
  1. 第四部分:探讨近代湖南人口的性别结构的变化。

    Fourth part : Discussion modern times Hunan population sex structure vicissitude .

  2. 并总结了近代湖南人口发展变化的特点。

    And summarized the modern Hunan population development vicissitude characteristic .

  3. 近代湖南人口的变迁(1840&1949)

    The Changes of Hunan 's Population in Modern Times ( 1840-1949 )

  4. 第二部分:阐述近代湖南人口的演变过程。

    The second part is mainly about the changes process of Hunan 's population .

  5. 近代湖南人口及其变迁

    The Population of Hunan Province and Its Vicissitude

  6. 第一部分:探讨近代湖南人口的数量及分布。

    The first part concentrates on the quantity of Hunan 's population in Modern times .

  7. 湖南人口发展与耕地的关系

    Study on the Relationship Between the Development of Population and Cultivated Land in Hunan Province

  8. 文章认为,近代湖南人口过剩加重了湖南农村经济的衰败;

    The article believed that , modern Hunan has overpopulation accelerated the Hunan rural economy deterioration ;

  9. 试论湖南人口城镇化

    Urbanization of population in Hunan Province

  10. 三是民国后期(1928-1949年)湖南人口减少停滞;

    Three is the Republic of China mid and late part ( 1928-1949 year ) the Hunan depopulation stagnates ;

  11. 第二部分:阐述人口的概念、内涵及近代以前湖南人口的概况。

    Second part : Elaborated the population concept , the connotation and the modern times before Hunan 's population survey .

  12. 近代是湖南人口发展的重要阶段,随着湘军的崛起,湖南已成为全国举足轻重的大省。

    Modern times are important phase in population development of Hunan . Along with Xing-army rosing , Hunan had been a great province .

  13. 一是晚清及清末(1840-1911年)时期湖南人口有起伏地增长;

    One was the latter Qing dynasty and the end of the Qing ( 1840-1911 year ) the time Hunan population has the accidented ground growth ;

  14. 本课题组对湖南人口老龄化和安老养老的现状进行了抽样调查和分析,在此基础上,为解决老年人安老养老问题提出了相应的对策。

    By sample survey , our subject group has studies the status and the care of the elderly population in Hunan Province and put forward some suggestions about what to do about the aged .

  15. 其学术性在于对新中国建国60年来湖南人口的变化作一个系统完整的研究,是此前无人所做的工作,可以为历史人口学增加实证材料。

    The academic is the founding of New China in 60 years , demographic changes in Hunan for a complete study system is no previous work can be increased for the historical demography of real materials .

  16. 结语部分:对本文论述的主要内容进行了一个简要的小结,并指出了近代湖南人口演变对当今时代的启示作用:第一、坚持贯彻计划生育基本国策,严格控制人口增长;

    Conclusion partial : The main content elaborates which to this article has carried on a brief subtotal , and has pointed out the modern Hunan population development to the now enlightenment function : First , persisted implements the birth control basic national policy , strictly control population growth ;

  17. 基于多种数学模型下的湖南省人口预测研究

    The Population Prediction in Hunan Province Based on a Variety of Mathematical Models

  18. 湖南农村人口老龄化及其养老保障的对策思考

    Thought on the Aging of Hunan Rural Population and the Countermeasures to Security of Supporting Parents

  19. 改革开放以来湖南省人口分布的变化特征及影响因素研究

    Study on the Change Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Hunan 's Population Distribution Since Reform and Opening up

  20. 湖南老龄人口医疗保健的现状与对策

    The Status Quo and Countermeasures of the Aging of Population and Old People ′ s Medical Care in Hunan

  21. 随着我国人口结构的老龄化,老龄患者逐渐增多,对长期卫生服务及护理的需求也相应增加。湖南老龄人口医疗保健的现状与对策

    In China , with aging of population , the needs to long-term health service are increasing too . The Status Quo and Countermeasures of the Aging of Population and Old People ′ s Medical Care in Hunan

  22. 结合湖南省人口信息系统的需求,论文重点论述了省人口基础信息共享平台构建的技术方案、建设目标与系统总体架构。

    According to the requirements in Hunan Population Information System , the thesis stressed on discussing technology scheme of the Provincial Population Basic Information Sharing Platform design work , construction object , and overall framework of the system .

  23. 我们认为宋代湖南地区人口的持续增长、农业生产工具进步、水利设施的兴修、新的粮食作物的推广、先进耕作制度的普及等有力地推动了农业经济发展。

    We believed that continued population growth , agricultural production , tools build progress , water conservancy facilities , promotion of new crops and advanced farming systems such as the popularity of effectively in Hunan in the Song Dynasty had promoted the rural economic development in Hunan .

  24. 江西、安徽、四川、湖南等流动人口加剧老龄化压力的地区;

    Another includes such provinces as Jiangxi , Sichuan and Anhui , where floating people worsen the aging situation .

  25. 本文应用市镇人口规模分布理论,研究了湖南省城市人口规模分布结构的动态变化及其基本特征。

    The authors explore the rank-size relationship in Hunan Province and find out that this region exhibits a city-size distribution which approximates to the rank-size rule .

  26. 九嶷山地区的瑶族人口数量众多,占湖南省瑶族人口总数的一半以上,江华瑶族自治县的人口数量占到全国瑶族人口总数的十分之一。

    The number of JiuYi mountain area of Yao population , accounted for more than half of the total number of the population in Hunan Province , JiangHua Yao Autonomous County , population accounted for1 / 10of the total national Yao population .

  27. 湖南是一个人口大省,也是率先进入人口老龄化的省份。

    Hunan Province has a large population and is one of the provinces which firstly get into aging population .