
  • 网络the bottom of a lake;lakebed;Under the Lake
  1. 同时,它的发育受大地构造、湖底地形的控制。

    On the other hand , their development is controlled by tectonic structure and landform of the lakebed .

  2. 但眼前的问题是,除非你生活在荒岛上或者是湖底里,不然这种方法无法奏效。

    The problem with this approach is that it works only if you live on a desert island or at the bottom of a lake .

  3. 单引擎飞机在亚利桑那州西部的一个干涸的湖底着陆了。

    The single-engine plane landed at a dry lake in western Arizona

  4. 警方已经花了数周对湖底清淤,但还是没有发现他的尸体。

    Police have spent weeks dredging the lake but have not found his body .

  5. bubbleup冒泡,沸腾地下深处的气体从湖底冒了出来。

    Gases from deep in the earth bubble up through the lake

  6. SILAS系统在太湖湖底淤泥调查中的应用

    Application of Silas system in the silt investigation of the Taihu Lake

  7. 与湖底沉积物相比,卤水富集7 ̄Li,其平均δ ̄6Li值为-21.7±1.5‰。

    The brine is enriched in the isotope Li , with an average δ 6Li value of-21.7 ‰± 1.5 ‰, compare with those of lake sediments .

  8. 通过底泥正交模拟试验测定分析认为温度、溶解氧、pH值、水动力均是影响双龙湖底泥磷释放的显著因素,显著性排序依次为溶解氧>温度>pH值>水动力。

    Draw a conclusion that temperature , DO , PH and Stir are all remarkable affecting factor in Phosphate Releasing by the orthogonal experiment , and the order of marked factors is DO > Temperature > pH > Stir .

  9. 文章首先介绍了F湖典型声学环境特征-声速剖面、湖面、湖底条件,并给出了F湖声速的一种经验计算公式以及夏季和冬季的一组典型声速剖面。

    The environmental acoustic features of F lake : sound speed profile , lake surface and lake bottom are described and an empirical sound speed formula is presented to relates sound speed to water temperature and depth .

  10. 采集洪湖湿地两个具有代表性的湖底沉积柱进行对比,应用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)考察了沉积柱中微量元素及稀土元素的纵向分布特征。

    The vertical profiles of trace elements including rare earth elements ( REEs ) in the two typical sediment cores of Honghu Lake wetland were investigated using ICP-MS.

  11. 经实地探测,能探到3m以内的地下金属,非金属管道,能获得较清晰的湖底剖面图,探测最深水深可达8m。

    Metal and non-metal pipe lying underground no deeper than 3m can be probed . Fairly cleaning , profile of lake bed is obtained with 8m deepest depth .

  12. 玄武湖隧道工程是我国第一条国内湖底隧道,地质条件复杂,开挖深度达10m。

    The Xuanwu Lake tunnel is the first tunnel under lake of our country . The geological conditions of the tunnel foundation are very complicated and the excavation is 10 meters deep .

  13. 湖底淤泥经处理后,对细菌的杀灭率≥90%,粪大肠菌值达到卫生标准,未检出致病菌及H5N1型禽流感病毒。

    After treatment of the mud at the lake bottom , the bacterial killing rate was ≥ 90 % and the fecal coli-group bacterial count met the sanitary standard . Neither pathogenic bacteria nor H5N1-type avian influenza virus was detected .

  14. 据悉,NASA天体生物学家从加利福尼亚州莫纳湖湖底收集了一些微生物,这种微生物可不是普通的微生物,它可以像其他生物一样利用磷完成生命功能,但如果需要,它能用砷替代磷,并且依靠剧毒的砷进行新陈代谢。

    The excitement lies in the bug 's ability to eat and thrive on arsenic , one of the most toxic chemicals on the planet . It can even incorporate arsenic into its DNA , making it part of its very being .

  15. 在深海采矿系统作业前期,利用AUV调查湖底的地形地貌、结核的分布与覆盖率,确定集矿机作业地点的大地坐标。

    In pre-mining , the AUV is used to survey topography and physiognomy of the lake , distribution and ratio of artificial nodules laying on the bottom of the lake , then to confirm the geographical coordinate of the deep-sea miner .

  16. 当然邮差也可以选择帮助他们从密德湖底打捞上一架坠毁的B-29超级堡垒轰炸机,他们会翻新和驾驶它。

    Also the Courier may help them raise a crashed Boeing B-29 Superfortress from the bottom of Lake Mead , which they will restore and fly .

  17. 野外环境下用100MHz天线对湖底62m内的不同目标进行勘探,测量误差在5%~8%范围内,实现地质雷达对地下目标体的高精度定位。

    In field case , exploration accuracy was 5 % ~ 8 % when we used 100 MHz antenna to detect a few different objects located below a lake surface within 6.2 m. So locating accurately subterranean objects by geological radar has been realized .

  18. 湖底地形对风生流场影响的数值研究

    Numerical analysis on influence of topography on wind-driven current in lake

  19. 警方在湖底发现了一具尸体

    The police found a body at the bottom of the lake

  20. 湖泊防渗对湖底及周边土壤水分分布的影响

    Impacts of Lake Lining on Soil Moisture Variation in Vadose Zone

  21. 湖底宽带回波信号的解卷积处理

    Deconvolution Applied to Wideband Acoustic Echo Signals of Lake Bottoms

  22. 这座湖泊非常浅,我们都可以看到湖底了。

    The lake was so shallow that we could see the bottom .

  23. 你将可以在湖底找到那枚硬币。

    You will find the coin at the bottom of the lake .

  24. 地下深处的气体从湖底冒了出来。

    Gases from deep in the earth bubble up through the lake .

  25. 基于平稳小波变换及奇异值分解的湖底回波分类

    Features of underwater echo extraction based on SWT and SVD

  26. 低声速湖底的反射特性

    Reflective properties from a low - velocity lake - bottom

  27. 他们被卷到怪怪湖底。

    They were brought to the bottom of Guaiguai Lake .

  28. 南京玄武湖底泥重金属形态与环境意义

    Speciation of heavy metals in sediments from Lake Xuanwu and their environmental significance

  29. 湖底矿露天开采实践

    Open - pit Mining in The Botton of Lake

  30. 它在湖底潜伏着,等待着。

    It was swimming at the bottom , waiting .