
  • 网络kuznets hypothesis
  1. 从发展经济学观点看待库兹涅茨假说&兼论中国收入不平等扩大的原因

    Kuznets Hypothesis Viewed from the Theory of Economics of Development : On the Causes for the Enlargement of Income Inequality in China

  2. 关于描述经济增长与收入分配关系的库兹涅茨假说是否存在在学术界长期争论不休。

    It is a long and endless academic contention whether Kuznets Hypothesis can be verified that describes the relationship between economic growth and income distribution .

  3. 随后,通过库兹涅茨假说的验证性分析,对城乡居民收入差距未来的发展趋势进行基本的判断,利用多种指数平滑方法以及ARMA模型进行实际预测。

    Then , it makes basic judgment at the future trends of the income gap between urban and rural residents through hypothesis analysis of Kuznets curve and use kinds of exponential smoothing method and ARMA models to predict .

  4. 在此基础上,根据环境库兹涅茨假说建立各区域环境库兹涅茨模型。

    On this basis , the paper establishes the regional environmental Kuznets model under the environmental Kuznets hypothesis .

  5. 本文认为,库兹涅茨假说在中国也存在冲国收入分配不平等的扩大主要是由经济不平衡发展引起的。

    This hypothesis , we think , has been also proved here in China - the widening inequality in income distribution in China is sparked off mainly by the imbalance in economic growth .

  6. 环境库兹涅茨曲线假说在中国的经验研究

    Hypothesis of Environmental Kuznets curve and its test in China

  7. 环境库兹涅茨曲线假说存在适应性的评价研究

    Adaptive Evaluation on Existence of EKC Hypothesis

  8. 经济增长与环境污染&环境库兹涅茨曲线假说的中国检验

    Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution : An Empirical Test for the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in China

  9. 在对环境库兹涅茨曲线假说扩展的基础上,分析和验证了收入差距与环境质量之间的关系。

    Extending " Environmental Kuznets Curve ", this paper conducts an analysis on the relationship between income inequality and environmental quality in china .

  10. 但环境库兹涅茨曲线假说只是单纯使用减量模型对收入水平变化和环境质量指标进行简单的统计相关分析,研究方法过于简单。

    But environmental kuznets curve hypothesis just pure Bates used to income level 2-year model changes and environmental quality indicators for simple statistical correlation analysis , the research method was too simple .

  11. 本文在研究碳排放与经济增长的的关系上,重点检验了碳排放环境库兹涅茨曲线假说,实证结果不支持该假说,文章还对假说的局限性做了概括。

    In order to studies the relationship between carbon emissions and economic growth , this article test the EKC hypothesis of carbon emissions . however , the empirical results do not support the EKC hypothesis .

  12. 结果发现,对于多数指标而言,环境库兹涅茨曲线假说成立,即经济增长初期会造成环境质量恶化,但到达一个转折点后,经济增长又会引致环境污染状况的改善;

    That is , initial increases in GDP may be associated with worsening environmental conditions at low levels of income , but environmental quality appears to benefit from economic growth once some turning point has been reached .

  13. 库兹涅茨倒U假说在长三角区域经济增长中不成立。

    Hypotheses of inverted U-shaped cannot be applied in the economic development of Chang-delta district .

  14. 围绕着库兹涅茨倒U假说的研究表明,经济结构在解释经济增长与收入分配的相互关系时有重要的作用。

    The research of Kuznets hypothesis indicates that economic structure is the key to explaining the relationship between economic growth and income distribution .

  15. 劳动力跨部门流动模型表明,库兹涅茨倒U假说可能是成立的。

    Cross-sectors labor flow modeling shows that the Kuzenets anti-U curve can be applied to explain the income distribution in China 's economic reform .

  16. 第二部分分别运用库兹涅茨倒U型假说和R/S分形方法对大连市城乡居民收入差距的演变趋势进行分析及预测。

    The second part used the Kuznets inverted U hypothesis and the R / S fractal approach to analysis and forecast the evolution of trend of the income gap between urban and rural residents in Dalian City .

  17. 提要本文针对环境库兹涅茨曲线()假说进行了系统的分析。

    This paper conducts a systematic analysis on the environmental Kuznets curve .