
  • 网络Inventory software;library software
  1. 基于J2EE框架的企业库存管理软件研发与应用

    Development and Application of an Enterprise Repertory Management System Based-on J_2EE Framework

  2. 库存仿真软件的设计与应用&以ARENA为例

    The Design and Application of an Inventory Simulation Software-ARENA

  3. WidgetCo已经用Java语言编写了其自己的帐单和库存管理软件。

    WidgetCo has written its own billing and inventory-management software in the Java language .

  4. 本文以JH超市的库存管理软件开发项目为研究对象,利用项目管理和软件开发的相关理论,对该项目的进度体系、进度计划的编制和实施控制进行深入分析和研究。

    In this paper , JH supermarket inventory management software development project for the study , use of project management and software development theories , the progress of the project system , the progress of the project preparation and implementation of control of in-depth analysis and research .

  5. 库存管理软件据油罐标定后的油罐容积表计算出产品体积。

    Volume was calculated with storage manage software by gauged volume table of oil tank .

  6. 小型印染厂库存管理软件设计之我见

    My Opinion on the Design of the Inventory Management Software of the Small-sized Printing and Dyeing Mill

  7. 课题以供应链环境下协同库存管理软件的研究与开发为应用背景。

    This paper presents inventory management software of collaborative based on the research and development of supply chain .

  8. 着重对系统开发的框架、理论依据和软件开发步骤进行了详细论述,在此基础上开发出了界面人性化、操作方便、结果可视化的库存管理软件。

    Focus on the framework , the theoretical basis of system development and software development steps are discussed in detail .

  9. 我们的产品在跟踪库存的软件方面很有特色,它能不间断地,实时地更新并跟踪库存信息。

    Lora : Our product features inventory tracking software , which continuously updates and tracks your inventory on a real-time basis .

  10. 论文介绍了冷轧生产库存控制软件系统的设计与系统数据库的设计,说明了系统各个模块的功能。

    The paper introduces the designed for software system and database system of the Cold-rolling production scheduling and show the function of every module .

  11. 装备制造企业库存模式研究与软件实现

    Research on Inventory Pattern and Realization of Inventory Management System

  12. 内部调查组将问题归咎为工人把库存数据录入记录软件时犯下的“简单的操作性错误”。

    The internal inquiry blamed the problem on " simple operational mistakes " by workers logging inventory in record-keeping software .

  13. 根据需求到软件体系结构的映射关系和特征模型到软件体系结构模型的映射过程,对库存管理系统的软件体系结构模型进行了设计。

    Based on the analysis for the development process , research style of software architecture and according to the mapping relationship among requirement software architecture and the mapping process between feature model and software architecture model , this thesis designs the software architecture models with the feature models .

  14. 本课题借鉴了国际先进物流仿真软件的开发经验,结合我国制造业库存系统的实际情况,开发了专门用于库存系统仿真的软件ISim。

    Learning development experience of advanced logistics simulation softwares , based on the actual conditions and need of the inventory system of manufacture industry in our country , an inventory system simulation software package called ISim has been developed .

  15. 论文针对国际市场汽车零配件库存管理应用需求,设计并实现了一套零配件跨国贸易库存控制系统软件。

    The paper designed and achieved a software of real-time stock control system used for the spare parts cross-border trade .