
  • 网络theory of isostasy;isostasy hypothesis;punctuated equilibrium
  1. 其中,均衡财富说更加直接的突出了遗产税劫富济贫的本质。

    Among them , the equilibrium wealth said directly highlighted tax " maxi-cans " essence .

  2. 税收实现了公平与效率的均衡,与其说是一个经济问题,不如说是一个伦理问题。

    Realizing the balance , fairness and efficiency is not an economic issue , rather than an ethical question .

  3. 因为极少数人坚持均衡饮食,Thomas说,服用非处方维生素,即使是商店品牌也是一个好主意。

    Because few of us consistently eat a well-balanced diet , Thomas says taking an over-the-counter multivitamin , even a store brand , is a good idea .

  4. 对此,你可能从你的教练那里听到了许多,但要想有一个均衡的(或者说更快的)自由泳分段,你还需要练习。

    You might hear this a lot from your coach , but to have an even ( or faster ) free split takes practice .

  5. 如果这种均衡被打破比如说,受到危及生命事件的刺激理智可能会被从众和“战或逃”等更为本能化的反应所取代。

    If that balance is upset say , by the stimulus of a life-threatening event reason may be cast aside in favour of more instinctive behaviours such as herding or the fight-or-flight response .