
  1. 水库湖泊水面蒸发的分析计算

    Analysis and calculation of free water surface evaporation from reservoir and lake

  2. 水库、湖泊水面蒸发量不能直接观测,需用一些方法计算,有器测法、水量平衡法及由能量平衡和动力学方法得到的经验模型法。

    Water surface evaporation capacity of reservoir or lake can 't be directly observed and should be computed with such methods as instrument-measurement method , water balance method , as well as experience model set up from energy balance and dynamics method .

  3. 荷花和苔菜点缀在池塘和湖泊的水面上。

    Water lilies and floatingheart dot the surface of ponds and lakes .

  4. 为验证模型的准确性,在某湖泊开展电波水面传播实验。

    A propagation experiment is performed at a lake to verify the accuracy of the PE model .

  5. 湖北省位于长江中游,全省河流纵横、湖泊密布、水面宽广,具有十分丰富的湿地资源。

    Hubei is located in Yangtze river , it has rich wetland resources because of so many rivers and lakes .

  6. 城市景观湖泊中漂在水面上的浮泥不仅影响水体景观,而且还阻碍空气中的氧向水中传输,影响水质。

    The floating sludge over landscaping lake in city not only affects water sight , but blocks oxygen transferring from air to water .

  7. 在人类活动的强度干扰下,湖泊数量锐减、水面萎缩、被不同程度地污染已经成为城市湖泊演变的普遍现象,严重影响了湖泊的生态服务功能。

    Unfortunately , there exist quite universal problems that the number of urban lakes reduced , area of lakes shrinks , and lakes are polluted in different degrees under the historical and present intensive interference of human activities , which limit seriously the ecological service function of urban lakes .