胀形线圈和内径、外径分别为56mm、66mm的缩径线圈,得到了均匀变形长度比例曲线,并进行了理论和试验验证。

    For i.d 32 mm , o. d 42 mm bulging coil and i.d 56 mm , o. d 66 mm tube-compression coil , the proportion curves of uniform deformation have been obtained , and validated by theory and trials .

  10. 先进塑性加工技术发展中的非均匀变形效应

    Effect of unequal deformation in development of advanced plastic processing technologies

  11. 拼焊板方盒件拉深非均匀变形的计算机模拟研究

    Computer simulation on the non-uniform deformation of deep drawn tailor-welded square boxes

  12. 冷拔圆管周向不均匀变形初探

    An approach to non-uniform circumferential formation of cold-drawn round tubes

  13. 剪切过程呈现良好的以均匀变形为主的细观变形特点。

    The meso-deformation during the test process was manifested by uniform deformation .

  14. 水泥混凝土路面不均匀变形指标与测定方法

    Discuss about uneven distort target and determine methods for cement concrete pavement

  15. 锻压成形过程不均匀变形控制与利用研究

    Research on Controled and Used of the Non-uniform Deformation in Forging Process

  16. 粘弹性纤维在均匀变形流场中的悬浮动力学

    Dynamics of a viscoelastic fiber suspended in homogeneous flow field

  17. 矿山建筑物地基不均匀变形规律和防止措施

    Law and Precautions of Uneven Deformation in Mine Building Foundation

  18. 中厚板轧制边部不均匀变形机理的探讨

    Research on the Inhomogeneous Deformation Mechanism at the Rolled Edge of Plate

  19. 板带粗轧不均匀变形行为的数值解析

    Numerical Analysis on Uneven Deformation Behavior of Hot Strip in Rough Rolling

  20. 膨胀管膨胀过程中不均匀变形的试验研究

    Experimental study on uneven deformation of inflating pipe during inflation

  21. 考虑不均匀变形影响的冷轧制力模型

    The cold rolling force model taking account of the effect of inhomogeneous deformation

  22. 轧制过程中不均匀变形分布和温度分布的数值解模型

    A Numerical Solution Model for Inhomogeneous Deformation and Temperature Distribution in Rolling Processes

  23. 路基边坡的非均匀变形分析

    Analysis on the Irregular Deformation of Some Subgrade Slope

  24. 应用联合刚度理论治理基础不均匀变形

    Using the combined Rigidity Theory to treat the non - uniform deformation of foundations

  25. 在不均匀变形阶段,应力应变关系多服从线性律。

    At the nonuniform stage the true-stress / true-strain relation generally obeys the linear law .

  26. 均匀变形条件是超塑性材料迭到很高塑性的一个条件。

    When uniform deformation condition is satisfied , superplastic materials will have very high plasticity .

  27. 结果表明,它们对产生试样的不均匀变形都有重要的作用。

    The results show that they have important influence on uneven strain of the sample .

  28. 超声振动还可以减小金属丝的不均匀变形,有利于表面质量的提高。

    Ultrasonic oscillation can also decrease uneven deformation of wire and is benefit to surface qualities .

  29. 探讨水泥混凝土路面不均匀变形指标与测定方法,并提出了建议参考值。

    Discuss about uneven distort target and determine method for cement concrete pavement and suggest referenced value .

  30. 冰川非均匀变形研究&人工冰洞研究之三

    Study of the Inhomogeneous Deformation in a Glacier & Investigation on the Artificial Tunnel , Part ⅲ