
  • 网络modified index;modification indices;modification index
  1. 文中还提出了将电压暂降纳入到供电可靠性定义中的思路,并探讨性地给出了计及暂降等效时间的供电可靠率修正指标RS。

    It also proposes that the definition of power supply reliability should consider the voltage sags , and represent a discussional RS index to revise the reliability .

  2. 并从定量指标和定性指标两个方面详细介绍了绩效评价指标的设计,其中定量指标包括基本指标和修正指标两个层次;

    And it introduces the design of performance evaluation indexes from quantitative index and qualitative index . Quantitative index includes basal index and amendatory index .

  3. 本文系统地分析了高新技术企业的价值及其影响因素,建立了一套较科学的高新技术企业价值评估因素修正指标体系,对现有的高新技术企业价值评估模型进行了修正。

    And set up relatively reasonable revise index system of factor influencing new high-tech enterprise value assess , to revise existing assess model of new high-tech enterprise value .

  4. 其方法实质上是加权最小二乘拟合与叠代修正指标化的技巧相结合的平滑过程。

    Substantially , this method is a smoothing process resulted from the mathematical skills of weighted least square fitting , combining with the iterative method for correct indexing .

  5. 在因子分析法尝试失败后,剖析了因子分析法失败的原因,并进一步说明了因子分析法对于今后该领域内的研究中对于修正指标和确定权重的重要作用。

    In the attempt of factor analysis , it failed . Then I try to find out the reasons for the failure , and illustrates the important role that the factor analysis for future studies to determine the weight and amendments .

  6. 其自学习机制可修正初始指标,完善专家系统。

    The initial index is modified and expert system is perfected with self-learn mechanism .

  7. 还提出了加强绩效考核辅导培训、建立绩效申诉制度、修正考核指标等制度保障措施,确保绩效考核体系的有效实施和在企业人才队伍建设中所起的激励作用。

    To ensure effective examine of the performance evaluation system , provide performance evaluation training , establish performance redress system , amendment performance indicator and the other guarantee methods .

  8. 第三部分在前两部分理论研究的基础上,提出了世界遗产地游客满意度模型和世界遗产地游客满意度测评指标体系,并运用专家打分法对测评指标体系进行了初步修正和指标赋权。

    Based on the first two parts , the third part draws up a tourist satisfaction measurement index model and system for World Heritage destination tourism , then applies expert evaluation method to amend the initial system and determine the index weight .

  9. 最后作者对钢铁行业上市公司董事会特征指标体系进行了修正,指标体系由原来的六个维度二十个变量修正为五个维度十七个变量。第五章对钢铁行业上市公司绩效进行了评价。

    Finally , the paper modifies the indicator system , the system was from the original target system " 6 dimensions 20 variables " to " 5 dimensions 17 variables " . The Chapter five evaluates the performance of the listed companies .

  10. 最小二乘法晶胞常数修正和衍射指标化BASIC程序

    Basic Programs for Cell Parameters Refinement by Least Square and for Index of Diffraction Lines

  11. 使用DEA结果修正的多指标综合绩效评价方法

    Method for multiple-parameters evaluation modified by DEA model

  12. 贝叶斯动态线性模型(简称为BayesDLM)是一种特殊的预测方法,它以一个动态方程组和先验信息为基础,通过一组递推修正方程预测指标的变化情况。

    Bayes dynamic linear models ( abbreviated as Bayes DLM ) is a special of forecasting method , which can forecast the status of index , on the basis of dynamic equations and a priori information , through a set of recurrent modification equations .

  13. 此外,新体系改善了指标权重的赋予方法,对原有主观权重进行客观修正,使指标权重系数更加合理可靠。

    It makes the indexes weight more reasonable by combining subjective weight and objective weight .

  14. 每步都通过使用极差法、均值权重法、综合指数法等方法计算进行实证研究,分析其修正后评价指标体系的优劣。

    Each step use the poor , average weight method , the composite index and other empirical research method to analyze the revised evaluation index system .

  15. 在评述34份规划与评价报告中该指标体系使用情况的基础上,从生态居住区的内涵出发,新增并修正了部分指标。

    Based on analyzing the application of ecological suitability indicator system of residential areas to 34 assessment and planning statements , the paper added and revised parts of the indicator from the viewpoint of ecological residential area .

  16. 修正后的指标体系有反映居住区自然与人文生态环境的二级指标2项,三级指标8项,四级指标17项,基本实现了各项指标的定量化衡量。

    The revised indicator system included 2 indicators at the second level reflecting natural and human ecological environment , 8 indicators at the third level and 17 indicators at the fourth level . The quantitative measurement of the indicators has basically achieved .

  17. 介绍了收益还原法、市场修正法和综合指标评价法三种房地产泡沫评价方法。

    This article introduced three real estate bubble appraise method methods , including the income reducing process , the market correction method and the overall target appraisal method .

  18. 对于小目标图像,修正了两个指标原有的计算方法,分别体现了背景噪声引入虚警的能力和背景区域遮隐目标的能力;

    First the calculation method of the metrics for small target images is modified , and then new calculation algorithms is proposed for the cases when the target is large .

  19. 因此,修正完善已有评价指标体系,使其能科学、合理、全面地反映土地的生态安全状况具有重要意义。

    Therefore , it is great significance to improve the those evaluation index systems to enable them to more scientific , more rational , and more comprehensive picture of the land ecological security .

  20. 其次,建立了设备修正因子的评价指标体系,提出多层次灰色评价法在设备修正因子综合评价中的应用。

    Secondly , presents a comparatively integrated index system for equipment modification factors , puts forward the application of multi - hierarchical grey evaluation method to the integrated assessment for equipment modification factors .

  21. 同时,基于基尼系数的原理引入指标均衡度概念和计算公式,对评价模型进行修正,使各指标评价值的均衡程度在评价过程中得到反映。

    In addition , by means of the target balance degree idea and calculational formula which are based on Gini coefficient , the evaluation model is corrected and the balance degree of evaluation targets is showed in evaluation process .

  22. 钢质悬臂梁物理模型实验亦证实基于边界条件的试验模型修正方法、复合指标诊断方法及动力等效子结构方法均具有较好的工程应用前景。

    From the experiment of a steel cantilever beam , one concludes that the composite indicator method , the experiment model updating method based on interface modification and the dynamically equivalent substructure method display the promising application in engineering .

  23. 绩效考核体系的建立过程中关键绩效考核指标的设计是重点和难点,企业必须持续地评估与修正其关键绩效指标及评价方法,确保其持续反映环境变化和组织目标。

    The focal point and difficult point to establish performance evaluation system is to design Key Performance Indicator . Company must continuously evaluate and modify its Key Performance Indicators and evaluation process to ensure that the evaluation system can reflect the environment change and organizational goal .

  24. 在评估确定性和不确定资产价值的基础上,我们得到对公司整体内在价值的评估结果&综合账面权益价值,并利用它考察了我国高技术上市公司股价的修正市净率指标。

    After had the valuation results of assets with certainty or uncertainty attribute , then , we have the total valuation result of the company : synthesized book value , and calculated the revised P / B ratio of the share price of some high-tech listed company .

  25. 由于原有的国际化指标仅仅是各子指标的简单加和,不能体现各个子指标在国际化指标中的重要程度,因此采用了权重修正的方法,计算出了修正的国际化指标。

    Because the original internationalization indexes merely sum up their sub-index and cannot manifest importance of each sub-index , this article introduces the weight revises to calculate the internationalization revision index .